Luis E. Vila
Education and the Determinants of Job Satisfaction
Abstract Using a representative sample of Spanish individuals, we explore the effects of workers’ education on self‐assessed satisfaction with diverse specific aspects of their jobs. We find that the effects of education level on job satisfaction differ, both in size and direction, according to the aspect of the job considered, especially after controlling for actual job attributes and other workers’ characteristics. We also find that workers’ perceptions of the match between education and employment are relevant as determinants of job satisfaction irrespective of workers’ education level.
On the relationship between knowledge creation and economic performance
An empirical two-equation dynamic panel-data model system with fixed effects is proposed to analyze the relationship between knowledge creation and economic performance across regions over time. Estimates of the model for Spanish regions show that (i) knowledge creation depends on local R&D effort, on the amount of knowledge in use, and on knowledge creation in neighboring regions; and (ii) assimilation of new knowledge depends on local knowledge creation and on assimilation of knowledge in neighboring regions. Both processes include region-specific context fixed effects and region-specific time effects, representing region-specific dynamic influences. The results imply that (a) efficie…
Innovation at the workplace: Do professional competencies matter?
Abstract This paper analyzes individuals' propensity to innovate in professional environments, by focusing on the specific competency profile of individuals who play a role in the incorporation of product, technological, and knowledge innovations at work. The analysis draws on economic and managerial literature on innovation, innovative behavior, and competencies to gain a better understanding of the relationships between the process of competency development and innovative behavior in working environments. Using data from REFLEX, a European survey on the transition from higher education to labor markets, the empirical component of this study estimates discrete response models to explain th…
Entrepreneurs, the Self-employed and Employees amongst Young European Higher Education Graduates
We shall analyse the different characteristics of entrepreneurs, the self-employed, and employees in public, private and non-profit organisations, based on a sample of young European higher education graduates. Using graduates’ self-assessment from a survey, several sets of characteristics such as social-demographic traits, educational and occupational experiences and levels of competences are considered. A descriptive analysis shows, first, that graduates who start their own business have different profiles in relation to elements leading to their occupational decision after graduation; and, second, that labour market status achieved by entrepreneur graduates implies relatively more demand…
The Non-monetary Benefits of Education
Cet article est compose de trois parties. Dans la premiere, l'auteur decrit les criteres utilises par les economistes pour classifier les Avantages Non Monetaires en Education. Une liste de ces NMB, collectee dans de nombreuses recherches anterieures, est ensuite proposee. Enfin, un bref sommaire et une conclusion terminent cette contribution.
Competencias para la innovación en las universidades de América Latina: un análisis empírico
Los egresados universitarios constituyen, en cualquier país, el grupo social que acumula un mayor volumen de capital humano debido a que su trayectoria educativa ha sido más prolongada y ha requerido una fuerte inversión. La premisa de esta investigación es que el potencial de innovación que aportan estos egresados es un determinante fundamental tanto para el éxito en su trayectoria profesional como para la eficiencia total de los sistemas de producción en los distintos países. Para su realización, se dispuso de una amplia base de datos provenientes de la macro encuesta PROFLEX realizada a unos 10 000 egresados universitarios latinoamericanos a la que se ha aplicado una estimación de funcio…
La opinión de los graduados europeos sobre la universidad cinco años después de haber finalizado sus estudios
In today¿s knowledge society, in which university graduates are required to obtain new abilities to adjust to the demands of the labour market, the figure of the ¿flexible professional¿ has emerged. Universities are not immune to these changes and are proposing modifications to the curricula. In this paper, we attempt to depict the views of university graduates regarding their university five years after completing their studies. Information about graduates¿ educational experience is crucial to educational managers in charge of designing curricula and educational policies. The data used in this paper are obtained from the REFLEX Survey.
Education and skill mismatches: wage and job satisfaction consequences
PurposeThis paper aims to highlight the relevance of examining education and skill job‐worker mismatches as two different, although simultaneous, phenomena of the labor market. Most previous literature does not take into account skill mismatch, and a number of papers deal with both kinds of mismatches as equivalent.Design/methodology/approachSpanish data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) survey for the year 2001 are used to examine the degree of statistical association between both education and skill mismatches, and to estimate wage equations as well as job satisfaction equations, considering satisfaction with pay, with the type of job and overall job satisfaction, in orde…
Más allá de la brecha salarial de género
espanolLa desigualdad de genero, y en particular la desigualdad salarial de genero, ha sido considerada una prioridad politica en muchos paises durante las ultimas decadas, con el foco puesto en reducir la llamada brecha salarial, es decir, en buscar una convergencia en media para los salarios de hombres y mujeres. Una aproximacion de medias, sin embargo, no implica distribuciones salariales mas justas (totales y de genero). Utilizando los microdatos de una muestra nacionalmente representativa de la poblacion ocupada de Espana (N = 216,769), descomponemos la desigualdad salarial total en desigualdad salarial femenina y masculina (intra-grupos) y desigualdad de genero (entre-grupos) y explor…
The Micro-Macro Interfaces of Higher Education, Innovation, Regional Growth and Regional Development
This chapter highlights the relevance of micro-macro interfaces for the study of investment inflows in higher education, as an impulse concept, in the development of economies on a regional scale, as a response concept. The term ‘micro-macro interfaces’ refers to the systems of interactions that combine and channel the efforts made by individuals, often within collective organizations, to achieve their personal goals and the objectives set at the organizational level, and how the results from those efforts, once aggregated territorially, drive the rhythm of economic growth and the directions of regional development. The analysis brings together theory, research and practice from economics, …
Competencies which shape leadership
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse three dimensions of leadership behaviour in professional environments by disclosing the specific competency profile developed by those who actually lead in work organizations. Design/methodology/approach – Using data from a graduate survey oriented to provide evidence on the transition from higher education to labour market, a structural equations model (SEM) is specified and estimated to explain leadership behaviour at work in terms of the competency profile developed by individuals and its determinants. The competency profile behind leadership behaviour is the combination of two elements: the competency accumulated through professional ex…
A System of Indicators for Evaluating Public Broadcasting Corporations
We describe an operational procedure to build an integrated information system (IIS) for monitoring and evaluating the performance of public broadcasting corporations (PBC). The procedure grounds in a conceptual framework derived from evaluation models, and consists of two stages. The first stage is the selection, through expert judgment, of simple indicators that illustrate the most relevant aspects of the corporations. The second stage is the definition of a system of indicators related to each level of the hierarchy of objectives planned by the corporations. The system of indicators has two levels. The first level is a basic indicator system that allows description and monitoring of the …
Some facts behind graduate’s entrepreneurship in Europe
As carcterísticas educacionais, motivacionais e econômicas são analizadasnuma amostra de jovens pós-graduados europeus para identifi car os elementos diferenciais do espírito empresarial. Os resultados sugerem, em primeiro lugar, queo gênero e o país de origem são relevantes para a decisão de se tornar um empresário;segundo, que os futuros empresários antcipam as demandas mais elevadasde competência que eles enfrentarão e se comportam consistentemente duranteos seus estudos; e, terceiro, que através do espírito empresarial os pós-graduadosconseguem rendas mais elevadas e situações de trabalho mais satisfatórias do quepor meio de outras formas de participação laboral.
Higher education and the development of competencies for innovation in the workplace
PurposeThis paper aims to analyze the production function nexus between higher education practice and the development of innovation‐related competencies by university graduates in Spain. The research hypothesis is the presence of statistically significant relationships between the development of innovational competencies and the modes of teaching and learning used in higher education practice.Design/methodology/approachThe relationships are modeled through a set of stochastic frontier and variance component equations with the development of each competency as the dependent variable. The main explanatory variables capture the prevalence of diverse teaching/learning modes and the behavior of …