Ana M. Blázquez

Biochronological and paleoenvironmental interest of foraminifera lived in restricted environments: application to the study of the western Mediterranean holocene

As a consequence ofthe Flandrian transgression, numerous littoral lakes were f since roughly 6000 BP in the western Mediterranean coast. This kind of environment is colonized, among other groups, by specialized forms of foraminifera. Some species arose in the Upper Tertiary, some others in the Pleistocene and others are exclusively Holocene. Two kinds ofenvironment are proposed in the colonization: one with very low salinity waters where agglutinated test species prevail and another one with brackish waters, dominated by calcareous test species. In addition, Trichohyalus aguayoi can be considered as an acmezone within the Holocene. We propose a cenozone formed by the following assemblage: A…

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Recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages and their relationship to environmental variables on the shoreface and inner shelf off Valencia (Western Mediterranean)

The environmental variables that determine the distributions of benthic foraminiferal assemblages on the shoreface and inner shelf of the north of Valencia province (Western Mediterranean) are identified. The possible influence of variables such as water depth, distance from shore, hydrodynamics, substrate type, carbonate content, organic matter content and human activity is evaluated. Multivariate cluster-Q-type analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) are used to identify the environmental variables that have the greatest influence on the assemblage distribution. The spatial distribution of the assemblages is closely associated with water depth and substrate. The diversity and abundance of …

research product

Environmental evidence of Valencia lagoon coastal barrier stabilization from 8500 BP to Present. Climate and eustatic variations

Abstract The Albufera de Valencia is one of the largest lagoon in the Spanish Mediterranean. Two continuous borehole cores reaching depths of 8 and 14 m in the northern part of the lagoon underwent sedimentological, micropaleontological and biological study. The organic content was also analysed, and 14C radiometric dating and amino acid racemization were performed. Study of the content of benthic foraminifera and n-alkanes and alkanoic acids in the lagoon sedimentary record identified several periods. The core records showed seven different environments: alluvial; freshwater marsh; brackish marsh; brackish lagoon; brackish lagoon with marine connection, backbarrier flat, and backshore. The…

research product

Palaeoenvironments and Quaternary foraminifera in the Elx coastal lagoon (Alicante, Spain)

Abstract During the Quaternary, different palaeoenvironments characterised the Elx coastal lagoon (‘Albufera d'Elx’) located in the easternmost sector of the Betic Ranges (SE Spain). Micropalaeontological and sedimentological analysis of three drilled cores allowed characterization of different sedimentary environments, including alluvial, restricted lagoon, lagoon with marine connection, shoreface, foreshore, backshore, swamp, washover fan, and back-barrier flat. A model of the evolution of this region during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7 is proposed, based on chronostratigraphic correlation between the cores. Up to six transgressive episodes can be recognised, mostly represented by calcare…

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The MIS 5 palaeoenvironmental record in the SE Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (Río Antas, Almería, Spain)

Se realiza un estudio detallado del episodio cálido MIS 5 en la zona sureste de la Península Ibérica. Se realiza la reconstrucción paleoambiental a partir del estudio polínico y biomarcadores de un sondeo perforado en la costa de Almería. La cronología se estableció a partir del método de racemizaciónd e aminoácidos.Landwards of a MIS5 bar, a borehole core (SRA) was analyzed to establish the relationship between the lagoonal record and the raised beach deposits in the surroundings of the Antas river mouth and to reconstruct the Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental evolution 5 of the southern Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. 63 samples were recovered for amino acid racemization datin…

research product

Evidence for Holocene sea level and climate change from Almenara marsh (western Mediterranean)

AbstractIn the Almenara marsh (western Mediterranean), four cores were analyzed to establish the relationship between the marsh record of the Almenara marshlands and the environmental factors responsible for its evolution during the Holocene. One hundred and eighty-six samples were collected for sedimentologic and paleontological study: 63 for biomarker analysis; 5 for amino acid racemization (AAR) dating; and 5 for 14C dating. Litho and biofacies analyses identified distinct paleoenvironments, with the presence of a marsh environment alternating with inputs of alluvial material and marine sediments. Biomarkers indicated the constant presence of terrestrial (herbaceous) plants, together wit…

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