Masashi Kaneta
Observation ofHΛ4Hyperhydrogen by Decay-Pion Spectroscopy in Electron Scattering
At the Mainz Microtron MAMI, the first high-resolution pion spectroscopy from decays of strange systems was performed by electron scattering off a ^9B
Medium Modification of Jet Fragmentation inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200 GeVMeasured in Direct Photon-Hadron Correlations
The jet fragmentation function is measured with direct photon-hadron correlations in p + p and Au + Au collisions at root S-NN = 200 GeV. The P-T of the photon is an excellent approximation to the initial P-T of the jet and the ratio Z(T) = P-T(h)/P-T(gamma) is used as a proxy for the jet fragmentation function. A statistical subtraction is used to extract the direct photon-hadron yields in Au + Au collisions while a photon isolation cut is applied in p + p. I-AA, the ratio of hadron yield opposite the photon in Au + Au to that in p + p, indicates modification of the jet fragmentation function. Suppression, most likely due to energy loss in the medium, is seen at high Z(T). The associated h…
Spectroscopy of A=9 hyperlithium with the (e,e′K+) reaction
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy at JLab Hall C
Abstract Since the 1st generation experiment, E89-009, which was successfully carried out as a pilot experiment of (e,e'K+) hypernuclear spectroscopy at JLab Hall C in 2000, precision hypernuclear spectroscopy by the (e,e'K+) reactions made considerable progress. It has evolved to the 2nd generation experiment, E01-011, in which a newly constructed high resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) was installed and the “Tilt method” was adopted in order to suppress large electromagnetic background and to run with high luminosity. Preliminary high-resolution spectra of 7 Λ He and 28 Λ Al together with that of 12 Λ B that achieved resolution better than 500 keV(FWHM) were obtained. The third generation…
High resolution spectroscopic study ofBeΛ10
Spectroscopy of a Be-10(Lambda) hypernucleus was carried out at JLab Hall C using the (e, e' K+) reaction. A new magnetic spectrometer system (SPL+ HES+ HKS), specifically designed for high resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy, was used to obtain an energy spectrum with a resolution of similar to 0.78 MeV (FWHM). The well-calibrated spectrometer system of the present experiment using p(e, e' K+)Lambda, Sigma(0) reactions allowed us to determine the energy levels; and the binding energy of the ground-state peak (mixture of 1(-) and 2(-) states) was found to be B-Lambda = 8.55 +/- 0.07(stat.) +/- 0.11(sys.) MeV. The result indicates that the ground-state energy is shallower than that of an em…
Ground-state binding energy of HΛ4 from high-resolution decay-pion spectroscopy
Abstract A systematic study on the Λ ground state binding energy of hyperhydrogen H Λ 4 measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI is presented. The energy was deduced from the spectroscopy of mono-energetic pions from the two-body decays of hyperfragments, which were produced and stopped in a 9Be target. First data, taken in the year 2012 with a high resolution magnetic spectrometer, demonstrated an almost one order of magnitude higher precision than emulsion data, while being limited by systematic uncertainties. In 2014 an extended measurement campaign was performed with improved control over systematic effects, increasing the yield of hypernuclei and confirming the observation with two indepen…
Low-momentum direct-photon measurement in Cu + Cu collisions at sNN=200GeV
We measured direct photons for pT<5GeV/c in minimum bias and 0%–40% most-central events at midrapidity for Cu+Cu collisions at sNN=200GeV. The e+e− contribution from quasireal direct virtual photons has been determined as an excess over the known hadronic contributions in the e+e− mass distribution. A clear enhancement of photons over the binary scaled p+p fit is observed for pT<4GeV/c in Cu+Cu data. The pT spectra are consistent with the Au+Au data covering a similar number of participants. The inverse slopes of the exponential fits to the excess after subtraction of the p+p baseline are 285±53(stat)±57(syst)MeV/c and 333±72(stat)±45(syst)MeV/c for minimum bias and 0%–40% most-central even…
Production ofωmesons inp+p,d+ Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured omega meson production via leptonic and hadronic decay channels in p + p, d + Au, Cu+ Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The invariant transverse momentum spectra measured in different decay modes give consistent results. Measurements in the hadronic decay channel in Cu Cu and Au + Au collisions show that. production has a suppression pattern at high transverse momentum, similar to that of pi(0) and eta in central collisions, but no suppression is observed in peripheral collisions. The nuclear modification factors, R-AA, are consistent in Cu + Cu and Au + Au collisions at similar numbers of participan…
Novel optical interferometry of synchrotron radiation for absolute electron beam energy measurements
Abstract A novel interferometric method is presented for the measurement of the absolute energy of electron beams. In the year 2016, a pioneering experiment was performed using a 195 MeV beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). The experimental setup consisted of two collinear magnetic undulators as sources of coherent optical synchrotron light and a high-resolving grating monochromator. Beam energy measurements required the variation of the relative undulator distance in the decimeter range and the analysis of the intensity oscillation length in the interference spectrum. A statistical precision of 1 keV was achieved in 1 h of data taking, while systematic uncertainties of 700 keV were present …
Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy ofΛ12Bhypernuclei
Since the pioneering experiment E89-009 studying hypernuclear spectroscopy using the (e, e’K+) reaction was completed, two additional experiments, E01-011 and E05-115, were performed at Jefferson Lab. These later experiments used a modified experimental design, the "tilt method", to dramatically suppress the large electromagnetic background, and allowed for a substantial increase in luminosity. Additionally, a new kaon spectrometer, HKS (E01-011), a new electron spectrometer, HES, and a new splitting magnet (E05-115) were added to produce new data sets of precision, high-resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy. All three experiments obtained a spectrum for 12B-Lambda, which is the most charact…
Status of hypertriton binding energy measurements at the Mainz Microtron
Direct photon production ind+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV
Direct photons have been measured in root s(NN) = 200 GeV d + Au collisions at midrapidity. A wide p(T) range is covered by measurements of nearly real virtual photons (1 < p(T) < 6 GeV/c) and real photons (5 < p(T) < 16 GeV/c). The invariant yield of the direct photons in d + Au collisions over the scaled p + p cross section is consistent with unity. Theoretical calculations assuming standard cold-nuclear-matter effects describe the data well for the entire p(T) range. This indicates that the large enhancement of direct photons observed in Au + Au collisions for 1.0 < p(T) < 2.5 GeV/c is attributable to a source other than the initial-state nuclear effects.
Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich hypernucleusHeΛ7from electron scattering
The missing mass spectroscopy of the HeΛ7 hypernucleus was performed using the Li7(e, e ′K+)HeΛ7 reaction at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall C. The Λ- binding energy of the ground-state (1/2+) was determined with a smaller error than that of the previous measurement, being BΛ=5.55±0.10stat.±0.11sys.MeV. The experiment also provided new insight into charge symmetry breaking in p-shell hypernuclear systems. Finally, a peak at BΛ=3.65±0.20stat. ±0.11sys.MeV was observed and assigned as a mixture of 3/2+ and 5/2+ states, confirming the "gluelike" behavior of Λ, which makes an unstable state in He6 stable against neutron emission.
Overview of the electromagnetic production of strange mesons at MAMI
Abstract The Mainz Microtron MAMI provides a continuous-wave unpolarized or spin-polarized electron beam with energies up to 1.6 GeV and high degrees of polarization. Electro-production of strange mesons is performed in the multi-spectrometer facility with the Kaos spectrometer for kaon detection and a high-resolution spectrometer for electron detection in plane or out of plane. Differential cross section measurements of exclusive p ( e , e ′ K + ) Λ , Σ 0 reactions at low four-momentum transfers in the nucleonʼs third resonance region have been done, followed by a measurement of the beam helicity asymmetry for p ( e → , e ′ K + ) Λ . These studies are important for the understanding of the…
Experimental investigations of the hypernucleus $_Λ^4$H
International audience; Negatively charged pions from two-body decays of stopped _Lambda^4H hypernuclei were studied in 2012 at the Mainz Microtron MAMI, Germany. The momenta of the decay-pions were measured with unprecedented precision by using high-resolution magnetic spectrometers. A challenge of the experiment was the tagging of kaons from associated K^+∧ production off a Be target at very forward angles. In the year 2014, this experiment was continued with a better control of the systematic uncertainties, with better suppression of coincident and random background, improved particle identification, and with higher luminosities. Another key point of the progress was the improvemen…
Nuclear modification factors ofϕmesons ind+Au,Cu+Cu, andAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200 GeV
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K+K- decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R-AA for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R-dA for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R-AA of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediat…
Prospects for hypernuclear physics at Mainz: From KAOS@MAMI to PANDA@FAIR
Abstract At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei are produced by ( e , e ′ K ) reactions. A dedicated kaon spectrometer located at 0° with respect to the electron beam is used to detect kaons emitted in forward direction thus tagging events involving strangeness production. By measuring the momenta of pions from two body weak decays using high resolution magnetic spectrometers one gains direct access to the ground state masses of the produced hyperfragments. At FAIR the PANDA Collaboration intends to produce double-hypernuclei by numbers with an antiproton beam and study their high resolution γ -spectroscopy thus providing for the first time precise information on the level structure of these nu…
Direct measurements of the lifetime of medium-heavy hypernuclei
Abstract The lifetime of a Λ particle embedded in a nucleus (hypernucleus) decreases from that of free Λ decay mainly due to the opening of the Λ N → N N weak decay channel. However, it is generally believed that the lifetime of a hypernucleus attains a constant value (saturation) for medium to heavy hypernuclear masses, yet this hypothesis has been difficult to verify. This paper presents a direct measurement of the lifetime of medium-heavy hypernuclei that were hyper-fragments produced by fission or break-up from heavy hypernuclei initially produced with a 2.34 GeV photon-beam incident on thin Fe, Cu, Ag, and Bi target foils. For each event, fragments were detected in coincident pairs by …
Studies of high density baryon matter with high intensity heavy-ion beams at J-PARC
Abstract In J-PARC heavy-ion project, we aim at studies of QCD phase structures and hadron properties in high baryon density close to the neutron star core. We have developed a heavy-ion acceleration scheme with a new linac and a new booster with existing two synchrotrons with the goal beam rate of about 10 11 Hz. We have also designed a large acceptance spectrometer based on a toroidal magnet. We have evaluated the spectrometer performance, and demonstrated reconstructing dielectron and dimuon spectra with full detector simulations. Finally, we designed a hypernuclear spectrometer which can utilize the full intensity ion beams.
Kaon Tagging at 0° Scattering Angle for High-Resolution Decay-Pion Spectroscopy
At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei can be studied by (e,e'K) reactions. By detecting the kaon which is emitted in forward direction, with the KAOS spectrometer placed at 0 scattering angle, reactions involving open strangeness production are tagged. High-resolution magnetic spectrometers are then used to coincidentally detect the mono- energetic decay-pions from mesonic two-body weak decays of light hypernuclei at rest. As a pioneering experiment has confirmed, the KAOS spectrometer is exposed to a large flux of background particles, mostly positrons from bremsstrahlung pair production. In order to increase the e ciency of kaon identification the KAOS spectrometer was modi- fied to suppress…
Measurement ofKS0andK*0inp+p,d+Au, and Cu + Cu collisions atsNN=200 GeV
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed a systematic study of K-S(0) and K*(0) meson production at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The K-S(0) and K*(0) mesons are reconstructed via their K-S(0) -> pi(0)(-> gamma gamma) pi(0)(-> gamma gamma) and K*(0) -> K-+/-pi(-/+) decay modes, respectively. The measured transverse-momentum spectra are used to determine the nuclear modification factor of K-S(0) and K*(0) mesons in d + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at different centralities. In the d + Au collisions, the nuclear modification factor of K-S(0) and K*(0) mesons is almost constant as a function of transverse momentum a…
High Resolution Λ Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Electron Beams
T. Gogami1 ∗, P. Achenbach2, A. Ahmidouch3, I. Albayrak4, D. Androic5, A. Asaturyan6, R. Asaturyan6, O. Ates4, P. Baturin7, R. Badui7, W. Boeglin7, J. Bono7, E. Brash8, P. Carter8, C. Chen4, A. Chiba1, E. Christy4, S. Danagoulian3, R. De Leo10, D. Doi1, M. Elaasar11, R. Ent9, Y. Fujii1, M. Fujita1, M. Furic5, M. Gabrielyan7, L. Gan12, F. Garibaldi13, D. Gaskell9, A. Gasparian3, O. Hashimoto1, T. Horn9, B. Hu14, Ed. V. Hungerford21, M. Jones9, H. Kanda1, M. Kaneta1, S. Kato19, M. Kawai1, D. Kawama1, H. Khanal7, M. Kohl4, A. Liyanage4, W. Luo14, K. Maeda1, A. Margaryan6, P. Markowitz7, T. Maruta1, A. Matsumura1, V. Maxwell7, A. Mkrtchyan6, H. Mkrtchyan6, S. Nagao1, S. N. Nakamura1, A. Narayan…
Measurements of Elliptic and Triangular Flow in High-MultiplicityHe3+AuCollisions atsNN=200 GeV
We present the first measurement of elliptic ($v_2$) and triangular ($v_3$) flow in high-multiplicity $^{3}$He$+$Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200$ GeV. Two-particle correlations, where the particles have a large separation in pseudorapidity, are compared in $^{3}$He$+$Au and in $p$$+$$p$ collisions and indicate that collective effects dominate the second and third Fourier components for the correlations observed in the $^{3}$He$+$Au system. The collective behavior is quantified in terms of elliptic $v_2$ and triangular $v_3$ anisotropy coefficients measured with respect to their corresponding event planes. The $v_2$ values are comparable to those previously measured in $d$$+$Au collis…