Early miR-223 Upregulation in Gastroesophageal Carcinogenesis
Objectives: To test miR-223 upregulation during gastric (intestinal-type) and Barrett esophageal carcinogenesis. Methods: miR-223 expression was assessed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in a series of 280 gastroesophageal biopsy samples representative of the whole spectrum of phenotypic changes involved in both carcinogenetic cascades. The results were further validated by in situ hybridization on multiple tissue specimens obtained from six surgically treated gastroesophageal adenocarcinomas. miR-223 expression was also assessed in plasma samples from 30 patients with early stage (ie, stages I and II) gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma and relative controls. Res…
Comparison of Histochemical Staining Methods and Correlation with Transient Elastography in Acute Hepatitis.
<b><i>Objective:</i></b> To compare Masson's trichrome (MT), Sirius red (SR) and orcein staining in acute hepatitis (AH) and to correlate them with<b> </b>transient elastography (TE),<b> </b>a noninvasive method to assess hepatic fibrosis. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We evaluated liver stiffness by TE in a cohort of 34 consecutive patients and assessed MT-, SR- and orcein-stained biopsies using the METAVIR scoring system and digital image analysis (DIA). <b><i>Results:</i></b> MT and SR both showed severe fibrosis (stage III-IV, DIA = 12.7%). Orcein showed absent or mild fibrosis (stage 0-II, DIA = 4.…