The ECHR Condemns Prison Overcrowding in Italy: The Total Reorganization of the Institution and the Social Reintegration of the Prisoner
The contribution analyses the current Italian prison system, which has been called upon on to resolve its structural problems. The Council of Europe, in fact, in 2013 condemned Italy for inhuman treatment in its prisons. The principal accusation concerns the problem of overcrowding. The country has responded with solutions such as the application of the open system, which provides cells solely for overnight stays, and dynamic monitoring, an effective system for ensuring order in the institutions. These initiatives aim to promote re-educational activities and the social re-integration of prisoners. In addition, Italian institutions have made greater use of alternatives to custodial penalties…
Intimate Partner Violence: Social Support And Coming Out
Violence in same sex relationships is characterized by systematic path of dominance and control, even often stigmatized by abusive and powerful behaviors; especially, in the homosexual relationships some risk factors, as the lack of balance between the couple and the threat of public outing, play fundamental role. The relevance to identify both risk and protective factors, suggested by variable dispositions in intimate partner violence (dependence’s style, violation), situational dispositions (social support homo-negativity) and factors connected to the quality and managing ability of intimate dynamics (communication, conflict, sexuality). Some findings collected by an investigation conduct…
La forza politicizzante del dolore: le resilient communities in Messico
La violenza di genere è una problematica che affligge l’intero Stato del Messico, in particolar modo la zona fronteriza del nord tra cui Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana, quella centrale dello stato del Michoacán e Guanajuato e la zona sud in Oaxaca e Chiapas. La violazione dei diritti umani universali, che sfocia in atti di femminicidio e casi di violenza sessuale, è interpretabile in relazione al contesto storico-culturale, in quanto sia il passato postcoloniale di matrice spagnola sia quello contemporaneo capitalista prettamente statunitense ha contribuito all’affermasi di una politica dello sfruttamento basato sulla corruzione politica e la criminalità. Il presente contributo propone, pertanto, u…
La crisi strutturale in America Latina: olocausto femminile a Ciudad Juarez.
Intimate partner violence and domestic violence refer to the violation of women’s rights, often provoked by socio-cultural norms based on a patriarchal matrix. In Mexican society, in particular, gender-based violence affects the physical and psychological well-being of Mexican women. Moreover, the social representations of women who suffer violence and the lack of an effective legislative framework often reproduce the legitimation of gender-based violence, enhancing negative stereotypes and prejudices. In this scenario, the voice of the women who suffer violence in intimate relationships is silenced. In particular, in public and academic debates the impact and consequences of violence again…
Gender Violence: Social Structure in Latin America, the question of victim and trauma.
In this article, I firstly argue that femicide is a word that indicates the psychological and physical violence against women because they belong to the female gender. I analyze in particular the femicide cases that took place in the border between Ciudad Juarez and Texas from 1993 until now, in addition to the cases on the border between Tijuana and Baja California. During this period more than 700 women were murdered in the border area between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, still the criminals of these brutal homicides are unknown. The reason for the lack of justice can be explained through institutional corruption and the existence of a patriarchal society. Through an interdisciplinary appro…