Pascal Oettli
Sensitivity of the C-band SRTM DEM Vertical Accuracy to Terrain Characteristics and Spatial Resolution
This work reports the results of a careful regional analysis of the SRTM DEM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – Digital Elevation Model) vertical accuracy as a function of both topography and Land-Use/Land Cover (LULC). Absolute vertical errors appear LULC-dependent, with some values greater than the stated accuracy of the SRTM dataset, mostly over forested areas. The results show that the structure of the errors is well modeled by a cosine power n of the local incidence angle (θloc). SRTM quality is further assessed using slope and topographical similarity indexes. The results show a lower relative accuracy on slope with a R2 = 0.5 and a moderate agreement (Kappa ≈ 0.4) between SRTM- and …
Précipitations et relief en Afrique orientale et australe : modélisations statistiques et géostatistiques.
By considering two examples in Eastern and Southern Africa, this work has two aims: a better understanding of the influence of topography on the spatial distribution of rainfall and an optimal interpolation of station rainfall data, taking into account topography. To this end, an original methodology is developped, partly derived from previous studies focusing on extratropical regions.First, a statistical model is defined. With the help of a multi-scalar decomposition of topographical information into descriptors, a multiple linear regression is performed. This model is used to better understand the relationship between rainfall and topography. In Eastern Africa, the spatial distribution of…
Interactions entre le cycle diurne de la convection atmosphérique et l'Oscillation de Madden-Julian en Afrique de l'Est
Interactions entre le cycle intrasaisonnier (MJO) et le cycle diurne de la convection atmosphérique. Comment ces deux cycles sont-ils imbriqués ? Quels sont les effets de la MJO sur le déroulement du cycle diurne (durée, intensité, extension spatiale des évènements convectifs) ?
Utilisation d'ensembles de simulations climatiques sur Modèles de Circulation Générale de l'Atmosphère: concepts, méthodes et applications à la climatologie de l'espace Sud-Africain,
International audience
Climate Adjustments over Africa Accompanying the Indian Monsoon Onset
Abstract Rainfall and circulation changes accompanying the Indian monsoon onset are examined, focusing on the African continent and neighboring areas. The Indian Meteorological Department official monsoon onset dates over Kerala (MOK; on average on 1 June) are used. Composites are formed at a pentad (5 days) time scale to compare pre- and postonset conditions. Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) data for 1979–2007 indicate that a substantial rainfall decrease over several parts of Africa is associated with MOK. Significant rainfall anomalies, after removal of the mean seasonal cycle, are found in eastern Africa and the nearby western Indian Ocean. Indian …