Gundula Staatz

Intrahepatic bile duct dilation and gallbladder hydrops due to a cystic duct stenosis in a 2-month-old boy.

A 2-month-old boy presented with slight diffuse abdominal pain after an uncomplicated pregnancy and perinatal period. Height (62 cm) and weight (5.5 kg) were according to the age. Routine blood tests showed no abnormalities except for a minimal elevation of aspartate aminotransferase to 38 units/L (reference range 5–35 U/L). Primary abdominal ultrasound showed a dilation of the common bile duct and a gallbladder hydrops (figure 1). MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) was indicated to detect the cause for these incidental findings. Contrary to normal bile ducts in …

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Imaging in Prune Belly Syndrome and Other Syndromes Affecting the Urogenital Tract

The absence of the abdominal musculature, urinary tract dilatation, and bilateral undescended testis is known as prune belly syndrome (PBS) (Eagle and Barrett 1950; Greskovich and Nyberg 1988; Williams 1982). The classical syndrome is also known as triad syndrome, Eagle-Barrett syndrome, or abdominal muscular deficiency syndrome. There is a broad spectrum of malformations with severe dilatation of the urinary tract as a consequence of aplasia of the musculature. The pathogenetic mechanism is different from that of dilatation as a consequence of supra- or infravesical obstruction. Some patients with prune belly syndrome have a real obstruction, such as urethral aplasia with oligohydramnios s…

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Ultrasound Evaluation of Thyroid Gland Pathologies After Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy to Treat Malignancy During Childhood.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate correlations between treatment of malignancy by radiation therapy during childhood and the occurrence of thyroid gland pathologies detected by ultrasonography in follow-up examinations.Reductions of thyroid gland volume below 2 standard deviations of the weight-specific mean value, occurrence of ultrasonographically detectable thyroid gland pathologies, and hypothyroidism were retrospectively assessed in 103 children and adolescents 7 months to 20 years of age (median: 7 years of age) at baseline (1997-2013) treated with chemoradiation therapy (with the thyroid gland dose assessable) or with chemotherapy alone and followed by ultrasonography and lab…

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Gastric outlet obstruction in a neonate because of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

Neonatal detection of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is unusual with only 2 cases previously reported in the literature. We describe a neonate presenting with gastric outlet obstruction owing to 2 large Peutz-Jeghers polyps. The child's father and grandmother were known to have Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. On the ninth day of life, the infant underwent colonoscopy, abdominal exploration, and complete surgical resection of 3 polyps. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged home at the age of 3 weeks on full oral feeds. This is the first case report of inherited Peutz-Jeghers syndrome causing gastric outlet obstruction in a neonate.

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Retrospective Analysis of Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Bone Manifestations in Long-Term Treated Patients with Gaucher Disease Type 1

We retrospectively assessed bone and visceral manifestations in patients with Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) with whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) to determine the effects of different timing in initiating long-term enzyme replacement therapy.In 17 patients with GD1, we performed 2 WB-MRI examinations at a median interval of 13 months. Patients had received enzyme replacement therapy with alglucerase/imiglucerase for a median of 13 years prior to the first examination. MRI results were retrospectively stratified based on treatment initiation into 2 groups: "early" (age ≤12 years, median 5 years) and "late" (during adulthood, median 32 years). We evaluated occurrence of irreversi…

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Tuberkulose 2019 – eine Herausforderung auch für die Radiologie

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Evaluation of treatment response to enzyme replacement therapy with Velaglucerase alfa in patients with Gaucher disease using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging.

Abstract Objective This was a retrospective data analysis to evaluate the treatment response to enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with Velaglucerase alfa using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and methods A baseline and follow-up MRI were performed on 18 Gaucher Type 1 patients at an interval of 11.6 months. The MRI score systems determined the Bone-Marrow-Burden (BMB) score, the Dusseldorf-Gaucher score (DGS), and the Vertebra-Disc-Ratio (VDR). The Severity Score Index Type 1 (GD-DS3) was also assessed. Results The baseline MRI medians were: BMB, 7.00; DGS, 3.00; and VDR: 1.70; while, the follow-up MRI medians were: BMB, 7.00; DGS, 3.00; and VDR: 1.73. The baseline GD-…

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Acoustic radiation force impulse point shear wave elastography of the liver and spleen in patients with Gaucher disease type 1: Correlations with clinical data and markers of disease severity.

To evaluate the feasibility of acoustic radiation force impulse point shear wave elastography (ARFI-pSWE) of the liver and spleen in patients with Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1), and to assess correlations between organ stiffness and clinico-radiologic data, particularly the GD1 Severity Scoring System (GD-DS3).We retrospectively evaluated the results of ARFI-pSWE as measures of liver and spleen stiffness in 57 patients with GD1. The feasibility of the method was assessed. Correlations between elastography data and clinical data related to the metabolic syndrome, laboratory tests, and GD1-related clinico-radiologic data (bone marrow burden score, GD-DS3) were assessed.ARFI-pSWE provided relia…

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Quantification of intramuscular fat in patients with late-onset Pompe disease by conventional magnetic resonance imaging for the long-term follow-up of enzyme replacement therapy

Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate a quantitative method based on conventional T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to assess fatty muscular degeneration in patients with late-onset Pompe disease and to compare it with semi-quantitative visual evaluation (the Mercuri score). In addition, a long-term retrospective data analysis was performed to evaluate treatment response to enzyme replacement therapy with alglucosidase alfa. Methods MR images of the lumbar spine were acquired in 41 patients diagnosed with late-onset Pompe disease from 2006 through 2015. Two independent readers retrospectively evaluated fatty degeneration of the psoas and paraspinal muscles by apply…

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Evaluation of Bone Marrow Infiltration in Non-Neuropathic Gaucher Disease Patients with Use of Whole-Body MRI--A Retrospective Data Analysis.

Purpose: To evaluate whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) for the assessment of bone marrow infiltration in patients with confirmed Gaucher disease type 1 under long-term enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). Materials and Methods: This retrospective data analysis included 38 patients in two subgroups. Group A: 10 females, 9 males, 15 – 29 years, mean age 22 years and Group B: 11 females, 8 males, 29 – 77 years, mean age 49 years, all treated with alglucerase or imiglucerase for at least 12.5 years. Whole-body MRI was carried out in all patients using a standard MRI protocol. Two radiologists assessed all MR images retrospectively with the use of three different MRI score systems: The…

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Exploiting Gangliosides for the Therapy of Ewing’s Sarcoma and H3K27M-Mutant Diffuse Midline Glioma

Simple Summary Osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and H3K27M-mutant diffuse midline glioma are rare but aggressive malignancies occurring mainly in children. Due to their rareness and often fatal course, drug development is challenging. Here, we repurposed the existing drugs dinutuximab and eliglustat and investigated their potential to directly target or indirectly modulate the tumor cell-specific ganglioside GD2. Our data suggest that targeting and/or modulating tumor cell-specific GD2 may offer a new therapeutic strategy for the above mentioned tumor entities. Abstract The ganglioside GD2 is an important target in childhood cancer. Nevertheless, the only therapy targeting GD2 that is approve…

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Vom Röntgen zum PET/MRT, und dann? – Zukunftsweisende Bildgebung in der Kinderradiologie

Die Kinderradiologie steht heute vor weitreichenden Veränderungen. Basismodalitäten wie Röntgen und Ultraschall werden zunehmend durch neuere, moderne Techniken ergänzt. Dieser Übersichtsartikel stellt Fortschritte in der Kinderradiologie sowie technische Innovationen vor, welche in Zukunft noch größere Bedeutung erlangen könnten. Hierzu werden CT-Dosisreduktionstechniken inklusive der Anwendung künstlicher Intelligenz sowie Fortschritte in den Gebieten der Magnetresonanztomografie und molekularen Bildgebung dargestellt. Kernaussagen 

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Ganzkörper-MRT zur Evaluation der Knochenmanifestationen bei mittels Enzymersatztherapie langzeitbehandelten Patienten mit Morbus Gaucher (Typ 1)

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ARFI Elastografie der Leber und Milz bei Patienten mit Morbus Gaucher (Typ 1) - Korrelationen mit klinischen Daten und Markern der Erkrankungsschwere

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