Lúcio Mitsuo Kurita
Prevalence of carotid artery calcifications among 2,500 digital panoramic radiographs of an adult Brazilian population
Background The aim of the present study was to analyze the epidemiological data of digital panoramic radiographs revealing suggestive images of carotid artery calcifications (CAC) from a Northeast Brazilian population. Material and Methods A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted with 2,500 digital panoramic radiographs obtained from a single imaging reference center in Northeast Brazil. Images from individuals of both sexes and older than 18 years were included and those that did not cover the region of cervical vertebrae or presented low radiographic quality were excluded. Data were analyzed regarding prevalence, location (bilateral, right or left), sex, and age using the Chi-s…
Mandibular incisive canal-related prevalence, morphometric parameters, and implant placement implications : a multicenter study of 847 CBCT scans
Background This study evaluated the epidemiological and morphological features of the mandibular incisive canal (MIC) using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in a significant sample of subjects in Brazil. Material and Methods This retrospective, multicenter study assessed 847 CBCT scans performed at four oral imaging centers. The sample comprised CBCT images acquired from dentate individuals who presented at least from tooth 35 to tooth 45 in the anterior mandible region. Data regarding patient sex and age, and MIC linear measurements (length and diameter in mm), anatomical distances (to the alveolar, buccal and lingual cortexes, inferior border of the mandible, and adjacent teeth apexes…