M. D. W. Lipp
Reanimation in besonderen Situationen
In besonderen Reanimationsszenarien treten Fragen auf, die nicht ohne spezielle Kenntnisse beantwortet werden konnen. Hieraus eventuell resultierende Unsicherheiten sind in einer Reanimationssituation fur den Patienten potentiell gefahrlich, da Zogern in zeitkritischen Lagen zu weiteren Zellschaden fuhren kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Handlungssicherheit fur ausergewohnliche Reanimationssituationen zu schaffen.
Influence of intravenously administered lidocaine on cerebral blood flow in a baboon model standardized under controlled general anaesthesia using single-photon emission tomography and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime.
The baboon under general anaesthesia as a model to assess drug-induced cerebral blood flow changes (delta CBF) using single-photon emission tomography (SPET) offers great in vivo possibilities but has to comply with demands on control of anaesthesia-related influencing factors, such as PaCO2 changes. The model sought in this study and described here allows control of PaCO2, in the baboon under thiopentone anaesthesia by ventilation, and was evaluated for the functional dependence of delta CBF vs delta PaCO2, using SPET technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) and the split-dose method together with controlled ventilation. During the experiment the model was validated for norma…