Felix Leinen
Some results concerning simple locally finite groups of 1-type
AbstractIn this paper several aspects of infinite simple locally finite groups of 1-type are considered. In the first part, the classes of diagonal limits of finite alternating groups, of diagonal limits of finite direct products of alternating groups, and of absolutely simple groups of 1-type are distinguished from each other. In the second part, inductive systems of representations over fields of characteristic zero (which are known to correspond to ideals in the group algebra) are studied in general for groups of 1-type. The roles of primitive respectively imprimitive representations in inductive systems are investigated. Moreover it is shown that in any proper inductive system the depth…
Countable recognizability of primitive periodic finitary linear groups
Unipotent Finitary Linear Groups
Uncountable existentially closed groups in locally finite group classes
In this paper, will always denote a local class of locally finite groups, which is closed with respect to subgroups, homomorphic images, extensions, and with respect to cartesian powers of finite -groups. Examples for x are the classes L ℐπ of all locally finite π-groups and L(ℐπ ∩ ) of all locally soluble π-groups (where π is a fixed set of primes). In [4], a wreath product construction was used in the study of existentially closed -groups (=e.c. -groups); the restrictive type of construction available in [4] permitted results for only countable groups. This drawback was then removed partially in [5] with the help of permutational products. Nevertheless, the techniques essentially only per…
Positive definite functions of finitary isometry groups over fields of odd characteristic
Abstract This paper is part of a programme to describe the lattice of all two-sided ideals in complex group algebras of simple locally finite groups. Here we determine the extremal normalized positive definite functions for finitary groups of isometries, defined over fields of odd characteristic.
A reduction theorem for perfect locally finite minimal non-FC groups
A group G is said to be a minimal non-FC group, if G contains an infinite conjugacy class, while every proper subgroup of G merely has finite conjugacy classes. The structure of imperfect minimal non-FC groups is quite well-understood. These groups are in particular locally finite. At the other end of the spectrum, a perfect locally finite minimal non-FC group must be a p-group. And it has been an open question for quite a while now, whether such groups exist or not.
Periodic Groups Covered by Transitive Subgroups of Finitary Permutations or by Irreducible Subgroups of Finitary Transformations
Let X be either the class of all transitive groups of finitary permutations, or the class of all periodic irreducible finitary linear groups. We show that almost primitive X-groups are countably recognizable, while totally imprimitive X-groups are in general not countably recognizable. In addition we derive a structure theorem for groups all of whose countable subsets are contained in totally imprimitive X-subgroups. It turns out that totally imprimitive p-groups in the class X are countably recognizable.
Irreducible finitary Lie algebras over fields of positive characteristic
A Lie subalgebra L of [gfr ][lfr ][ ](V) is said to be finitary if it consists of elements of finite rank. We study the situation when L acts irreducibly on the infinite-dimensional vector space V and show: if Char [ ] > 7, then L has a unique minimal ideal I. Moreover I is simple and L/I is solvable.
Irreducible Finitary Lie Algebras over Fields of Characteristic Zero
Abstract A Lie subalgebraLof g l K (V) is said to befinitaryif it consists of elements of finite rank. We show that if Char K = 0, if dim K Vis infinite, and ifLacts irreducibly onV, then the derived algebra ofLis simple.
Algebraically closed groups in locally finite group classes
Existentially closed locally cofinite groups
Let be a class of finite groups. Then a c-group shall be a topological group which has a fundamental system of open neighbourhoods of the identity consisting of normal subgroups with -factor groups and trivial intersection. In this note we study groups which are existentially closed (e.c.) with respect to the class Lc of all direct limits of c-groups (where satisfies certain closure properties). We show that the so-called locally closed normal subgroups of an e.c. Lc-group are totally ordered via inclusion. Moreover it turns out that every ∀2-sentence, which is true for countable e.c. L-groups, also holds for e.c. Lc-groups. This allows it to transfer many known properties from e.c. L-group…
Chief Series and Right Regular Representations of Finite p-Groups
AbstractWe study the embeddings of a finite p-group U into Sylow p-subgroups of Sym (U) induced by the right regular representation p: U→ Sym(U). It turns out that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the chief series in U and the Sylow p-subgroups of Sym (U) containing Up. Here, the Sylow p-subgroup Pσ of Sym (U) correspoding to the chief series σ in U is characterized by the property that the intersections of Up with the terms of any chief series in Pσ form σp. Moreover, we see that p: U→ Pσ are precisely the kinds of embeddings used in a previous paper to construct the non-trivial countable algebraically closed locally finite p-groups as direct limits of finite p-groups.
The normalized positive definite class functions are determined for all those direct limits of finite alternating groups for which the embeddings are natural in the sense that every non-trivial -orbit in is natural.
Existentially closed central extensions of locally finite p-groups
Throughout, p will be a fixed prime, and will denote the class of all locally finite p-groups. For a fixed Abelian p-group A, we letwhere ζ(P) denotes the centre of P. Notice that A is not a class in the usual group-theoretic sense, since it is not closed under isomorphisms.
Amalgamation of locally finitep-groups over a countableFC-group
Serial subalgebras of finitary Lie algebras
A Lie subalgebra L of glK(V ) is said to be finitary if it consists of elements of finite rank. We show that, if L acts irreducibly on V , and if V is infinite-dimensional, then every non-trivial ascendant Lie subalgebra of L acts irreducibly on V too. When CharK 6= 2, it follows that the locally solvable radical of such L is trivial. In general, locally solvable finitary Lie algebras over fields of characteristic 6= 2 are hyperabelian.
Existentially Closed Groups in Specific Classes
This survey article is intended to make the reader familiar with the algebraic structure of existentially closed groups in specific group classes, and with the ideas and methods involved in this area of group theory. We shall try to give a fairly complete account of the theory, but there will be a certain emphasis on classes of nilpotent groups, locally finite groups, and extensions.
Finitary Representations and Images of Transitive Finitary Permutation Groups
Abstract We characterize the point stabilizers and kernels of finitary permutation representations of infinite transitive groups of finitary permutations. Moreover, the number of such representations is determined.
Irreducible Representations of Periodic Finitary Linear Groups
Lokal endlich- π -separierte Gruppen mit Minimalbedingung für Zentralisatoren
A Uniform Way to Control Chief Series in Finite p -Groups and to Construct the Countable Algebraically Closed Locally Finite p -Groups
Confined subgroups in periodic simple finitary linear groups
A subgroupX of the locally finite groupG is said to beconfined, if there exists a finite subgroupF≤G such thatX g∩F≠1 for allg∈G. Since there seems to be a certain correspondence between proper confined subgroups inG and non-trivial ideals in the complex group algebra ℂG, we determine the confined subgroups of periodic simple finitary linear groups in this paper.