O. Redi

Systematic measurements of the bohr-weisskpf effect at isolde

The hyperfine anomaly gives an insight into the coupling of spin and orbital magnetic moments in the nucleus. More precisely, the nuclear magnetization is expressible through the nuclear wave functions with which is tested not only the magnetic moment operator, but also the tensor product [s×C2]1. The experiment can then be expected to be of value in testing the nuclear structure theory. The greatest value of these measurements is gained when these are made systematically over a large number of isotopes. We propose to initiate a program at ISOLDE to measure the hyperfine anomaly systematically in the heavy alkali elements. The experimental setup to achieve, in particular, a precise measurem…

research product

Atomic beam magnetic resonance apparatus for systematic measurement of hyperfine structure anomalies (Bohr-Weisskopf effect)

Abstract An atomic beam magnetic resonance (ABMR) apparatus has been constructed at Orsay, and has been installed at the CERN PS Booster ISOLDE mass separator facility for “on-line” work with radioactive isotopes in a program to measure hyperfine structure anomalies (the Bohr-Weisskopf effect) over long isotopic chains. The hfs anomalies result from the effect of the spatial distribution of the nuclear magnetization on the atomic hfs interaction. Constructional details of the system are described: emphasis is placed on the measurement of nuclear g-factors by a triple resonance, laser state selected, ABMR method. A precision better than 10−4 for gI values has been obtained in stable atomic b…

research product

How Lasers Can Help Probe the Distribution of Nuclear Magnetism

Publisher Summary High-resolution atomic spectroscopy has played an important part in the study of nuclear electric and magnetic structure. Laser spectroscopy has been crucial for the measurement of isotope shifts, which reflect the variations of nuclear charge radii and shapes. High sensitivity and frequency resolution have allowed experiments to be carried out systematically over extensive ranges of stable and radioactive isotopes with lifetime as short as a few milliseconds. While the laser experiments also yield results for nuclear multipole moments, no measurements are obtained of the distribution of nuclear magnetization. Nuclear structure properties can be probed by penetrating elect…

research product

Nuclear Magnetic Moments ofBi205,207,209Isotopes—Hyperfine Structure of the 15-dayBi2053067-Å Line

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