Edgars Rencis


User experience-based information retrieval from semistar data ontologies

The time necessary for the doubling of medical knowledge is rapidly decreasing. In such circumstances, it is of utmost importance for the information retrieval process to be rapid, convenient and straightforward. However, it often lacks at least one of these properties. Several obstacles prohibit domain experts extracting knowledge from their databases without involving the third party in the form of IT professionals. The main limitation is usually the complexity of querying languages and tools. This paper proposes the approach of using a keywords-containing natural language for querying the database and exploiting the system that could automatically translate such queries to already existi…

research product

Facilitation of Health Professionals Responsible Autonomy with Easy-to-Use Hospital Data Querying Language

Support for the development of responsible autonomy as opposite to management that is based on direct control is found to be by far more effective approach in healthcare management, especially when it concerns physicians as the most influential group of health professionals. It is therefore important to obtain a process-oriented knowledge system where physicians would be able to autonomously answer questions which are outside the scope of pre-made direct control reports. However, the ad-hoc data querying process is slow and error-prone due to inability of health professionals to access data directly without involving IT experts. The problem lies in the complexity of means used to query data…

research product

Self-service Ad-hoc Querying Using Controlled Natural Language

The ad-hoc querying process is slow and error prone due to inability of business experts of accessing data directly without involving IT experts. The problem lies in complexity of means used to query data. We propose a new natural language- and semistar ontology-based ad-hoc querying approach which lowers the steep learning curve required to be able to query data. The proposed approach would significantly shorten the time needed to master the ad-hoc querying and to gain the direct access to data by business experts, thus facilitating the decision making process in enterprises, government institutions and other organizations.

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Knowledge Extraction from Healthcare Data Using User-Adaptable Keywords-Based Query Language

Nowadays, the volume of the information gathered by any organization increases more and more rapidly. It is essential to be able to use this information efficiently for it to benefit the operation of the organization. There is no point of gathering the information if it is not converted into knowledge. The knowledge extraction process becomes the backbone of any successful organization. Moreover, the extraction of the knowledge must be quick and efficient, so that the newly-obtained knowledge can be put in use at once. The problem addressed in this paper is how to allow the domain expert to extract the knowledge from their information systems themselves without involving the third party in …

research product

Architecture and Language for Semantic Reduction of Domain-Specific Models in BPMS

Nowadays each business process management system (BPMS) supports either an industry standard or its own specific modeling language. But no BPMS supports a specific language for each organization. We propose an architecture for building BPMS that allows creating a domain-specific modeling language for every client easily. The main problem is to bridge the gap between the domain-specific language and the executable language. We show that we can look at this problem as a classification of the domain-specific language constructs in the terms of the executable language. To solve this problem we present a novel model transformation language, with which this type of problem can be solved more natu…

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Uz modeļu transformācijām balstītu rīku būves metožu izstrāde un realizācija

Anotācija Promocijas darbā „Uz modeļu transformācijām balstītu rīku būves metožu izstrāde un realizācija” aplūkota uz modeļu transformācijām un metamodeļiem balstītu problēmorientētu rīku būves sfēra un risināta problēma, kā atvieglot šādu rīku izstrādi un lietošanu. Konkrēti aplūkota rīku būves platforma GRAF, kuras izstrādē autors piedalījies, un tā papildināta ar vairākiem servisiem, kas atvieglo rīku izstrādi ar šo platformu, kā arī ar to izstrādātu rīku uzturēšanu. Galvenie papildinājumi ietver vidēji augsta līmeņa modeļu transformāciju valodu izstrādi un realizāciju, metamodeļa skata jēdziena definēšanu un ieviešanu, kā arī modeļa un metamodeļa fragmenta specificēšanu, eksportu, impor…

research product

Towards a natural language-based interface for querying hospital data

There is a growing necessity in various domains for non-programmers to be able to retrieve information gathered about the operation of the organization and stored in its databases. This information could hugely benefit the decision making process of the managers of the institution, but it is not often exploited due to the complexity of extracting the information from the existing data. In this paper we sketch a way how that information could be managed by the domain experts themselves by the means of a natural language-based query language that works upon data stored in the ontology. Our experiments show that the proposed approach is indeed easy-to-use by our target end-users - managers and…

research product

Natural Language-Based Knowledge Extraction in Healthcare Domain

There is a growing amount of data in the databases of hospitals. These data could be exploited to alleviate the decision-making process of hospital managers, physicians and researchers. However, these types of end-users often lack the expertise necessary for extracting those data from the database. Several approaches exist in the field of how to allow non-programmers writing queries in a convenient manner, but none of them has yet reached fully satisfactory results. This paper sketches a solution to this problem by introducing means for writing queries in a keywords-containing natural language thus alleviating the query writing process for the end-user. Introducing this approach in the know…

research product

On Keyword-Based Ad-Hoc Querying of Hospital Data Stored in Semistar Data Ontologies

Abstract This paper sketches a possible solution to the problem of the currently growing necessity in various domains for domain experts to be able to query the database of the organization in a convenient manner. The paper focuses on the domain of hospital management where the normal practice is to involve a programmer as an intermediary between the managers and the database. This is an error-prone and cumbersome solution. The decision-making process of domain experts would hugely benefit if they could retrieve the information from the database themselves. There have been attempts to develop natural language-based query languages for this exact purpose, but the ultimate goal of the simplic…

research product

Modeļu transformāciju valodas Lx un to realizācija

Maģistra darbā dots vispārējs uz modeļiem bāzētas sistēmu būves arhitektūras izklāsts. Autors aprakstījis modeļu transformāciju valodas L0’, L1, L2 un L3, kuru izstrādē pats piedalījies, šo valodu sintaksi, semantiku un saistību ar bāzes transformāciju valodu L0, kā arī detalizēti izklāstījis valodu L0’, L1, L2 un L3 realizācijas galvenos principus un problēmas. Tāpat dots arī pašas realizācijas – valodas L3 kompilatora uz bāzes valodu L0 – detalizēts izklāsts un piedāvāta iespēja ikvienam pašam pārliecināties par šī kompilatora darbību, lejupielādējot to no Lx saimes valodu mājas lapas. Pieminēti arī iespējamie valodas L3 lietojumi.

research product

Modeling and Query Language for Hospitals

So far the traditional process modeling languages have found a limited use in the hospital settings. One of the reasons behind this delay has been the lack of clear definition of the sequence of activities that are carried out in the hospital. We propose a new modeling language (as a profile of UML Class diagrams) that captures all the useful features from various UML diagrams and can be used in modeling of the hospitals. Based on the modeling language, we have developed an easy-to-perceive graphical query language, which allows the physicians to retrieve directly from the various hospital databases information they need to better understand the flow of clinical processes.

research product

Towards a More Effective Hospital: Helping Health Professionals to Learn from their Own Practice by Developing an Easy to use Clinical Processes Querying Language

Application of complex socio-technical systems theory to optimization of clinical processes in hospitals highlights the importance of the acceptance and promotion of responsible autonomy among health professionals. Therefore the independent ability for clinicians to search for answers to questions which are outside the scope of pre-made reports is important. However, the ad-hoc data querying process is slow and error prone due to inability of health professionals to access data directly without involving IT experts. The problem lies in the complexity of means used to query data. We propose a new natural language- and star ontology-based ad-hoc data querying approach which reduces the steep …

research product

Graphical modeling and query language for hospitals

Abstract Background So far there has been little evidence that implementation of the health information technologies (HIT) is leading to health care cost savings. One of the reasons for this lack of impact by the HIT likely lies in the complexity of the business process ownership in the hospitals. The goal of our research is to develop a business model-based method for hospital use which would allow doctors to retrieve directly the ad-hoc information from various hospital databases. Methods We have developed a special domain-specific process modelling language called the MedMod. Formally, we define the MedMod language as a profile on UML Class diagrams, but we also demonstrate it on example…

research product

Model Transformation Languages and Their Implementation by Bootstrapping Method

In this paper a sequence of model transformation languages L0, L1, L2 is defined. The first language L0 is very simple, and for this language it is easy to build an efficient compiler to C++. The next language L1 is an extension of L0, and it contains powerful pattern definition facilities. The last language L2 is of sufficiently high level and can be used for implementation of traditional pattern-based high level model transformation languages, as well as for the development of model transformations directly. For languages L1 and L2 efficient compilers have been built using the bootstrapping method: L1 to L0 in L0, and L2 to L1 in L1. The results confirm the efficiency of model transformat…

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