Near-field optical response of a two-dimensional grating of gold nanoparticles
Laboratoire de Physique, Optique Submicronique, Universite´de Bourgogne, Boite Postale 47870, F-21078 Dijon, France~Received 1 August 2000; published 4 April 2001!This article reports on the near-field optical response of a small square grating of gold nanoparticles tailoredby electron-beam lithography. The investigation of the grating is aimed at a deepened understanding ofelectromagnetic interaction among particles due to scattered light fields. Therefore, a photon scanning tunnel-ing microscope is applied to acquire near-field optical images. Two different incident wavelengths are used tocharacterize the intensity and the spatial localization of the electromagnetic near field both in and out…
Light field propagation by metal micro- and nanostructures
The ability to sustain plasmon oscillations gives rise to unique properties of metal nanostructures, which can be exploited for the controlled manipulation of light fields on the nanoscale. In this context we investigate electromagnetic coupling effects within lithographically produced ensembles of gold nanoparticles with a photon scanning tunnelling microscope. To provide an interface between these nano-optical devices and classical far-field optics, we investigate surface plasmon propagation on microstructured metal thin films.