Ursula Froster

Fragile-X carrier females: evidence for a distinct psychopathological phenotype?

The present study examined 35 mothers (29 premutation carriers) of children with fragile-X syndrome in measures of intelligence and psychiatric disorders by comparing them with two control groups: a) 30 mothers of children in the general population and b) 17 mothers of non-fra-X retarded children with autism. Premutation carriers had a higher frequency of affective disorders than mothers from the general population. Preliminary data indicate that normally intelligent premutation carriers of the fra-X genetic abnormality have a similar frequency of affective disorders (DSM-III-R criteria [APA, 1987]) than mothers of autistic children. Neither carriers of the premutation nor carriers of the f…

research product

Neuropsychological profiles of FMR-1 premutation and full-mutation carrier females

Abstract The present French–German investigation of fragile-X syndrome (fra-X) was undertaken to disentangle genetic from environmental effects on cognitive performance as assessed with the following measures: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Trail-Making Test, Tower of Hanai, Verbal Fluency Test, Stroop Test, short-term and consolidation memory, and the d2 task. Groups with different genotypes ( n =11 mothers with a full mutation in the FMR-1 gene of fra-X children; n =65 mothers with a premutation in the FMR-1 gene of fra-X children; n =18 siblings of these mothers with normal CGG repeats) and with different psychosocial stressors from fra-X…

research product