Marina Horstick
Plasma protein loss during abdominal surgery is a known phenomenon, but its possible pathophysiological relevance has remained unknown. The present study evaluates the effects of albumin substitution on systemic and local hemodynamics and cellular interactions in the mesenteric microcirculation. Rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Plasma protein concentrations, systemic and local hemodynamics were recorded during the follow up period, with or without albumin substitution. Depending on the time course of plasma protein loss in control experiments, 80% of the calculated protein loss was infused dur…
C1-Esterase-Inhibitor Treatment at Early Reperfusion of Hemorrhagic Shock Reduces Mesentery Leukocyte Adhesion and Rolling
Objective: Complement activation probably plays a pathogenic role in multiple organ failure in shock. This study evaluates the effects of C1-esterase-inhibitor treatment on leukocyte-endothelial interaction in the mesenteric microcirculation in hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Volume controlled hemorrhagic shock was provoked by arterial blood withdrawal (2.5 mL/ 100 g body wt. for 60 minutes) followed by a 4-hour reperfusion period. C1-INH (100 IU/kg body wt. i.v.) or 0.9% NaCl i.v. were administered as a bolus at the beginning of reperfusion. Reperfusion time mimic…
Early albumin infusion improves global and local hemodynamics and reduces inflammatory response in hemorrhagic shock.
Objective To evaluate the effects of an early, short-term albumin infusion on mesenteric microcirculation and global hemodynamics in hemorrhagic shock. Design A prospective, randomized study. Setting Animal laboratory at a university medical clinic. Subjects Seventeen Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250–400 g. Interventions The rats underwent median laparotomy and exteriorization of an ileal loop for intravital microscopy of the mesenteric microcirculation. Volume-controlled hemorrhagic shock was provoked by arterial blood withdrawal (2.5 mL/100 g body weight for 60 mins), followed by a 4-hr reperfusion period. Albumin (20%) or 0.9% NaCl was administered intravenously as a continuous infusion …
Application of C1-Esterase Inhibitor During Reperfusion of Ischemic Myocardium
Background—Complement activation during reperfusion of ischemic myocardium augments myocardial injury, and complement inhibition with C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) at the time of reperfusion exerts marked cardioprotective effects in experimental studies. Application of C1-INH in newborns, however, was recently reported to have dangerous and even lethal side effects. This study addresses the essential role of dosage in studies using C1-INH.Methods and Results—Cardioprotection by C1-INH was examined in a pig model with 60 minutes of coronary occlusion followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. C1-INH was administered intravenously 5 to 10 minutes before coronary reperfusion without heparin at a…