M. Passera

IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers

This paper describes the scientific aims and potentials as well as the preliminary technical design of RUDE, an innovative tool for multi-disciplinary investigations in a wide field of scientific, technological and industrial applications. IRIDE will be a high intensity "particles factory", based on a combination of high duty cycle radio-frequency superconducting electron linacs and of high energy lasers. Conceived to provide unique research possibilities for particle physics, for condensed matter physics, chemistry and material science, for structural biology and industrial applications, IRIDE will open completely new research possibilities and advance our knowledge in many branches of sci…

research product

Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10 ppm

We review the current status of the theory predictions for elastic $$\mu $$ μ -e scattering, describing the recent activities and future plans of the theory initiative related to the proposed MUonE experiment.

research product

Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10ppm: A report of the MUonE theory initiative

We review the current status of the theory predictions for elastic μ-e scattering, describing the recent activities and future plans of the theory initiative related to the proposed MUonE experiment.

research product

Two-loop tensor integrals in quantum field theory

A comprehensive study is performed of general massive, tensor, two-loop Feynman diagrams with two and three external legs. Reduction to generalized scalar functions is discussed. Integral representations, supporting the same class of smoothness algorithms already employed for the numerical evaluation of ordinary scalar functions, are introduced for each family of diagrams.

research product

Two-Loop Vertices in Quantum Field Theory: Infrared Convergent Scalar Configurations

A comprehensive study is performed of general massive, scalar, two-loop Feynman diagrams with three external legs. Algorithms for their numerical evaluation are introduced and discussed, numerical results are shown for all different topologies, and comparisons with analytical results, whenever available, are performed. An internal cross-check, based on alternative procedures, is also applied. The analysis of infrared divergent configurations, as well as the treatment of tensor integrals, will be discussed in two forthcoming papers.

research product

Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAFNE

Investigation at a $\phi$--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta$^\prime$ mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We…

research product

Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10 ppm: A report of the MUonE theory initiative

We review the current status of the theory predictions for elastic μ-e scattering, describing the recent activities and future plans of the theory initiative related to the proposed MUonE experiment. We would also like to thank the University of Padova and INFN Padova and the MITP for their hospitality and support of the 2017 Theory Kickoff Workshop and 2018 Topical Workshop, respectively. P.B. acknowledges support by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie grant agreement No 701647. The work of M.C. is supported by the Investissements d’avenir, Labex ENIGMASS. T.E. and Y.U. are supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation …

research product

Dynamical zero in ν¯e–e− scattering and the neutrino magnetic moment

AbstractThe Standard Model differential cross section for ν¯e–e− elastic scattering vanishes exactly, at lowest order, for forward electrons and incident ν¯e energy close to the rest energy of the electron. This dynamical zero is not induced by a fundamental symmetry of the Lagrangian but by a destructive interference between the left- and right-handed chiral couplings of the electron in the charged and neutral current amplitudes. We show that lowest-order analyses based on this favorable kinematic configuration are only mildly affected by the inclusion of the O(α) radiative corrections in the ν¯e–e− differential cross section, thus providing an excellent opportunity for the search of “new …

research product

Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data

We present the achievements of the last years of the experimental and theoretical groups working on hadronic cross section measurements at the low-energy e (+) e (-) colliders in Beijing, Frascati, Ithaca, Novosibirsk, Stanford and Tsukuba and on tau decays. We sketch the prospects in these fields for the years to come. We emphasise the status and the precision of the Monte Carlo generators used to analyse the hadronic cross section measurements obtained as well with energy scans as with radiative return, to determine luminosities and tau decays. The radiative corrections fully or approximately implemented in the various codes and the contribution of the vacuum polarisation are discussed.

research product

The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

We are very grateful to the Fermilab Directorate and the Fermilab Theoretical Physics Department for their financial and logistical support of the first workshop of the Muon g -2 Theory Initiative (held near Fermilab in June 2017) [123], which was crucial for its success, and indeed for the successful start of the Initiative. Financial support for this workshop was also provided by the Fermilab Distinguished Scholars program, the Universities Research Association through a URA Visiting Scholar award, the Riken Brookhaven Research Center, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under Grant No. KAKEHNHI-17H02906. We thank Shoji Hashimoto, Toru Iijima, Takashi Kaneko, and Shohei Nis…

research product

Dynamical zero in ν¯e–e− scattering and the neutrino magnetic moment

Abstract The Standard Model differential cross section for ν ¯ e – e − elastic scattering vanishes exactly, at lowest order, for forward electrons and incident ν ¯ e energy close to the rest energy of the electron. This dynamical zero is not induced by a fundamental symmetry of the Lagrangian but by a destructive interference between the left- and right-handed chiral couplings of the electron in the charged and neutral current amplitudes. We show that lowest-order analyses based on this favorable kinematic configuration are only mildly affected by the inclusion of the O ( α ) radiative corrections in the ν ¯ e – e − differential cross section, thus providing an excellent opportunity for the…

research product