I. L. Osipenkov

Search for the highly suppressed decaysB−→K+π−π−andB−→K−K−π+

We report a search for the decays B- -> K+pi(-)pi(-) and B- -> K-K-pi(+), which are highly suppressed in the standard model. Using a sample of (467 +/- 5) x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected with the BABAR detector, we do not see any evidence of these decays and determine 90% confidence level upper limits of B(B- -> K+pi(-)pi(-)) and K-K-pi(+)) and < 1.6 x 10(-7) on the corresponding branching fractions, including systematic uncertainties.

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Measurement of the semileptonic decaysB¯→Dτ−ν¯τandB¯→D*τ−ν¯τ

We present measurements of the semileptonic decays B{sup -}{yields}D{sup 0}{tau}{sup -}{nu}{sub {tau}}, B{sup -}{yields}D*{sup 0}{tau}{sup -}{nu}{sub {tau}}, B{sup 0}{yields}D{sup +}{tau}{sup -}{nu}{sub {tau}}, and B{sup 0}{yields}D*{sup +}{tau}{sup -}{nu}{sub {tau}}, which are sensitive to non-standard model amplitudes in certain scenarios. The data sample consists of 232x10{sup 6} {upsilon}(4S){yields}BB decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e{sup +}e{sup -} collider. We select events with a D or D* meson and a light lepton (l=e or {mu}) recoiling against a fully reconstructed B meson. We perform a fit to the joint distribution of lepton momentum and missing mass squared …

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Search forCPTand Lorentz Violation inB0−B¯0Oscillations with Dilepton Events

We report results of a search for CPT and Lorentz violation in B{sup 0}-{bar B}{sup 0} oscillations using inclusive dilepton events from 232 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B Factory at SLAC. We find 2.8{sigma} significance, compatible with no signal, for variations in the complex CPT violation parameter z at the Earth's sidereal frequency and extract values for the quantities {Delta}a{sub {mu}} in the general Lorentz-violating standard-model extension. The spectral powers for variations in z over the frequency range 0.26 year{sup -1} to 2.1 day{sup -1} are also compatible with no signal.

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Erratum: Measurement of the absolute branching fractions forDs−→ℓ−ν¯ℓand extraction of the decay constantfDs[Phys. Rev. D82, 091103(R) (2010)]

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Evidence for directCPviolation from Dalitz-plot analysis ofB±→K±π∓π±

We report a Dalitz-plot analysis of the charmless hadronic decays of charged B mesons to the final state K+/- pi+/- pi-/+. Using a sample of 383.2 +/- 4.2 million BBbar pairs collected by the BaBar detector, we measure CP-averaged branching fractions and direct CP asymmetries for intermediate resonant and nonresonant contributions. We find evidence for direct CP violation in the decay B+ -> rho0(770) K+, with a CP violation parameter A_CP = (+44 +/- 10 +/- 4 +5,-13)%.

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Study of the decayDs+→K+K−e+νe

Using 214fb-1 of data recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEPII electron-positron collider, we study the decay Ds+→K+K-e+νe. Except for a small S-wave contribution, the events with K+K- masses in the range 1.01-1.03GeV/c2 correspond to mesons. For Ds+→ e+νe decays, we measure the relative normalization of the Lorentz invariant form factors at q2=0, rV=V(0)/A1(0)=1.849±0.060±0.095, r2=A2(0)/A1(0)=0.763±0. 071±0.065 and the pole mass of the axial-vector form factors mA=(2.28-0.18+0.23±0.18)GeV/c2. Within the same K+K- mass range, we also measure the relative branching fraction B(Ds+→K+K-e+νe)/B(Ds+→K+K- π+)=0.558±0.007±0.016, from which we obtain the total branching fraction B(Ds+→ e+νe)=(2…

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Measurement of the Mass Difference m(B0) - m(B+)

Using 230 million B Bbar events recorded with the BABAR detector at the e+ e- storage rings PEP-II, we reconstruct approximately 4100 B0 to J/psi K+ pi- and 9930 B+ to J/psi K+ decays with J/psi to mu+ mu- and e+ e-. From the measured B-momentum distributions in the e+ e- rest frame, we determine the mass difference m(B0) - m(B+) = (+0.33 +- 0.05 +- 0.03) MeV/c^2.

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Search forfJ(2220)in RadiativeJ/ψDecays

We present a search for f_(J)(2220) production in radiative J/ψ→γf_(J)(2220) decays using 460  fb^(-1) of data collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e^(+)e^(-) collider. The f_(J)(2220) is searched for in the decays to K^(+)K^(-) and K_(S)^(0)K_(S)^(0). No evidence of this resonance is observed, and 90% confidence level upper limits on the product of the branching fractions for J/ψ→γf_(J)(2220) and f_(J)(2220)→K^(+)K^(-)(K_(S)^(0)K_(S)^(0)) as a function of spin and helicity are set at the level of 10^(-5), below the central values reported by the Mark III experiment.

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Measurement of branching fractions ofBdecays toK1(1270)πandK1(1400)πand determination of the CKM angleαfromB0→a1(1260)±π∓

We report measurements of the branching fractions of neutral and charged B meson decays to final states containing a K_1(1270) or K_1(1400) meson and a charged pion. The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, correspond to 454×10^6 BB pairs produced in e^+e^- annihilation. We measure the branching fractions B(B^0→K_1(1270)^+π-+K_1(1400)^+π-)=3.1_(-0.7)^(+0.8)×10^(-5) and B(B^+→K_1(1270)^0π^++K_1(1400)^0π^+)=2.9_(-1.7)^(+2.9)×10^(-5) (<8.2×10^(-5) at 90% confidence level), where the errors are statistical and systematic combined. The B^0 decay mode is observed with a significance of 7.5σ, while a significance of 3.2σ is obtained for the B^+ decay…

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B-meson decays toη′ρ,η′f0, andη′K*

We present measurements of B-meson decays to the final states η′ρ, η′f_0, and η′K*, where K* stands for a vector, scalar, or tensor strange meson. We observe a significant signal or evidence for η′ρ^+ and all the η′K* channels. We also measure, where applicable, the charge asymmetries, finding results consistent with no direct CP violation in all cases. The measurements are performed on a data sample consisting of 467 × 10^6 BB(overbar) pairs, collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e^+e^- collider at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Our results favor the theoretical predictions from perturbative QCD and QCD factorization and we observe an enhancement of the tensor K*_2(143…

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Measurement of theB0→π−ℓ+νandB+→η(′)ℓ+νbranching fractions, theB0→π−ℓ+νandB+→ηℓ+νform-factor shapes, and determination of|Vub|

We report the results of a study of the exclusive charmless semileptonic decays, B^+ → η^((′))l^+ν and B^0 → π^-l^+ν, undertaken with approximately 464 × 10^6 BB pairs collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. The analysis uses events in which the signal B decays are reconstructed with a loose neutrino reconstruction technique. We obtain partial branching fractions for B^+ → ηl^+ν and B^0 → π^-l^+ν decays in three and 12 bins of q^2, respectively, from which we extract the f_+(q^2) form-factor shapes and the total branching fractions B(B^+ → ηl^+ν)=(0.36 ± 0.05_(stat) ± 0.04_(syst))× 10^(-4) and B(B^0 → π^-l^+ν)=(1.42 ± 0.05_(stat) ± 0.07_(syst)) × 10^(-4). We also measure B…

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Measurement ofcos2βinB0→D(*)h0Decays with a Time-Dependent Dalitz Plot Analysis ofD→Ks0π+π−

We study the time-dependent Dalitz plot of D-->K_{S};{0}pi;{+}pi;{-} in B;{0}-->D;{(*)}h;{0} decays, where h;{0} is a pi;{0}, eta, eta;{'}, or omega meson and D;{*}-->Dpi;{0}, using a data sample of 383x10;{6} Upsilon(4S)-->BB[over ] decays collected with the BABAR detector. We determine cos2beta=0.42+/-0.49+/-0.09+/-0.13, sin2beta=0.29+/-0.34+/-0.03+/-0.05, and |lambda|=1.01+/-0.08+/-0.02, where the first error is statistical, the second is the experimental systematic uncertainty, and the third, where given, is the Dalitz model uncertainty. Assuming the world average value for sin2beta and |lambda|=1, cos2beta>0 is preferred over cos2beta<0 at 86% confidence level.

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Measurement of the spin of the Xi(1530) resonance

The properties of the Xi(1530) resonance are investigated in the Lambdac+ --&gt; Xi- pi+ K+ decay process. The data sample was collected with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+ e- collider operating at center of mass energies 10.58 and 10.54 GeV. The corresponding integrated luminosity is approximately 230 inverse fb. The spin of the Xi(1530) is established to be 3/2. The existence of an S-wave amplitude in the Xi- pi+ system is inferred, and its interference with the Xi(1530)0 amplitude provides the first clear demonstration of the Breit-Wigner phase motion expected for the Xi(1530). The P_1(cos[theta(Xi-)]) Legendre polynomial moment indicates the presence of a sig…

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Measurements of the branching fractions ofB0→K*0K+K−,B0→K*0π+K−,B0→K*0K+π−, andB0→K*0π+π−

Branching fraction measurements of charmless B{sup 0}{yields}K*{sup 0}h{sub 1}{sup +}h{sub 2}{sup -} (h{sub 1,2}=K, {pi}) decays are presented, using a data sample of 383x10{sup 6} {upsilon}(4S){yields}BB decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B-meson factory at SLAC. The results are B(B{sup 0}{yields}K*{sup 0}K{sup +}K{sup -})=(27.5{+-}1.3{+-}2.2)x10{sup -6}, B(B{sup 0}{yields}K*{sup 0}{pi}{sup +}K{sup -})=(4.6{+-}1.1{+-}0.8)x10{sup -6}, and B(B{sup 0}{yields}K*{sup 0}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -})=(54.5{+-}2.9{+-}4.3)x10{sup -6}. The first errors quoted are statistical and the second are systematic. An upper limit is set for B(B{sup 0}{yields}K*{sup 0}K{sup +}{p…

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Exclusive initial-state-radiation production of theDD¯,D*D¯, andD*D¯*systems

We perform a study of the exclusive production of in initial-state-radiation events, from e(+)e(-) annihilations at a center-of-mass energy near 10.58 GeV, to search for charmonium and possible new resonances. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 384 fb(-1) and was recorded by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II storage rings. The D (D) over bar, D*(D) over bar, D*(D) over bar* mass spectra show clear evidence of several psi resonances. However, there is no evidence for Y(4260) -> D*(D) over bar or Y(4260) -> D*(D) over bar*.

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Time-dependent and time-integrated angular analysis ofB→φKS0π0andφK±π∓

We perform a time-dependent and time-integrated angular analysis of the B{sup 0} {yields} {psi}K*(892){sup 0}, {psi}K*{sub 2}(1430{sup 0}), and {psi}(K{pi}){sub S-wave}{sup 0} decays with the final sample of about 465 million B{bar B} pairs recorded with the BABAR detector. Overall, twelve parameters are measured for the vector-vector decay, nine parameters for the vector-tensor decay, and three parameters for the vector-scalar decay, including the branching fractions, CP-violation parameters, and parameters sensitive to final state interaction. We use the dependence on the K{pi} invariant mass of the interference between the scalar and vector or tensor components to resolve discrete ambigu…

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Improved measurement ofCPobservables inB±→DCP0K±decays

We present a study of the decay B{sup -} {yields} D{sub (CP)}{sup 0}K{sup -} and its charge conjugate, where D{sub (CP)}{sup 0} is reconstructed in both a non-CP flavor eigenstate and in CP (CP-even and CP-odd) eigenstates, based on a sample of 382 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e{sup +}e{sup -} storage ring. We measure the direct CP asymmetries A{sub CP{+-}} and the ratios of the branching fractions R{sub CP{+-}}: A{sub CP+} = 0.27 {+-} 0.09(stat) {+-} 0.04(syst), A{sub CP-} = -0.09 {+-} 0.09(stat) {+-} 0.02(syst), R{sub CP+} = 1.06 {+-} 0.10(stat) {+-} 0.05(syst), R{sub CP-} = 1.03 {+-} 0.10(stat) {+-} 0.05(syst). These resul…

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Study ofB→X(3872)K, withX(3872)→J/ψπ+π−

We present measurements of the decays B+ -> X(3872) K+ and B0 -> X(3872) K0 with X(3872) -> Jpsi pi+ pi-. The data sample used, collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- asymmetric-energy storage ring, corresponds to 455 x 10^6 BBbar pairs. Branching fraction measurements of BF(B+ -> X(3872) K+) x BF(X(3872) -> Jpsi pi+ pi-) = (8.4 +/- 1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10^{-6} and BF(B0 -> X(3872) K0) x BF(X(3872) -> Jpsi pi+ pi- = (3.5 +/- 1.9 +/- 0.4) x 10^{-6} are obtained. We set an upper limit on the natural width of the X(3872) of Gamma < 3.3 MeV/c^2 at the 90% confidence level.

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Evidence for theηb(1S)Meson in RadiativeΥ(2S)Decay

We have performed a search for the eta_b(1S) meson in the radiative decay of the Upsilon(2S) resonance using a sample of 91.6 million Upsilon(2S) events recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B factory at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. We observe a peak in the photon energy spectrum at E_gamma = 610.5 {+4.5} {-4.3} (stat) +/- 1.8 (syst) MeV, corresponding to an eta_b(1S) mass of 9392.9 {+4.6} {-4.8} (stat) +/- 1.9 (syst) MeV/c^2. The branching fraction for the decay Upsilon(2S) --> gamma eta_b(1S) is determined to be (4.2 {+1.1} {-1.0} (stat) +/- 0.9 (syst)) x 10^(-4). The ratio B(Upsilon(2S) --> gamma eta_b(1S))/B(Upsilon(3S) --> gamma eta_b(1S)) = 0.89 {+0.25} {-0.23} (…

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Searches for the decaysB0→l±τ∓andB+→l+ν(l=e,μ) using hadronic tag reconstruction

We present searches for the leptonic decays B{sup +} {yields} {ell}{sup +}{nu} and the lepton flavor violating decays B{sup 0} {yields} {ell}{sup {+-}}{tau}{sup {-+}}, where {ell} = e, {mu}, with data collected by the BABAR experiment at SLAC. This search demonstrates a novel technique in which we fully reconstruct the accompanying {bar B} in {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} events, and look for a monoenergetic lepton from the signal B decay. The signal yield is extracted from a fit to the signal lepton candidate momentum distribution in the signal B rest frame. Using a data sample of approximately 378 million B{bar B} pairs (342 fb{sup -1}), we find no evidence of signal in any of the decay…

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Bmeson decays to charmless meson pairs containingηorη′mesons

We present updated measurements of the branching fractions for B-0 meson decays to eta K-0, eta eta, eta phi, eta omega, eta K-'(0), eta(')eta('), eta(')phi, and eta(')omega, and branching fractions and CP-violating charge asymmetries for B+ decays to eta pi(+), eta K+, eta(')pi(+), and eta K-'(+). The data represent the full data set of 467x10(6) BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Besides large signals for the four charged B decay modes and for B-0 ->eta K-'(0), we find evidence for three B-0 decay modes at greater than 3.0 sigma significance. We find B(B-0 ->eta K-0)=(1.15(-0.38)(+0.43)+…

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Observation ofe+e−→ρ+ρ−nears=10.58  GeV

We report the first observation of e^+e^- → ρ^+ρ^-, in a data sample of 379 fb^(-1) collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring at center-of-mass energies near √s = 10:58 GeV. We measure a cross section of σ(e^+e^- → ρ^+ρ^-)= 8:3 ± 0:7(stat)± 0:8(syst) fb within the range of │cosθ^*│ < 0:8 and │ cosθ_±│ < 0:85, where θ^* is the center-of-mass polar angle of the ρ^± meson and θ_± are the angles in the ρ^± rest frame between the direction of the boost from the laboratory frame and the direction of the π^±. Assuming production through single-photon annihilation, there are three independent helicity amplitudes. We measure the ratios of their squared moduli to be │F_(00)│^2…

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Observation ofB0→K*0K¯*0and Search forB0→K*0K*0

We report the observation of the b-->d penguin-dominated decay B;{0}-->K;{*0}K[over ];{*0} with a sample of 383.2+/-4.2 million BB[over ] pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e;{+}e;{-} collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The measured branching fraction is B(B;{0}-->K;{*0}K[over ];{*0})=[1.28_{-0.30};{+0.35}+/-0.11]x10;{-6} and the fraction of longitudinal polarization is f_{L}(B;{0}-->K;{*0}K[over ];{*0})=0.80_{-0.12};{+0.10}+/-0.06. The first error quoted is statistical and the second systematic. We also obtain an upper limit at the 90% confidence level on the branching fraction for B(B;{0}-->K;{*0}K;{*0})<0.41x10;{-6}.

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Evidence for DirectCPViolation in the Measurement of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa AngleγwithB∓→D(*)K(*)∓Decays

We report the measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating angle {gamma} through a Dalitz plot analysis of neutral D meson decays to K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} and K{sub S}{sup 0} K{sup +}K{sup -} produced in the processes B{sup {-+}} {yields} DK{sup {-+}}, B{sup {-+}} {yields} D* K{sup {-+}} with D* {yields} D{pi}{sup 0}, D{gamma}, and B{sup {-+}} {yields} DK*{sup {-+}} with K*{sup {-+}} {yields} K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup {-+}}, using 468 million B{bar B} pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} collider at SLAC. We measure {gamma} = (68 {+-} 14 {+-} 4 {+-} 3){sup o} (modulo 180{sup o}), where the first error is statistica…

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Measurement of the branching fractions of the radiative charm decaysD0→K¯*0γandD0→ϕγ

We present a measurement of the branching fractions for the Cabibbo-favored radiative decay D^0→K ^(*0) γ and the Cabibbo-suppressed radiative decay D^0→ϕγ. These measurements are based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 387.1  fb^(-1) and recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e^+e^- asymmetric-energy collider operating at center-of-mass energies 10.58 and 10.54 GeV. We measure the branching fractions relative to the well-studied decay D^0→K^-π^+ and find B(D^0→K ^(*0) γ)/B(D^0→K^-π^+)=(8.43±0.51±0.70)×10^(-3) and B(D^0→ϕγ)/B(D^0→K^-π^+)=(7.15±0.78±0.69)×10^(-4), where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. This is the first observat…

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Study of resonances in exclusiveBdecays toD¯(*)D(*)K

We present a study of resonances in exclusive decays of $B$ mesons to $\bar{D}^{(*)} D^{(*)} K$. We report the observation of the decays $B \to \Dbar^{(*)} D^+_{s1}(2536)$ where the $D^+_{s1}(2536)$ is reconstructed in the $D^{*0}K^+$ and $D^{*+} K^0_S$ decay channels. We report also the observation of the decays $B \to \psi(3770) K$ where the $\psi(3770)$ decays to $\Dbar^0 D^0$ and $D^- D^+$. In addition, we present the observation of an enhancement for the $\Dbar^{*0} D^0$ invariant mass in the decays $B \to \Dbar^{*0} D^0 K$, at a mass of $(3875.1 {}^{+0.7}_{-0.5} \pm 0.5)$ MeV/$c^2$ with a width of $(3.0 {}^{+1.9}_{-1.4} \pm 0.9)$ MeV (the first errors are statistical and the second ar…

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Dalitz plot analysis ofB±→π±π±π∓decays

We present a Dalitz plot analysis of charmless B-+/- decays to the final state pi(+/-)pi(+/-)pi(-/+) using a sample of (465 +/- 5)x10(6) B(B)over bar pairs collected by the BABAR experiment at root s=10.58 GeV. We measure the branching fractions B(B-+/-->pi(+/-)pi(+/-)pi(-/+))=(15.2 +/- 0.6 +/- 1.2 +/- 0.4)x10(-6), B(B-+/-->rho(0)(770)pi(+/-))=(8.1 +/- 0.7 +/- 1.2(-1.1)(+0.4))x10(-6), B(B-+/--> f(2)(1270)pi(+/-))=(1.57 +/- 0.42 +/- 0.16(-0.19)(+0.53))x10(-6), and B(B-+/-->pi(+/-)pi(+/-)pi(-/+) nonresonant)=(5.3 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.6(-0.5)(+1.1))x10(-6), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and model-dependent, respectively. Measurements of branching fractions for the modes B-+/-->…

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Observation of the Semileptonic DecaysB→D*τ−ν¯τand Evidence forB→Dτ−ν¯τ

We present measurements of the semileptonic decays B--->D0tau-nutau, B--->D*0tau-nutau, B0-->D+tau-nutau, and B0-->D*+tau-nutau, which are potentially sensitive to non-standard model amplitudes. The data sample comprises 232x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-->BB decays collected with the BABAR detector. From a combined fit to B- and B0 channels, we obtain the branching fractions B(B-->Dtau-nutau)=(0.86+/-0.24+/-0.11+/-0.06)% and B(B-->D*tau-nutau)=(1.62+/-0.31+/-0.10+/-0.05)% (normalized for the B0), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and normalization-mode-related.

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Search forB→K*νν¯decays

We present a search for the decays B→K^*νν using 454×10^6BB pairs collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II B-Factory. We first select an event sample where one B is reconstructed in a semileptonic or hadronic mode with one charmed meson. The remaining particles in the event are then examined to search for a B→K^*νν decay. The charged K^* is reconstructed as K^*+→K_S^0π^+ or K^(*+)→K^+π^0; the neutral K^* is identified in K^(*0)→K^+π^- mode. We establish upper limits at 90% confidence level of B(B^+→K^(*+)νν)<8×10^(-5), B(B^0→K^(*0)νν)<12×10^(-5), and B(B→K^*νν)<8×10^(-5).

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Search forCPviolation in the decayD±→KS0π±

We report on a search for CP violation in the decay D{sup {+-}} {yields} K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup {+-}} using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 469 fb{sup -1} collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric energy e{sup +}e{sup -} storage rings. The CP-violating decay rate asymmetry A{sub CP} is determined to be (-0.44 {+-} 0.13(stat) {+-} 0.10(syst))%, consistent with zero at 2.7 {sigma} and with the standard model prediction of (-0.332 {+-} 0.006)%. This is currently the most precise measurement of this parameter.

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Measurement and interpretation of moments in inclusive semileptonic decays ¯¯¯B→Xcℓ−¯ν

We present results for the moments of observed spectra in inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays to charm hadrons (B) over bar -> X(c)l(-)(nu) over bar. Moments of the hadronic-mass and the combined mass-and-energy spectra for different minimum electron or muon momenta between 0.8 and 1: 9 GeV/c are obtained from a sample of 232 X 10(6) Gamma(4S) -> B (B) over bar events, collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B-meson factory at SLAC. We also present a reevaluation of the moments of electron-energy spectra and partial decay fractions B((B) over bar -> X(c)e(-)(nu) over bar) for minimum electron momenta between 0.6 and 1: 5 GeV/c based on a sample of 51 X 10(6) Gamm…

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Model-independent search for the decay B^{+}→l^{+}ν_{l}γ

We present a search for the radiative leptonic decay B^+ → l^+ν_lγ, where l = e, μ, using a data sample of 465 × 10^6 BB(overbar) pairs collected by the BABAR experiment. In this analysis, we fully reconstruct the hadronic decay of one of the B mesons in Υ(4S) → B^+B^- decays, then search for evidence of B^+ → l^+ν_lγ in the rest of the event. We observe no significant evidence of signal decays and report model-independent branching fraction upper limits of B(B^+ → e^+ν_eγ) < 17 × 10^(-6), B(B^+ → μ^+ν_μγ) < 24 × 10^(-6), and B(B^+ → l^+ν_lγ) < 15.6 × 10^(-6) (l= e or μ), all at the 90% confidence level.

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Measurement of|Vcb|and the Form-Factor Slope inB¯→Dℓ−ν¯ℓDecays in Events Tagged by a Fully ReconstructedBMeson

We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element vertical bar V-cb vertical bar and the form-factor slope rho(2) in (B) over bar -> Dl(-) (nu) over bar (l) decays based on 460 X 10(6) B (B) over bar events recorded at the Gamma(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. (B) over bar -> Dl(-) (nu) over bar (l) decays are selected in events in which a hadronic decay of the second B meson is fully reconstructed. We measure B(B- -> D(0)l(-) (nu) over bar (l))/B(B- -> Xl(-) (nu) over bar (l)) = (0.255 +/- 0.009 +/- 0.009) and B((B) over bar (0) -> D(+)l(-) (nu) over bar (l))/B((B) over bar (0) -> Xl(-) (nu) over bar (l)) = (0.230 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.011), along with the different…

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Constraints on the CKM angleγinB0→D¯0K*0andB0→D0K*0from a Dalitz analysis ofD0andD¯0decays toKSπ+π−

We present constraints on the angle γ of the unitarity triangle with a Dalitz analysis of neutral D decays to KSπ+π- from the processes B0→D0K*0 (B0→D0K*0) and B0→D0K*0 (B0→D0K*0) with K*0→K+π- (K*0→K-π+). Using a sample of 371×106 BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at PEP-II, we constrain the angle γ as a function of rS, the magnitude of the average ratio between b→u and b→c amplitudes. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

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Measurement of theCPAsymmetry inb→sγUsing a Sum of Exclusive Final States

We perform a measurement of the CP asymmetry in b → sγ decays using a sample of 383×10^6 B[overline]B events collected by the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric B factory. We reconstruct 16 flavor-specific B decay modes containing a high-energy photon and a hadronic system X_s containing an s quark. We measure the CP asymmetry to be -0.011±0.030(stat)±0.014(syst) for a hadronic system mass between 0.6 and 2.8 GeV/c^2.

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Improved measurement of the CKM angleγinB∓→D(*)K(*)∓decays with a Dalitz plot analysis ofDdecays toKS0π+π−andKS0K+K−

We report on an improved measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating phase {gamma} through a Dalitz plot analysis of neutral D meson decays to K{sub s}{sup 0}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} and K{sub s}{sup 0}K{sup +}K{sup -} produced in the processes B{sup {-+}} {yields} DK{sup {-+}}, B{sup {-+}} {yields} D* K{sup {-+}} with D* {yields} D{pi}{sup 0}, D{gamma}, and B{sup {-+}} {yields} DK*{sup {-+}} with K8{sup {-+}} {yields} K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup {-+}}. Using a sample of 383 million B{bar B} pairs collected by the BABAR detector, we measure {gamma} = (76 {+-} 22 {+-} 5{+-} 5){sup o} (mod 180{sup o}), where the first error is statistical, the second is the experimental systematic unc…

research product

Measurement of thee+e−→bb¯Cross Section betweens=10.54and 11.20 GeV

We report e;{+}e;{-}-->bb[over ] cross section measurements by the BABAR experiment performed during an energy scan in the range of 10.54 to 11.20 GeV at the SLAC PEP-II e;{+}e;{-} collider. A total relative error of about 5% is reached in more than 300 center-of-mass energy steps, separated by about 5 MeV. These measurements can be used to derive precise information on the parameters of the Upsilon(10860) and Upsilon(11020) resonances. In particular we show that their widths may be smaller than previously measured.

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Improved measurement of time-dependentCPasymmetries and theCP-odd fraction in the decayB0→D*+D*−

We present an updated measurement of time-dependent CP asymmetries and the CP-odd fraction in the decay B0-->D*+D*- using 232x10(6)BB pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II B factory. We determine the CP-odd fraction to be 0.125+/-0.044(stat)+/-0.007(syst). The time-dependent CP asymmetry parameters C+ and S+ are determined to be 0.06+/-0.17(stat)+/-0.03(syst) and -0.75+/-0.25(stat)+/-0.03(syst), respectively. The standard model predicts these parameters to be 0 and -sin2beta, respectively, in the absence of penguin amplitude contributions.

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Observation ofB+→ηρ+and search forB0decays toη′η,ηπ0,η′π0, andωπ0

We present measurements of branching fractions for five B-meson decays to two-body charmless final states. The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, represent 459x10{sup 6} BB pairs. The results for branching fractions are, in units of 10{sup -6} (upper limits at 90% C.L.), B(B{sup +}{yields}{eta}{rho}{sup +})=9.9{+-}1.2{+-}0.8, B(B{sup 0}{yields}{eta}{sup '}{eta})=0.5{+-}0.4{+-}0.1(<1.2), B(B{sup 0}{yields}{eta}{pi}{sup 0})=0.9{+-}0.4{+-}0.1(<1.5), B(B{sup 0}{yields}{eta}{sup '}{pi}{sup 0})=0.9{+-}0.4{+-}0.1(<1.5), and B(B{sup 0}{yields}{omega}{pi}{sup 0})=0.07{+-}0.26{+-}0.02(<0.5). The first error quoted is statistical and the second systemati…

research product

Measurements ofe+e−→K+K−η,K+K−π0, andKs0K±π∓cross sections using initial state radiation events

This paper reports measurements of processes: e+e-→γKS0K±π∓, e+e-→γK+K-π0, e+e-→γϕη, and e+e-→γϕπ0. The initial-state radiated photon allows to cover the hadronic final state in the energy range from thresholds up to ≈4.6  GeV. The overall size of the data sample analyzed is 232  fb-1, collected by the BABAR detector running at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring. From the Dalitz plot analysis of the KS0K±π∓ final state, moduli, and relative phase of the isoscalar and the isovector components of the e+e-→KK*(892) cross section are determined. Parameters of ϕ and ρ recurrences are also measured, using a global fitting procedure which exploits the interconnection among amplitudes, moduli, and phases…

research product

Search for the rare leptonic decaysB+→l+νl(l=e,μ)

We have performed a search for the rare leptonic decays B+ -> l(+) nu(l)(l = e, mu), using data collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring. In a sample of 468 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs we find no evidence for a signal and set an upper limit on the branching fractions B(B+ -> mu(+)nu(mu)) e(+) nu(e)) < 1.9 x 10(-6) at the 90% confidence level, using a Bayesian approach.

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Observation ofY(3940)→J/ψωinB→J/ψωKatBABAR

We present a study of the decays B;{0,+}-->J/psiomegaK;{0,+} using 383x10;{6} BB[over ] events obtained with the BABAR detector at PEP-II. We observe Y(3940)-->J/psiomega, with mass 3914.6_{-3.4};{+3.8}(stat)+/-2.0(syst) MeV/c;{2}, and width 34_{-8};{+12}(stat)+/-5(syst) MeV. The ratio of B0 and B+ decay to YK is 0.27_{-0.23};{+0.28}(stat)-0.01+0.04(syst), and the relevant B0 and B+ branching fractions are reported.

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Observation ofB+→a1+(1260)K0andB0→a1−(1260)K+

We present branching fraction measurements of the decays B(+)-->a(1)(+)(1260)K(0) and B(0)-->a(1)(-)(1260)K(+) with a(1)(+/-)(1260)-->pi(-/+)pi(+/-)pi(+/-). The data sample corresponds to 383 x 10(6) BB pairs produced in e(+)e(-) annihilation through the Upsilon(4S) resonance. We measure the products of the branching fractions B(B(+)-->a(1)(+)(1260)K(0)B(a(1)(+)(1260)-->pi(-)pi(+)pi(+))=(17.4+/-2.5+/-2.2) x 10(-6) and B(B(0)-->a(1)(-)(1260)K(+)B(a(1)(-)(1260)-->pi(+)pi(-)pi(-)) = (8.2+/-1.5+/-1.2) x 10(-6). We also measure the charge asymmetries A(ch)(B(+)-->a(1)(+)(1260)K(0) = 0.12+/-0.11+/-0.02 and A(ch)(B(0)-->a(1)(-)(1260)K+) = -0.16+/-0.12+/-0.01. The first uncertainty quoted is statis…

research product

Observation of the decayB¯0→Λc+p¯π0

In a sample of 467 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP- II collider at SLAC we have observed the decay (B) over bar (0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar pi(0) and measured the branching fraction to be (1.94 +/- 0.17 +/- 0.14 +/- 0.50 x 10(-4), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and the uncertainty on the Lambda(+)(c) -> pK(-)pi(+) branching fraction, respectively. We determine an upper limit of 1.5 x 10(-6) at 90% C.L. for the product branching fraction B((B) over bar (0) -> Sigma(+)(c) (2455)(p) over bar) x B(Lambda(+)(c) -> pK(-) pi(+)). Furthermore, we observe an enhancement at the threshold of the invariant mass of the baryon- antibaryo…

research product

Observation of the Bottomonium Ground State in the Decay Υ(3S)→γηb

The authors report the results of a search for the bottomonium ground state {eta}{sub b}(1S) in the photon energy spectrum with a sample of (109 {+-} 1) million of {Upsilon}(3S) recorded at the {Upsilon}(3S) recorded at the {Upsilon}(3S) energy with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B factory at SLAC. They observe a peak in the photon energy spectrum at E{sub {gamma}} = 921.2{sub -2.8}{sup +2.1}(stat) {+-} 2.4(syst) MeV with a significance of 10 standard deviations. They interpret the observed peak as being due to monochromatic photons from the radiative transition {Upsilon}(3S) {yields} {gamma} {eta}{sub b}(1S). This photon energy corresponds to an {eta}{sub b}(1S) mass of 9388.9{sub -2.3}{…

research product

Search for Dimuon Decays of a Light Scalar Boson in Radiative Transitions Υ→γA0

We search for evidence of a light scalar boson in the radiative decays of the {Upsilon}(2S) and {Upsilon}(3S) resonances: {Upsilon}(2S, 3S) {yields} {gamma}A{sup 0}, A{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -}. Such a particle appears in extensions of the Standaard Model, where a light CP-odd Higgs boson naturally couples strongly to b-quarks. We find no evidence for such processes in the mass range 0.212 {<=} m{sub A{sup 0}} {<=} 9.3 GeV in the samples of 99 x 10{sup 6} {Upsilon}(2S) and 122 x 10{sup 6} {Upsilon}(3S) decays collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B-factory and set stringent upper limits on the effective coupling of the b quark to the A{sup 0}. We also limit the dimuon b…

research product

Searches for Lepton Flavor Violation in the Decaysτ±→e±γandτ±→μ±γ

Searches for lepton-flavor-violating decays of a tau lepton to a lighter mass lepton and a photon have been performed with the entire data set of (963 +/- 7) x 10(6) tau decays collected by the BABAR detector near the Y(4S), Y(3S) and Y(2S) resonances. The searches yield no evidence of signals and we set upper limits on the branching fractions of B(tau(+/-) -> e(+/-)gamma) mu(+/-)gamma) < 4.4 X 10(-8) at 90% confidence level.

research product

Measurement of the branching fractions of the rare decaysB0→Ds(*)+π−,B0→Ds(*)+ρ−, andB0→Ds(*)−K(*)+

The authors report the measurement of the branching fractions of the rare decays B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup (*)+} {pi}{sup -}, B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup (*)+} {rho}{sup -}, and B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup (*)-} K{sup (*)+} in a sample of 381 x 10{sup 6} {Upsilon}(4S) decays into B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} storage ring. They present evidence for the decay B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup -} K*{sup +} and the vector-vector decays B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup *+} {rho}{sup -} and B{sup 0} {yields} D{sub s}{sup *-} K{sup *+}, as well as the first measurement of the vector meson polarization in these decays. They …

research product

Measurement ofB→XγDecays and Determination of|Vtd/Vts|

Using a sample of 383 million $B\bar{B}$ events collected by the $BaBar$ experiment, we measure sums of seven exclusive final states $B\to X_{d(s)}\gamma$, where $X_d$($X_s$) is a non-strange (strange) charmless hadronic system in the mass range $0.6-1.8$ GeV$/c^2$. After correcting for unmeasured decay modes in this mass range, we obtain a branching fraction for $b \to d \gamma$ of $(7.2\pm 2.7(stat.)\pm 2.3(syst.))\times 10^{-6}$. Taking the ratio of $X_d$ to $X_s$ we find $\Gamma(b \to d \gamma)/\Gamma(b \to s \gamma) = 0.033 \pm 0.013 (stat.) \pm 0.009 (syst.),$ from which we determine $|V_{td}/V_{ts}|=0.177\pm 0.043$.

research product

DirectCP, Lepton Flavor, and Isospin Asymmetries in the DecaysB→K(*)l+l−

We measure branching fractions and integrated rate asymmetries for the rare decays B -> K((*))l(+)l(-), where l(+)l(-) is either e(+)e(-) or mu(+)mu(-), using a sample of 384x10(6) BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) collider. We find no evidence for direct CP or lepton-flavor asymmetries. However, for dilepton masses below the J/psi resonance, we find evidence for unexpectedly large isospin asymmetries in both B -> Kl(+)l(-) and B -> K(*)l(+)l(-) which differ, respectively, by 3.2 sigma and 2.7 sigma, including systematic uncertainties, from the standard model expectations.

research product

Study of excited charm-strange baryons with evidence for new baryonsΞc(3055)+andΞc(3123)+

We present a study of excited charm-strange baryon states produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilations at or near a center-of-mass energy of 10.58 GeV, in a data sample with an integrated luminosity of 384 fb{sup -1} recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e storage rings at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We study strong decays of charm-strange baryons to {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sub S}{sup 0}, {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sup -}, {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}, {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, {Lambda}{sub c}{sup +}K{sup -}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}. This study confirms the existence of the state…

research product

Measurement ofCPobservables inB±→DCPK±decays and constraints on the CKM angleγ

Using the entire sample of 467×10^6 Υ(4S)→BB[overbar] decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, we perform an analysis of B^± → DK^± decays, using decay modes in which the neutral D meson decays to either CP-eigenstates or non-CP-eigenstates. We measure the partial decay rate charge asymmetries for CP-even and CP-odd D final states to be A_(CP+) = 0.25±0.06±0.02 and A_(CP-) = -0.09±0.07±0.02, respectively, where the first error is the statistical and the second is the systematic uncertainty. The parameter A_(CP+) is different from zero with a significance of 3.6 standard deviations, constituting evidence f…

research product

Study of hadronic transitions betweenΥstates and observation ofΥ(4S)→ηΥ(1S)decay

We present a study of hadronic transitions between Υ(mS) (m = 4, 3, 2) and Υ(nS) (n = 2, 1) resonances based on 347.5 fb^(-1) of data taken with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings. We report the first observation of Υ(4S) → ηΥ(1S) decay with a branching fraction [script B](Υ(4S) → ηΥ(1S)) = (1.96±0.06_(stat)±0.09_(syst))×10^(-4) and measure the ratio of partial widths Γ(Υ(4S) → ηΥ(1S))/Γ(Υ(4S) → π^+π^-Υ(1S))=2.41±0.40_(stat)±0.12_(syst). We set 90% CL upper limits on the ratios Γ(Υ(2S) → ηΥ(1S))/Γ(Υ(2S) → π^+π^-Υ(1S))<5.2×10^(-3) and Γ(Υ(3S) → ηΥ(1S))/Γ(Υ (3S) → π^+π^-Υ(1S))<1.9×10^(-2). We also present new measurements of the ratios Γ(Υ(4S) → π^+π^-Υ(2S))/Γ(Υ(4S) → π^+ π^-Υ(1S)…

research product

Search forB-meson decays tob1ρandb1K*

We present a search for decays of B mesons to final states with a b(1) meson and a rho or K*(d892) meson. The search is based on a data sample consisting of 465 million B (B) over bar pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. We do not observe any statistically significant signal. The upper limits we set on the branching fractions range from 1.4 to 8.0 x 10(-6) at the 90% confidence level, including systematic uncertainties.

research product

Search for the rare charmless hadronic decayB+→a0+π0

We present a search for B decays to a charged scalar meson a0+ and a pi0 where the a0+ decays to an eta meson and a pi+. The analysis was performed on a data sample consisting of 383x10-6 BBbar pairs collected with the Babar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We find no significant signal and set an upper limit on the product branching fraction BF[(B+ -> a0+ pi0) x (a0+ -> eta pi+)] of 1.4x10-6 at the 90% confidence level.

research product

Search for Second-Class Currents inτ−→ωπ−ντ

We report an analysis of tau- decaying into omega.pi-.nu_tau with omega -> pi+pi-pi0 using a data sample containing nearly 320 million tau pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B-Factory. We find no evidence for second-class currents and we set an upper limit of 0.69% at 90% confidence level for the fraction of second-class currents in this decay mode.

research product

Measurement of theB→Xsγbranching fraction and photon energy spectrum using the recoil method

We present a measurement of the branching fraction and photon-energy spectrum for the decay B -> X-s gamma using data from the BABAR experiment. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 210 fb(-1), from which approximately 680 000 B (B) over bar events are tagged by a fully reconstructed hadronic decay of one of the B mesons. In the decay of the second B meson, an isolated high-energy photon is identified. We measure B(B -> X-s gamma) = (3.66 +/- 0.85(stat) +/- 0.60(syst)) x 10(-4) for photon energies E-gamma above 1.9 GeV in the B rest frame. From the measured spectrum we calculate the first and second moments for different minimum photon energies, which are used to extra…

research product

Search forB+→D+K0andB+→D+K*0decays

We report a search for the rare decays B^+ → D^+K^0 and B^+ → D^+K^0 in an event sample of approximately 465 x 10^6 BB[overbar] pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. We find no significant evidence for either mode and we set 90% probability upper limits on the branching fractions of ℬ(B^+ → D^+K^0) < 2:9 x 10^(-6) and ℬ(B^+ → D^+K*^0) < 3:0 x 10^(-6).

research product

Study ofB→πlνandB→ρlνdecays and determination of|Vub|

We present an analysis of exclusive charmless semileptonic B-meson decays based on 377×106 BB pairs recorded with the BABAR detector at the Υ(4S) resonance. We select four event samples corresponding to the decay modes B0→π-l+ν, B+→π0l+ν, B0→ρ-l+ν, and B+→ρ0l+ν and find the measured branching fractions to be consistent with isospin symmetry. Assuming isospin symmetry, we combine the two B→πlν samples, and similarly the two B→ρlν samples, and measure the branching fractions B(B0→π-l+ν)=(1.41±0.05±0.07)×10-4 and B(B0→ρ-l+ν)=(1.75±0.15±0.27)×10-4, where the errors are statistical and systematic. We compare the measured distribution in q2, the momentum transfer squared, with predictions for the…

research product

Observation ofB0→χc0K*0and evidence forB+→χc0K*+

We present the observation of the decay B0 -> chi_c0K*0 as well as evidence of B+ -> chi_c0K*+, with an 8.9 and a 3.6 standard deviation significance, respectively, using a data sample of 454 million Y(4S) -> BB decays collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II B meson factory located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). The measured branching fractions are: B(B0 -> chi_c0K*0) = (1.7 +/- 0.3 +/- 0.2) * 10^{-4} and B(B+ -> chi_c0K^*+) = (1.4 +/- 0.5 +/- 0.2) * 10^{-4}, where the first quoted errors are statistical and the second are systematic. We obtain a branching fraction upper limit of B(B+ -> chi_c0K*+) < 2.1 * 10^{-4} at the 90% confidence level.

research product

Correlated leading baryon-antibaryon production ine+e−→cc¯→Λc+Λ¯c−X

We present a study of 649 +/- 35 e(+)e(-) -> c (c) over bar events produced at root s approximate to 10.6 GeV containing both Lambda(+)(c) baryon and a (Lambda) over bar (-)(c) antibaryon. The number observed is roughly 4 times that expected if the leading charmed hadron types are uncorrelated, confirming an observation by the CLEO Collaboration. We find a 2-jet topology in these events but very few additional baryons, demonstrating that the primary c and (c) over bar are predominantly contained in a correlated baryon-antibaryon system. In addition to the charmed baryons we observe on average 2.6 +/- 0.2 charged intermediate mesons, predominantly pions, carrying 65% of the remaining energy.

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Study ofB0→π0π0,B±→π±π0, andB±→K±π0decays, and isospin analysis ofB→ππdecays

We present updated measurements of the branching fractions and CP asymmetries for B{sup 0}{yields}{pi}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}, B{sup {+-}}{yields}{pi}{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup 0}, and B{sup {+-}}{yields}K{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup 0}. Based on a sample of 383x10{sup 6} {upsilon}(4S){yields}BB decays collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory at SLAC, we measure B(B{sup 0}{yields}{pi}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0})=(1.47{+-}0.25{+-}0.12)x10{sup -6}, B(B{sup {+-}}{yields}{pi}{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup 0})=(5.02{+-}0.46{+-}0.29)x10{sup -6}, and B(B{sup {+-}}{yields}K{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup 0})=(13.6{+-}0.6{+-}0.7)x10{sup -6}. We also measure the CP asymmetries C{sub {pi}{sup 0}}{sub {pi}{sup 0}}=-0.49{+-}0.…

research product

Search for lepton flavor violating decays τ±→l± ω

A search for lepton flavor violating decays of a {tau} to a lighter-mass charged lepton and an {omega} vector meson is performed using 384.1 fb{sup -1} of e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center PEP-II storage ring. No signal is found, and the upper limits on the branching ratios are determined to be {beta}({tau}{sup {+-}} {yields} e{sup {+-}}{omega}) < 1.1 x 10{sup -7} and {beta}({tau}{sup {+-}} {yields} {mu}{sup {+-}}{omega}) < 1.0 x 10{sup -7} at 90% confidence level.

research product

Searches forBMeson Decays toϕϕ,ϕρ,ϕf0(980), andf0(980)f0(980)Final States

We present the results of searches for B decays to charmless final states involving varphi, f_{0}(980), and charged or neutral rho mesons. The data sample corresponds to 384x10;{6} BB[over ] pairs collected with the BABAR detector operating at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e;{+}e;{-} collider at SLAC. We find no significant signals and determine the following 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions, including systematic uncertainties: B(B;{0}-->varphivarphi) varphirho;{+}) varphirho;{0}) varphif_{0}(980)]xB[f_{0}(980)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}] f_{0}(980)f_{0}(980)]xB[f_{0}(980)-->pi;{+}pi;{-}]xB[f_{0}(980)-->K;{+}K;{-}]<2.3x10;{-7}.

research product

Measurement of the branching fraction, polarization, andCPasymmetries inB0→ρ0ρ0decay, and implications for the CKM angleα

We study B^0→ρ^0ρ^0 decays in a sample of 465×10^6 Υ(4S)→BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). We measure the branching fraction B=(0.92±0.32±0.14)×10^(-6) and longitudinal polarization fraction f_L=0.75_(-0.14)^(+0.11)±0.05, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The evidence for the B^0→ρ^0ρ^0 signal has a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, including systematic uncertainties. We investigate the proper-time dependence of the longitudinal component in the decay and measure the CP-violating coefficients S_L^(00)=(0.3±0.7±0.2) and C_L^(00)=(0.…

research product

Branching fractions andCP-violating asymmetries in radiativeBdecays toηKγ

We present measurements of the CP-violation parameters S and C for the radiative decay B^0 → ηK^0_Sγ for B → ηKγ we also measure the branching fractions and for B^+ → ηK^+γ the time-integrated charge asymmetry A_(ch). The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, represent 465 × 10^6 BB pairs produced in e^+e^- annihilation. The results are S = -0.18^(+0.49)_(-0.46) ± 0.12, C = -0.32^(+0.40)_(-0.39) ± 0.07, B(B^0 → ηK^0γ) = (7.1^(+2.1)_(-2.0) ± 0.4) × 10^(-6), B(B^+ → ηK^+γ) = (7.7 ± 1.0 ± 0.4) × 10^(-6), and A_(ch) = (-9.0^(+10.4)_(-9.8) ± 1.4) × 10^(-2). The first error quoted is statistical and the second systematic.

research product

Exclusive production ofDs+Ds−,Ds*+Ds−, andDs*+Ds*−viae+e−annihilation with initial-state radiation

We perform a study of exclusive production of D{sub s}{sup +}D{sub s}{sup -}, D{sub s}{sup *+}D{sub s}{sup -}, and D{sub s}{sup *+}D{sub s}{sup *-} final states in initial-state-radiation events from e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilations at a center-of-mass energy near 10.58 GeV, to search for charmonium 1{sup --} states. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 525 fb{sup -1} and was recorded by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II storage ring. The D{sub s}{sup +}D{sub s}{sup -}, D{sub s}{sup *+}D{sub s}{sup -}, and D{sub s}{sup *+}D{sub s}{sup *-} mass spectra show evidence of the known {psi} resonances. Limits are extracted for the branching ratios of the decays X(4260){yields}…

research product

Search forB+→τ+νdecays with hadronicBtags

We present a search for the decay B{sup +}{yields}{tau}{sup +}{nu} using 383x10{sup 6} BB pairs collected at the {upsilon}(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II B Factory. We select a sample of events with one completely reconstructed tag B in a hadronic decay mode (B{sup -}{yields}D{sup (*)0}X{sup -}), and examine the rest of the event to search for a B{sup +}{yields}{tau}{sup +}{nu} decay. We identify the {tau} lepton in the following modes: {tau}{sup +}{yields}e{sup +}{nu}{nu}, {tau}{sup +}{yields}{mu}{sup +}{nu}{nu}, {tau}{sup +}{yields}{pi}{sup +}{nu}, and {tau}{sup +}{yields}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}{nu}. We find a 2.2{sigma} excess in data and measure a branching frac…

research product

Measurements of theτmass and the mass difference of theτ+andτ−atBABAR

We present the result from a precision measurement of the mass of the tau lepton, M-tau, based on 423 fb(-1) of data recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. Using a pseudomass endpoint method, we determine the mass to be 1776.68 +/- 0.12(stat)+/- 0.41(syst) MeV. We also measure the mass difference between the tau(+) and tau(-), and obtain (M-tau(+)-M-tau(-))/M-AVG(tau)=(-3.4 +/- 1.3(stat)+/- 0.3(syst))x10(-4), where M-AVG(tau) is the average value of M-tau(+) and M-tau(-).

research product

Measurements ofB(B¯0→Λc+p¯)andB(B−→Λc+p¯π−)and studies ofΛc+π−resonances

We present an investigation of the decays B-0 -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar and B- -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar pi(-) based on 383 X 10(6)Y(4S) -> B (B) over bar decays recorded with the BABAR detector. We measure the branching fractions of these decays; their ratio is B(B- -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar pi(-))/B((B) over bar (0) -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar) = 15.4 +/- 1.8 +/- 0.3. The B- -> Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar pi(-) process exhibits an enhancement at the Lambda(+)(c)(p) over bar threshold and is a laboratory for searches for excited charm baryon states. We observe the resonant decays B- -> Sigma(c)(2455)(0)(p) over bar and B- -> Sigma(c)(2800)(0)(p) over bar but see no evidence for B- -> Si…

research product

Evidence for thehb(1P)meson in the decayΥ(3S)→π0hb(1P)

Using a sample of 122×10^6 Υ(3S) events recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- collider at SLAC, we search for the h_b(1P) spin-singlet partner of the P-wave χ_(bJ)(1P) states in the sequential decay Υ(3S)→π^0h_b(1P), hb(1P)→γη_b(1S). We observe an excess of events above background in the distribution of the recoil mass against the π0 at mass 9902±4(stat)±2(syst)  MeV/c^2. The width of the observed signal is consistent with experimental resolution, and its significance is 3.1σ, including systematic uncertainties. We obtain the value (4.3±1.1(stat)±0.9(syst))×10^(-4) for the product branching fraction B(Υ(3S)→π^0h_b)×B(h_b→γη_b).

research product

Measurement of theτ−→ηπ−π+π−ντbranching fraction and a search for a second-class current in theτ−→η′(958)π−ντdecay

The τ-→ηπ-π+π-ντ decay with the η→γγ mode is studied using 384  fb-1 of data collected by the BABAR detector. The branching fraction is measured to be (1.60±0.05±0.11)×10-4. It is found that τ-→f1(1285)π-ντ→ηπ-π+π-ντ is the dominant decay mode with a branching fraction of (1.11±0.06±0.05)×10-4. The first error on the branching fractions is statistical and the second systematic. Note that no particle identification algorithm is applied to the charged tracks to distinguish pions from kaons. In addition, a 90% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction of the τ-→η′(958)π-ντ decay is measured to be 7.2×10-6. This last decay proceeds through a second-class current and is expected to …

research product

Measurement of theB+→ωl+νandB+→ηl+νbranching fractions

We present a study of the charmless semileptonic B-meson decays B{sup +}{yields}{omega}l{sup +}{nu} and B{sup +}{yields}{eta}l{sup +}{nu}. The analysis is based on 3.83x10{sup 8} BB pairs recorded at the {upsilon}(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. The {omega} mesons are reconstructed in the channel {omega}{yields}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup 0} and the {eta} mesons in the channels {eta}{yields}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup 0} and {eta}{yields}{gamma}{gamma}. We measure the branching fractions B(B{sup +}{yields}{omega}l{sup +}{nu})=(1.14{+-}0.16{sub stat}{+-}0.08{sub syst})x10{sup -4} and B(B{sup +}{yields}{eta}l{sup +}{nu})=(0.31{+-}0.06{sub stat}{+-}0.08{sub syst})x10{sup -4}.

research product

Search forCPviolation in neutralDmeson Cabibbo-suppressed three-body decays

Using 385fb-1 of e+e- collision data collected at center-of-mass energies around 10.6 GeV, we search for time-integrated CP violation in the Cabibbo-suppressed decays D0/D0→π-π+π0 and D0/D0→K-K+π0 with both model-independent and model-dependent methods. Measurements of the asymmetries in amplitudes of flavor states and CP eigenstates provide constraints on theories beyond the standard model, some of which predict CP violation in amplitudes at the 1% level or higher. We find no evidence of CP violation and hence no conflict with the standard model. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

research product

Measurement ofD0−D¯0mixing using the ratio of lifetimes for the decaysD0→K−π+andK+K−

We present a measurement of ${D}^{0}\mathrm{\text{\ensuremath{-}}}{\overline{D}}^{0}$ mixing and $CP$ violation using the ratio of lifetimes simultaneously extracted from a sample of ${D}^{0}$ mesons produced through the flavor-tagged process ${D}^{*+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{D}^{0}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, where ${D}^{0}$ decays to ${K}^{\ensuremath{\mp}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$, ${K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{+}$, or ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, along with the untagged decays ${D}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{\ensuremath{\mp}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$ and ${D}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}…

research product

Evidence forX(3872)→ψ(2S)γinB±→X(3872)K±Decays and a Study ofB→cc¯γK

In a search for B --> ccbar gamma K decays with the BaBar detector, where ccbar includes J/psi and psi(2S), and K includes K+, Ks, and K*(892), we find evidence for X(3872) --> J/psi gamma and X(3872) --> psi(2S) gamma with 3.6 sigma and 3.5 sigma significance, respectively. We measure the product of branching fractions BR(B+ --> X(3872) K+) x BR(X(3872) --> J/psi gamma) = (2.8 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 0.2(syst.)) x 10^(-6) and BR(B+ --> X(3872) K+) x BR(X(3872) --> psi(2S) gamma) = (9.9 +/- 2.9(stat.) +/- 0.6(syst.)) x 10^(-6).

research product

Measurement of ratios of branching fractions andCP-violating asymmetries ofB±→D*K±decays

We report a study of B^± → D^*K^± decays with D^* decaying to Dπ^0 or Dγ, using 383×10^6 B[overline B] pairs collected at the Y(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II B Factory. The D meson decays under study include a non-CP mode (K^±π^-/_+), CP-even modes (K^±K^-/_+,π^±π^-/_+), and CP-odd modes (K_S^0π^0,K_S^0φ,K_S^0ω). We measure ratios (R^*_(CP±) of branching fractions of decays to CP eigenmode states and to flavor-specific states as well as CP asymmetries (A^*_(CP±). These measurements are sensitive to the unitarity triangle angle γ. We obtain A_(CP+)^*=-0.11±0.09±0.01, R_(CP+)^*=1.31±0.13±0.04, and A_(CP-)^*=0.06±0.10±0.02, R_(CP-)^*=1.10±0.12±0.04, where the first e…

research product

Observation ofBmeson decays toωK*and improved measurements forωρandωf0

We present measurements of B meson decays to the final states {omega}K*, {omega}{rho}, and {omega}f{sub 0}, where K* indicates a spin 0, 1, or 2 strange meson. The data sample corresponds to 465 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e{sup +}e{sup -} collider at SLAC. B meson decays involving vector-scalar, vector-vector, and vector-tensor final states are analyzed; the latter two shed new light on the polarization of these final states. We measure the branching fractions for nine of these decays; five are observed for the first time. For most decays we also measure the charge asymmetry and, where relevant, the longitudinal polarization f{sub L}.

research product

Measurement ofCPviolation observables and parameters for the decaysB±→DK*±

We study the decay B--> DK*- using a sample of 379x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B factory. We perform a Gronau-London-Wyler analysis where the D meson decays into either a CP-even (CP+) eigenstate (K+K-, pi(+)pi(-)), CP-odd (CP-) eigenstate (K-S(0)pi(0), K-S(0)phi, K-S(0)omega) or a non-CP state (K-pi(+)). We also analyze D meson decays into K+pi(-) from a Cabibbo-favored D-0 decay or doubly suppressed D-0 decay [Atwood-Dunietz-Soni (ADS) analysis]. We measure observables that are sensitive to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle gamma: the partial-rate charge asymmetries A(CP +/-), the ratios R-CP +/- of the B-decay branching fractions in CP …

research product

Observation of the Decay B+→K+K−π+

We report the observation of charmless hadronic decays of charged B mesons to the final state K + K − π + . Using a data sample of 347.5     fb − 1 collected at the Υ ( 4 S ) resonance with the BABAR detector, we observe 429 ± 43 signal events with a significance of 9.6 σ . We measure the inclusive branching fraction B ( B + → K + K − π + ) = [ 5.0 ± 0.5 ( stat ) ± 0.5 ( syst ) ] × 10 − 6 . Inspection of the Dalitz plot of signal candidates shows a broad structure peaking near 1.5     GeV / c 2 in the K + K − invariant mass distribution. We find the direct C P asymmetry to be consistent with zero.

research product

Observation of the rare decay B0→KS0K±π∓

We report an analysis of charmless hadronic decays of neutral B mesons to the final state (KSK +/-)-K-0 pi(-/+), using a data sample of (465 +/- 5) x 10(6) B (B) over bar events collected with the BABAR detector at the Gamma(4S) resonance. We observe an excess of signal events with a significance of 5.2 standard deviations including systematic uncertainties and measure the branching fraction to be B(B-0 -> (KSK +/-)-K-0 pi(-/+) (3.2 +/- 0.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6), where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively.

research product

Observation ofB+→b1+K0and search forB-meson decays tob10K0andb1π0

We present the results of searches for decays of B mesons to final states with a b{sub 1} meson and a neutral pion or kaon. The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, represent 465x10{sup 6} BB pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation. The results for the branching fractions are, in units of 10{sup -6}, B(B{sup +}{yields}b{sub 1}{sup +}K{sup 0})=9.6{+-}1.7{+-}0.9, B(B{sup 0}{yields}b{sub 1}{sup 0}K{sup 0})=5.1{+-}1.8{+-}0.5 (<7.8), B(B{sup +}{yields}b{sub 1}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0})=1.8{+-}0.9{+-}0.2 (<3.3), and B(B{sup 0}{yields}b{sub 1}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0})=0.4{+-}0.8{+-}0.2 (<1.9), with the assumption that B(b{sub 1}{yields}{omega}{pi})=1. We al…

research product

Analysis of theD+→K−π+e+νedecay channel

Using 347.5  fb^(-1) of data recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II electron-positron collider, 244×10^3 signal events for the D^+ → K^-π^+e^+ν_e decay channel are analyzed. This decay mode is dominated by the K ^*(892)^0 contribution. We determine the K ^*(892)^0 parameters: m_(K^*(892)^0)=(895.4±0.2±0.2)  MeV/c^2, Γ_(K^*(892)^0)=(46.5±0.3±0.2)  MeV/c^2, and the Blatt-Weisskopf parameter r_(BW) =2.1±0.5±0.5  (GeV/c)^-1, where the first uncertainty comes from statistics and the second from systematic uncertainties. We also measure the parameters defining the corresponding hadronic form factors at q^2 = 0 (r_V = ^(V(0))/_(A1(0)) = 1.463 ± 0.017 ± 0.031, r_2 = _(A1(0)) ^(A2(0))= 0.801±0…

research product

Thee+e−→2(π+π−)π0,2(π+π−)η,K+K−π+π−π0andK+K−π+π−ηcross sections measured with initial-state radiation

We study the processes $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0\gamma$, $2(\pi^+\pi^-)\eta\gamma$, $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\gamma$ and $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\eta\gamma$ with the hard photon radiated from the initial state. About 20000, 4300, 5500 and 375 fully reconstructed events, respectively, are selected from 232 fb$^{-1}$ of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective $e^+ e^-$ center-of-mass energy, so that the obtained cross sections from the threshold to about 5 GeV can be compared with corresponding direct \epem measurements, currently available only for the $\eta\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\omega\pi^+\pi^-$ submodes of the $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0$ channel. Studyi…

research product

Search for charged lepton flavor violation in narrow Y decays

Charged-lepton flavor-violating processes are unobservable in the standard model, but they are predicted to be enhanced in several extensions to the standard model, including supersymmetry and models with leptoquarks or compositeness. We present a search for such processes in a sample of 99 × 10 6 Υ ( 2 S ) decays and 117 × 10 6 Υ ( 3 S ) decays collected with the BABAR detector. We place upper limits on the branching fractions B ( Υ ( n S ) → e ± τ ∓ ) and B ( Υ ( n S ) → μ ± τ ∓ ) ( n = 2 , 3 ) at the 10 − 6 level and use these results to place lower limits of order 1 TeV on the mass scale of charged-lepton flavor-violating effective operators.

research product

Search forBs0→μ+μ−andB0→μ+μ−Decays with CDF II

A search has been performed for B{sub s}{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} and B{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} decays using 7 fb{sup -1} of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The observed number of B{sup 0} candidates is consistent with background-only expectations and yields an upper limit on the branching fraction of {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -}) < 6.0 x 10{sup -9} at 95% confidence level. We observe an excess of B{sub s}{sup 0} candidates. The probability that the background processes alone could produce such an excess or larger is 0.27%. The probability that the combination of background and the expe…

research product

Measurements of Charged Current Lepton Universality and|Vus|Using Tau Lepton Decays toe−ν¯eντ,μ−ν¯μντ,π−ντ, andK−ντ

Using 467  fb(-1) of e+e- annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector, we measure (B(τ- → μ- ν(μ) ν(τ)))/(B(τ- → e- ν(e) ν(τ))) =(0.9796±0.0016±0.0036), (B(τ- → π- ν(τ)))/(B(τ- → e- ν(e) ν(τ))) = (0.5945±0.0014±0.0061), and (B(τ- → K- ν(τ)))/(B(τ- → e- ν(e) ν(τ))) = (0.03882±0.00032±0.00057), where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. From these precision τ measurements, we test the standard model assumption of μ-e and τ-μ charge current lepton universality and provide determinations of |Vus| experimentally independent of the decay of a kaon.

research product

Search for a Low-Mass Higgs Boson inΥ(3S)→γA0,A0→τ+τ−atBABAR

We search for a light Higgs boson, $A^0$, in the radiative decay $\Upsilon(3S)\to\gamma A^0$, $A^0\to\tau^+\tau^-$, $\tau^+\to e^+\nu_e \overline{\nu}_{\tau}$ or $\tau^+\to \mu^+ \nu_{\mu} \overline{\nu}_{\tau}$. The data sample contains 122 million $\Upsilon(3S)$ events recorded with the \babar detector. We find no evidence for a narrow structure in the studied $\tau^+\tau^-$ invariant mass region of $4.03(1.5-16)\times 10^{-5}$ across the $m_{\tau^+\tau^-}$ range. We also set a 90% C.L. upper limit on the $\tau^+\tau^-$-decay of the $\eta_b$ at ${\mathcal{B}}(\eta_b\to \tau^+\tau^-)<8%$.

research product

Searches for the baryon- and lepton-number violating decaysB0→Λc+l−,B−→Λl−, andB−→Λ¯l−

Searches for $B$ mesons decaying to final states containing a baryon and a lepton are performed, where the baryon is either $\Lambda_c$ or $\Lambda$ and the lepton is a muon or an electron. These decays violate both baryon and lepton number and would be a signature of physics beyond the standard model. No significant signal is observed in any of the decay modes, and upper limits in the range $(3.2-520) \times 10^{-8}$ are set on the branching fractions at the 90% confidence level.

research product

Search forB0meson decays toπ0KS0KS0,ηKS0KS0, andη′KS0KS0

We describe searches for B{sup 0} meson decays to the charmless final states {pi}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}, {eta}K{sub S}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}, and {eta}{prime}K{sub S}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}. The data sample corresponds to 467 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation and collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. We find no significant signals and determine the 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions, in units of 10{sup -7}, {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {pi}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}) < 12, {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {eta}K{sub S}{sup 0}K{sub S}{sup 0}) < 10, and {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {…

research product

Measurement of theτ−→K−π0ντbranching fraction

A measurement of the tau(-)-> K-pi(0)nu(tau) branching fraction has been made using 230.2 fb(-1) of data recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) collider, located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), at a center-of-mass energy root s close to 10.58 GeV. We measure B(tau(-)-> K-pi(0)nu(tau))=(0.416 +/- 0.003(stat)+/- 0.018(syst))%.

research product

Evidence for the decayX(3872)→J/ψω

We present a study of the decays B^(0,+)→J/ψπ^+π^-π^0K^(0,+), using 467×10^6 BB[overbar] pairs recorded with the BABAR detector. We present evidence for the decay mode X(3872)→J/ψω, with product branching fractions B(B^+→X(3872)K^+)×B(X(3872)→J/ψω)=[0.6±0.2(stat)±0.1(syst)]×10^(-5), and B(B^0→X(3872)K^0)×B(X(3872)→J/ψω)=[0.6±0.3(stat)±0.1(syst)]×10^(-5). A detailed study of the π^+π^-π^0 mass distribution from X(3872) decay favors a negative-parity assignment.

research product

Measurement of partial branching fractions of inclusive charmlessBmeson decays toK+,K0, andπ+

We present measurements of partial branching fractions of B→K+X, B→K0X, and B→π+X, where X denotes any accessible final state above the endpoint for B decays to charmed mesons, specifically for momenta of the candidate hadron greater than 2.34 (2.36) GeV for kaons (pions) in the B rest frame. These measurements are sensitive to potential new-physics particles which could enter the b→s(d) loop transitions. The analysis is performed on a data sample consisting of 383×106BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- asymmetric energy collider. We observe the inclusive B→π+X process, and we set upper limits for B→K+X and B→K0X. Our results for these inclusive branching fractions…

research product

Measurement of the DecayB−→D*0e−ν¯e

Using 226 x 10(6) BB[overline] events recorded on the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC e(+)e(-) PEP-II storage rings, we reconstruct B(-) ---> D(*0)e(-)nu[overline](e) decays using the decay chain D(*0) --> D(0)pi(0) and D(0)-->K(-)pi(+). From the dependence of their differential rate on w, the dot product of the four velocities of B(-) and D(*0), and using the form factor description by Caprini et al. with the parameters F(1) and rhoA(1)(2), we obtain the results rhoA(1)(2) = 1.16+/-0.06+/-0.08, F(1)|V(cb)|=(35.9+/-0.6+/-1.4) x 10(-3), and B(B(-) --> D(*0)e(-)nu[overline](e))=(5.56+/-0.08+/-0.41)%.

research product

Dalitz plot analysis of the decayB0(B¯0)→K±π∓π0

The authors report a Dalitz-plot analysis of the charmless hadronic decays of neutral B mesons to K{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup {-+}}{pi}{sup 0}. With a sample of (231.8 {+-} 2.6) x 10{sup 6}{Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC, they measure the magnitudes and phases of the intermediate resonant and nonresonant amplitudes for B{sup 0} and {bar B}{sup 0} decays and determine the corresponding CP-averaged branching fractions and charge asymmetries. The inclusive branching fraction and CP-violating charge asymmetry are measured to be {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} K{sup +}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup 0}) = (35.7{sub -1.5}{sup +2.6} {+-…

research product

Search forB+meson decay toa1+(1260)K*0(892)

We present a search for the decay B{sup +} --> {alpha}{sup +}{sub 1}(1260)K*{sup 0}(892). The data, collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, represent 465 million B{anti B} pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation at the energy of the {Upsilon}(4S). We find no significant signal and set an upper limit at 90% confidence level on the product of branching fractions B(B{sup +} --> {alpha}{sup +}{sub 1}(1260)K*{sup 0}(892)) x B({alpha}{sup +}{sub 1}(1260) --> {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}{pi}{sup +}) of 1.8 x 10{sup -6}.

research product

Precise Measurement of thee+e−→π+π−(γ)Cross Section with the Initial State Radiation Method atBABAR

A precise measurement of the cross section for the process e^+e^- → K^+K^-(γ) from threshold to an energy of 5 GeV is obtained with the initial-state radiation (ISR) method using 232  fb^(-1) of data collected with the BABAR detector at e^+e^- center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV. The measurement uses the effective ISR luminosity determined from the e^+e^- → μ^+μ^-(γ)γ_(ISR) process with the same data set. The corresponding lowest-order contribution to the hadronic vacuum polarization term in the muon magnetic anomaly is found to be a_μ^(KK,LO)=(22.93 ± 0.18_(stat) ± 0.22_(syst))×10^(-10). The charged kaon form factor is extracted and compared to previous results. Its magnitude at large en…

research product

Measurements of time-dependentCPasymmetries inB0→D(*)+D(*)−decays

We present new measurements of time-dependent CP asymmetries for B{sup 0} {yields} D{sup (*)+}d{sup (*)-} decays using (467 {+-} 5) x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector located at the PEP-II B Factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We determine the CP-odd fraction of the B{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup +}D*{sup -} decays to be R{perpendicular} = 0.158 {+-} 0.028 {+-} 0.006 and find CP asymmetry parameters for the CP-even component of the decay S{sub +} = -0.76 {+-} 0.16 {+-} 0.04 and C{sub +} = 0.00 {+-} 0.12 {+-} 0.02. We measure S = -0.63{+-}0.36{+-}0.05 and C = -0.07{+-}0.23{+-}0.03 for B{sup 0} {yields} D{sup +}D{sup -}, S = -0.62{+-}0.21{+-}0.03 and C = 0.0…

research product

Search for Invisible Decays of theΥ(1S)

We search for invisible decays of the Upsilon(1S) meson using a sample of 91.4 x 10(6) Upsilon(3S) mesons collected at the BABAR/PEP-II B factory. We select events containing the decay Upsilon(3S) --> pi(+)pi(-)Upsilon(1S) and search for evidence of an undetectable Upsilon(1S) decay recoiling against the dipion system. We set an upper limit on the branching fraction B(Upsilon(1S) --> invisible) < 3.0 x 10(-4) at the 90% confidence level.

research product

Measurement of the Branching Fractions ofB¯→D**ℓ−ν¯ℓDecays in Events Tagged by a Fully ReconstructedBMeson

We report a measurement of the branching fractions of D**- decays based on 417 fb-1 of data collected at the (4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- storage rings. Events are selected by fully reconstructing one of the B mesons in a hadronic decay mode. A fit to the invariant mass differences m(D(*))-m(D(*)) is performed to extract the signal yields of the different D** states. We observe the D**- decay modes corresponding to the four D** states predicted by heavy quark symmetry with a significance greater than 5 standard deviations including systematic uncertainties.

research product

Measurements of the semileptonic decaysB¯→Dℓν¯andB¯→D*ℓν¯using a global fit toDXℓν¯final states

Semileptonic (B) over bar decays to DXl (nu) over bar (l = e or mu) are selected by reconstructing D(0)l and D(+)l combinations from a sample of 230 x 10(6) Y(4S) --> B (B) over bar decays recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) collider at SLAC. A global fit to these samples in a three-dimensional space of kinematic variables is used to determine the branching fractions B(B- --> D(0)l (nu) over bar = (2.34 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.13)% and B(B- --> D*(0)l (nu) over bar) = (5.40 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.21)% where the errors are statistical and systematic, respectively. The fit also determines form-factor parameters in a parametrization based on heavy quark effective theory, resulting in rho(2)…

research product

Observation and study of the baryonicB-meson decaysB→D(*)pp¯(π)(π)

We present results for B-meson decay modes involving a charm meson, protons, and pions using 455×106 BB pairs recorded by the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider. The branching fractions are measured for the following ten decays: B ^0→D^0pp, B^0→D^(*0)pp, B^0→D^(*+)ppπ^-, B^0→D^(*+)ppπ^-, B-→D0ppπ^-, B-→D^(*0)ppπ^-, B^0→D^0pp π^-π^+, B^0→D^(*0)pp π^-π^+, B^-→D^+pp π^-π^-, and B^-→D^(*+)pp π^-π^-. The four B^- and the two five-body B^0 modes are observed for the first time. The four-body modes are enhanced compared to the three- and the five-body modes. In the three-body modes, the M(pp) and M(D^((*)0)p) invariant-mass distributions show enhancements near thre…

research product

Search for the rare decayB→Kνν¯

We present a search for the rare decays B+→K+νν and B0→K0νν using 459×106 BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Flavor-changing neutral-current decays such as these are forbidden at tree level but can occur through one-loop diagrams in the standard model (SM), with possible contributions from new physics at the same order. The presence of two neutrinos in the final state makes identification of signal events challenging, so reconstruction in the semileptonic decay channels B→D(*)lν of the B meson recoiling from the signal B is used to suppress backgrounds. We set an upper limit at the 90% confidence level (CL) of 1.3×10-5 on the total branch…

research product

Observation of theχc2(2P)meson in the reactionγγ→DD¯atBABAR

A search for the Z(3930) resonance in gamma gamma production of the DDbar system has been performed using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 384 fb^-1 recorded by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. The DDbar invariant mass distribution shows clear evidence of the Z(3930) state with a significance of 5.8 sigma. We determine mass and width values of (3926.7 +- 2.7 +- 1.1) MeV/c^2 and (21.3 +- 6.8 +- 3.6) MeV, respectively. A decay angular analysis provides evidence that the Z(3930) is a tensor state with positive parity and C-parity (J^PC = 2^++); therefore we identify the Z(3930) state as the chi_c2(2P) meson. The value of…

research product

Studies ofτ−→ηK−ντandτ−→ηπ−ντatBABARand a search for a second-class current

We report on analyses of tau lepton decays τ-→ηK-ντ and τ-→ηπ-ντ, with η→π+π-π0, using 470  fb-1 of data from the BABAR experiment at PEP-II, collected at center-of-mass energies at and near the Υ(4S) resonance. We measure the branching fraction for the τ-→ηK-ντ decay mode, B(τ-→ηK-ντ)=(1.42±0.11(stat)±0.07(syst))×10-4, and report a 95% confidence level upper limit for the second-class current process τ-→ηπ-ντ, B(τ-→ηπ-ντ)<9.9×10-5.

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Measurements of branching fractions forB+→ρ+γ,B0→ρ0γ, andB0→ωγ

We present branching fraction measurements for the radiative decays B{sup +}{yields}{rho}{sup +}{gamma}, B{sup 0}{yields}{rho}{sup 0}{gamma}, and B{sup 0}{yields}{omega}{gamma}. The analysis is based on a data sample of 465x10{sup 6} BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We find B(B{sup +}{yields}{rho}{sup +}{gamma})=(1.20{sub -0.37}{sup +0.42}{+-}0.20)x10{sup -6}, B(B{sup 0}{yields}{rho}{sup 0}{gamma})=(0.97{sub -0.22}{sup +0.24}{+-}0.06)x10{sup -6}, and a 90% C.L. upper limit B(B{sup 0}{yields}{omega}{gamma})<0.9x10{sup -6}, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. …

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Time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis ofB0→D∓K0π±decays

We present for the first time a measurement of the weak phase 2 beta+gamma obtained from a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B-0 ->(DK0)-K--/+pi(+/-) decays. Using a sample of approximately 347x10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy storage rings and assuming the ratio r of the b -> u and b -> c decay amplitudes to be 0.3, we obtain 2 beta+gamma=(83 +/- 53 +/- 20)degrees and the equivalent solution at +180 degrees. The magnitudes and phases for the resonances associated with the b -> c transitions are also extracted from the fit.

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Search forCPviolation usingT-odd correlations inD+→K+KS0π+π−andDs+→K+KS0π+π−decays

We search for CP violation in a sample of 20,000 Cabibbo-suppressed decays, $D^+\rightarrow K^+K^0_S\pi^+\pi^-$, and 30,000 Cabibbo-favored decays, $D_s^+\rightarrow K^+K^0_S\pi^+\pi^-$. We use 520 $fb^{-1}$ of data recorded by the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider operating at center of mass energies near 10.6 $GeV$. We search for CP violation in the difference between the $T$-odd asymmetries obtained using triple product correlations of the $D^+$ ($D_s^+$) and $D^-$ ($D_s^-$) decays, respectively. The $T$ violation parameter values obtained are $\mathcal{A}_T(D^+) = (-12.0 \pm 10.0_{stat} \pm 4.6_{syst})\times 10^{-3}$ and $\mathcal{A}_T(D_s^+) = (-13.6 \pm …

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Measurement of theB→D¯(*)D(*)Kbranching fractions

The authors present a measurement of the branching fractions of the 22 decay channels of the B{sup 0} and B{sup +} mesons to {bar D}{sup (*)}D{sup (*)}K, where the D{sup (*)} and {bar D}{sup (*)} mesons are fully reconstructed. Summing the 10 neutral modes and the 12 charged modes, the branching fractions are found to be {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {bar D}{sup (*)}D{sup (*)}K) = (3.68 {+-} 0.10 {+-} 0.24)% and {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} {bar D}{sup (*)}D{sup (*)}K) = (4.05 {+-} 0.11 {+-} 0.28)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. The results are based on 429 fb{sup -1} of data containing 471 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance…

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The BaBar detector: Upgrades, operation and performance

The BABAR detector operated successfully at the PEP-Il asymmetric e(+) e(-) collider at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory from 1999 to 2008. This report covers upgrades, operation, and performance of the collider and the detector systems, as well as the trigger, online and offline computing, and aspects of event reconstruction since the beginning of data taking.

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Measurement of the Branching Fractions of ExclusiveB¯→D(*)(π)l−ν¯lDecays in Events with a Fully ReconstructedBMeson

We report a measurement of the branching fractions for _B-->D(*)(pi)l- _nu(l) decays based on 341.1 fb(-1) of data collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e+ e- storage rings. Events are tagged by fully reconstructing one of the B mesons in a hadronic decay mode. We obtain B(B- -->D(0)l-_nu(l)=(2.33+/-0.09(stat)+/-0.09(syst)%, B(B- -->D(*0)l-_nu(l)=(5.83+/-0.15(stat) +/-0.30(syst) %, B(_B(0)-->D+l-_nu(l)=(2.21+/-0.11(stat) +/-0.12(syst)%, B(_B(0)-->D(*)l-_nu(l)=(5.49+/-0.16(stat)+/-0.25(syst)%, B(B- -->D+pi-l-_nu(l)=(0.42+/-0.06(stat)+/-0.03(syst)%, B(B- -->D(*)+pi-l-_nu(l)=(0.59+/-0.05(stat)+/-0.04(syst)%, B(_B(0)-->D(0)pi+l-_nu(l)=(0.43+/-0.08(sta…

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Observation of inclusiveD*±production in the decay ofΥ(1S)

We present a study of the inclusive D*(+/-) production in the decay of Y(1S) using (98.6 +/- 0.9) X 10(6) Y(2S) mesons collected with the BABAR detector at the Y(2S) resonance. Using the decay chain Y(2S) -> pi(+)pi Y-(1S), Y(1S) -> D*X-+/-, where X is unobserved, we measure the branching fraction B[Y(1S) -> D*X-+/-] = (2.52 +/- 0.13(stat) +/- 0.15(syst)% and the D*(+/-) momentum distribution in the rest frame of the Y(1S). We find evidence for an excess of D*+/- production over the expected rate from the virtual photon annihilation process Y(1S) -> gamma* -> c (c) over bar -> D*X-+/-.

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Observation ofηc(1S)andηc(2S)decays toK+K−π+π−π0in two-photon interactions

We study the processes γγ→K_S^0K^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^-π^+π-π^0 using a data sample of 519.2fb^(-1) recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider at center-of-mass energies near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) resonances. We observe the η_c(1S), χ_(c0)(1P) and η_c(2S) resonances produced in two-photon interactions and decaying to K^+K^-π^+π^-π^0, with significances of 18.1, 5.4 and 5.3 standard deviations (including systematic errors), respectively, and report 4.0σ evidence of the χ_(c2)(1P) decay to this final state. We measure the η_c(2S) mass and width in K_S^0K^±π^∓ decays, and obtain the values m(η_c(2S))=3638.5±1.5±0.8  MeV/c^2 and Γ(η_c(2S))=13.4±4.6±3.2  MeV, wher…

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Measurement ofB→K*(892)γBranching Fractions andCPand Isospin Asymmetries

We present an analysis of the decays B-0 -> K-*0(892)gamma and B+-> K*+(892)gamma using a sample of about 383x10(6) BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric energy B factory. We measure the branching fractions B(B-0 -> K-*0 gamma)=(4.47 +/- 0.10 +/- 0.16)x10(-5) and B(B+-> K*+gamma)=(4.22 +/- 0.14 +/- 0.16)x10(-5). We constrain the direct CP asymmetry to be -0.033 K-*gamma)< 0.028 and the isospin asymmetry to be 0.017 <Delta(0-)< 0.116, where the limits are determined by the 90% confidence interval and include both the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Dalitz plot analysis of B−→D+π−π−

We report on a Dalitz plot analysis of B- -> D+pi(-)pi(-) decays, based on a sample of about 383 x 10(6) Y(4S) -> B (B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We find the total branching fraction of the three-body decay: B(B- -> D+ pi(-)pi(-)) = (1.08 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.05) x 10(-3). We observe the established D-2*(0) and confirm the existence of D-0*(0) in their decays to D+pi(-), where the D-2*(0) and D-0*(0) are the 2(+) and 0(+) c (u) over bar P-wave states, respectively. We measure the masses and widths of D-2*(0) and D-0*(0) to be: m(D2)*(0) = (2460.4 +/- 1.2 +/- 1.2 +/- 1.9) MeV/c(2), Gamma(D2*0) = (41.8 +/- 2.5 +/- 2.1 +/- 2.…

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Search forCPViolation in the DecaysD0→K−K+andD0→π−π+

We report a search for CP violation in the decay modes D±→KS0K±, Ds±→KS0K±, and Ds±→KS0π± using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 469  fb-1 collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric energy e+e- storage rings. The decay rate CP asymmetries, ACP, are determined to be (+0.13±0.36(stat)±0.25(syst))%, (-0.05±0.23(stat)±0.24(syst))%, and (+0.6±2.0(stat)±0.3(syst))%, respectively. These measurements are consistent with zero, and also with the Standard Model prediction [(-0.332±0.006)% for the D±→KS0K± and Ds±→KS0K± modes, and (+0.332±0.006)% for the Ds±→KS0π± mode]. They are the most precise determinations to date.

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Study ofB-meson decays toηcK(*),ηc(2S)K(*), andηcγK(*)

We study two-body B-meson decays to a charmonium state (eta(c), eta(c)(2S) or h(c)) and a K+ or K-*0(892) meson using a sample of 349 fb(-1) of data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We measure B(B-0 -> eta K-c*(0)) = (5.7 +/- 0.6(stat) +/- 0.9(syst)) x 10(-4), B(B-0 -> eta(c)(2S)K*(0)) h(c)K(+)) x B(h(c) -> eta(c)gamma) h(c)K*(0)) x B(h(c) -> eta(c)gamma) K (K) over bar pi) = (1.9 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 1.1(syst))%. We also measure the mass and width of the eta(c) meson to be m(eta(c)) = (2985.8 +/- 1.5(stat) +/- 3.1(syst)) MeV/c(2) and Gamma(eta(c)) = (36.3(-3.6)(+3.7)(stat) +/- 4.4(syst)) MeV.

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Angular distributions in the decay B -> K*l(+)l(-)

We use a sample of 384 million BBbar events collected with the Babar detector at the PEP-II e+e- collider to study angular distributions in the rare decays B -> K* l+l-, where l+l- is either e+e- or mu+mu-. For low dilepton invariant masses, m(l+l-)3.2$ GeV/c^2, we measure AFB=0.76 (+0.52,-0.32) +/- 0.07 FL=0.71 (+0.20,-0.22) +/- 0.04.

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Observation and polarization measurement ofB0→a1(1260)+a1(1260)−decay

We present measurements of the branching fraction B and longitudinal polarization fraction fL for B0→a1(1260)+a1(1260)- decays, with a1(1260)±→π-π+π±. The data sample, collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, represents 465×106 produced BB pairs. We measure B(B0→a1(1260)+a1(1260)-)×[B(a1(1260)+→π-π+π+)]2= (11.8±2.6±1.6)×10-6 and fL=0.31±0.22±0.10, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The decay mode is measured with a significance of 5.0 standard deviations including systematic uncertainties.

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Search for the DecayB+→K+τ∓μ±

We present a search for the lepton flavor violating decay B+-->K+ tau-/+ mu+/- using 383 x 10;{6} BB[over ] events collected by the BABAR experiment. The branching fraction for this decay can be substantially enhanced in new physics models. The kinematics of the tau from the signal B decay are inferred from the K+, mu, and other B in the event, which is fully reconstructed in one of a variety of hadronic decay modes, allowing the signal B candidate to be fully reconstructed. We observe no excess of events over the expected background and set a limit of B(B+-->K+ tau mu)<7.7 x 10(-5) at 90% confidence level, where the branching fraction is for the sum of the K+ tau- mu+ and K+ tau+mu- final …

research product

Improved Measurement ofB+→ρ+ρ0and Determination of the Quark-Mixing Phase Angleα

We present improved measurements of the branching fraction ${\cal B}$, the longitudinal polarization fraction $f_L$, and the direct {\ensuremath{CP}\xspace} asymmetry {\ensuremath{{\cal A}_{CP}}\xspace} in the $B$ meson decay channel $B^+\to\rho^+\rho^0$. The data sample was collected with the {{\slshape B\kern-0.1em{\smaller A}\kern-0.1em B\kern-0.1em{\smaller A\kern-0.2em R}}} detector at SLAC. The results are ${\cal B} (\Bp\ra\rprz)=(23.7\pm1.4\pm1.4)\times10^{-6}$, $f_L=0.950\pm0.015\pm0.006$, and $\Acp=-0.054\pm0.055\pm0.010$, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. Based on these results, we perform an isospin analysis and determine the CKM weak phase ang…

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Observation ofBMeson Decays tob1πandb1K

We present the results of searches for decays of B mesons to final states with a b_1 meson and a charged pion or kaon. The data, collected with the BaBar detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, represent 382 million B-Bbar pairs produced in e+e- annihilation. The results for the branching fractions are, in units of 10^{-6}, B(B+ -> b1^0 pi+) = 6.7 +/- 1.7 +/- 1.0 (4.0 sigma), B(B+ -> b1^0 K+ = 9.1+/- 1.7+/- 1.0 (5.3 sigma), B(B0 -> b1^-/+ pi^+/-) = 10.9 +/- 1.2 +/- 0.9 (8.9 sigma), and B(B0 -> b1^-K+) = 7.4 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0 (6.1 sigma), with the assumption that B(b_1 -> omega pi)=1. We also measure charge and flavor asymmetries Ach(B+ -> b1^0 pi+) = 0.05 +/- 0.16 +/- 0.02, Ach(B+…

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Search for theZ(4430)−atBABAR

We report the results of a search for Z(4430)^- decay to J/Ψ π^- or Ψ(2S)π^- in B(^-.0)→ J/Ψ π^-K^(0.+) and B^(-.0) → Ψ(2S)π^-K^(0.+) decays. The data were collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider operating at center-of-mass energy 10.58 GeV, and the sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 413 fb^(-1). Each K π^- mass distribution exhibits clear K^*(892) and K_2^*(1430) signals, and the efficiency-corrected spectrum is well described by a superposition of the associated Breit-Wigner intensity distributions, together with an S-wave contribution obtained from the LASS I=1/2 K π^- scattering amplitude measurements. Each K π^- angular dist…

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Measurements ofB→{π,η,η′}lνlBranching Fractions and Determination of|Vub|with Semileptonically TaggedBMesons

We report measurements of branching fractions for the decays B-->Plnu_{l}, where P are the pseudoscalar charmless mesons pi;{-}, pi;{0}, eta and eta;{'}, based on 348 fb;{-1} of data collected with the BABAR detector, using B0 and B+ mesons found in the recoil of a second B meson decaying as B-->D;{(*)}lnu_{l}. Assuming isospin symmetry, we combine pionic branching fractions to obtain B(B;{0}-->pi;{-}l;{+}nu_{l})=(1.54+/-0.17_{(stat)}+/-0.09_{(syst)})x10;{-4}; we find 3.2sigma evidence of the decay B;{+}-->etal;{+}nu_{l} and measure its branching fraction to be (0.64+/-0.20_{(stat)}+/-0.03_{(syst)})x10;{-4}, and determine B(B;{+}-->eta;{'}l;{+}nu_{l})<0.47x10;{-4} to 90% confidence level. U…

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Study ofBMeson Decays with Excitedηandη′Mesons

Using 383 million B{bar B} pairs from the BABAR data sample, they report results for branching fractions of six charged B-meson decay modes, where a charged kaon recoils against a charmless resonance decaying to K{bar K}* or {eta}{pi}{pi} final states with mass in the range (1.2-1.8) GeV/c{sup 2}. They observe a significant enhancement at the low K{bar K}* invariant mass which is interpreted as B{sup +} {yields} {eta}(1475)K{sup +}, find evidence for the decay B{sup +} {yields} {eta}(1295)K{sup +}, and place upper limits on the decays B{sup +} {yields} {eta}(1405)K{sup +}, B{sup +} {yields} f{sub 1}(1285)K{sup +}, B{sup +} {yields} f{sub 1}(1420)K{sup +}, and B{sup +} {yields} {phi}(1680)K{…

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Measurement of the branching fraction andΛ¯polarization inB0→Λ¯pπ−

We present a measurement of the B0 --> Lambda-bar p pi- branching fraction performed using the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric e+e- collider. Based on a sample of 467 million BB-bar pairs we measure B(B0 --> Lambda-bar p pi-) = [3.07 pm 0.31 (stat.) pm 0.23 (syst.)] x 10^{-6}. The measured differential spectrum as a function of the dibaryon invariant mass m(Lambda p) shows a near-threshold enhancement similar to that observed in other baryonic B decays. We study the Lambda-bar polarization as a function of Lambda-bar energy in the B0 rest frame (E*_Lambda) and compare it with theoretical expectations of fully longitudinally right-polarized Lambda-bar at large E*_Lambda.

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Search forB0→K*+K*−

The authors report the results of a search for the decay B{sup 0} {yields} K*{sup +}K*{sup -} with a sample of 454 {+-} 5 million B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. They obtain an upper limit at the 90% confidence level on the branching fraction for {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} K*{sup +}K*{sup -}) < 2.0 x 10{sup -6}, assuming the decay is fully longitudinally polarized.

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Measurement of time dependentCPasymmetry parameters inB0meson decays toωKS0,η′K0, andπ0KS0

We present measurements of the time-dependent CP-violation parameters S and C in the decays B-0 -> omega K-S(0), B-0 -> eta'K-0, reconstructed as eta'K-S(0) and eta'K-L(0), and B-0 -> pi K-0(S)0. The data sample corresponds to the full BABAR dataset of 467 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs produced at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The results are S-omega KS0 = 0.55(-0.29)(+0.26) +/- 0.02, C-omega KS0 = 0.52(-0.20)(+0.22) +/- 0.03, S-eta'K0 = 0.57 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.02, C-eta'K0 = 0.08 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.02, S-pi 0KS0 = 0.55 +/- 0.20 +/- 0.03, and C-pi 0KS0 = 0.13 +/- 0.13 +/- 0.03, where the first errors are statistical and the second systemati…

research product

Measurement of theγγ*→π0transition form factor

We study the reaction e+e- --> e+e-pi0 and measure the gamma gamma* --> pi0 transition form factor in the momentum transfer range from 4 to 40 GeV^2. The analysis is based on 442 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity collected at PEP-II with the BABAR detector at e+e- center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV.

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Limits on tau lepton-flavor violating decays into three charged leptons

A search for the neutrinoless, lepton-flavor violating decay of the tau lepton into three charged leptons has been performed using an integrated luminosity of 468 fb(-1) collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II collider. In all six decay modes considered, the numbers of events found in data are compatible with the background expectations. Upper limits on the branching fractions are set in the range (1.8-3.3) x 10(-8) at 90% confidence level.

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Measurements of Partial Branching Fractions forB¯→Xulν¯and Determination of|Vub|

We present partial branching fractions for inclusive charmless semileptonic B decays (B) over bar -> X(u)l (nu) over bar, and the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element vertical bar V-ub vertical bar. The analysis is based on a sample of 383 x 10(6) gamma(4S) decays into B (B) over bar pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e(+)e(-) storage rings. We select events using the invariant mass M-X of the hadronic system, the invariant mass squared, q(2), of the lepton and neutrino pair, the kinematic variable P+, or one of their combinations. We then determine partial branching fractions in limited regions of phase space: Delta B = (1.18 +/- 0.09(stat) …

research product

Search for the decayB+→Ks0Ks0π+

We search for charmless decays of charged B mesons to the three-body final state (KSKS0)-K-0 pi(+). Using a data sample of 423.7 fb(-1) collected at the Gamma(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector, corresponding to (465.1 +/- 5.1) x 10(6) (B) over bar B pairs, we find no significant signal and determine a 90% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction of 5.1 x 10(-7).

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Measurement of theγγ*→ηandγγ*→η′transition form factors

We study the reactions e{sup +}e{sup -} {yields} e{sup +}e{sup -} {eta}{sup (/)} in the single-tag mode and measure the {gamma}{gamma}* {yields} {eta}{sup (/)} transition form factors in the momentum transfer range from 4 to 40 GeV{sup 2}. The analysis is based on 469 fb{sup -1} of integrated luminosity collected at PEP-II with the BABAR detector at e{sup +}e{sup -} center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV.

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Search for decays ofB0mesons intoe+e−,μ+μ−ande±μ∓final states

We present a search for the decays B0→e+e-, B0→μ+μ-, and B0→e±μ using data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- collider at SLAC. Using a data set corresponding to 384×106 BB pairs, we do not find evidence of any of the three decay modes. We obtain upper limit on the branching fractions, at 90% confidence level, of B(B0→e+e-)<11.3×10-8, B(B0→μ+μ-)<5.2×10-8, and B(B0→e±μ)<9.2×10-8. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

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Measurement of theCP-violating asymmetries inB0→Ks0π0and of the branching fractionB0→K0π0

We present a measurement of the time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries in B-0 -> K-S(0)pi(0) decays based on 383x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> B (B) over bar events collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. We measure the direct CP-violating asymmetry C-KS(0)pi(0)=0.24 +/- 0.15 +/- 0.03 and the CP-violating asymmetry in the interference between mixing and decay S-KS(0)pi(0)=0.40 +/- 0.23 +/- 0.03, where the first errors are statistical and the second are systematic. On the same sample, we measure the decay branching fraction, obtaining B(B-0 -> K-0 pi(0))=(10.3 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.6)x10(-6).

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