Mandy Hildebrandt
Calculation of NNTs in RCTs with time-to-event outcomes: A literature review
Abstract Background The number needed to treat (NNT) is a well-known effect measure for reporting the results of clinical trials. In the case of time-to-event outcomes, the calculation of NNTs is more difficult than in the case of binary data. The frequency of using NNTs to report results of randomised controlled trials (RCT) investigating time-to-event outcomes and the adequacy of the applied calculation methods are unknown. Methods We searched in PubMed for RCTs with parallel group design and individual randomisation, published in four frequently cited journals between 2003 and 2005. We evaluated the type of outcome, the frequency of reporting NNTs with corresponding confidence intervals,…
Calculating confidence intervals for impact numbers
Abstract Background Standard effect measures such as risk difference and attributable risk are frequently used in epidemiological studies and public health research to describe the effect of exposures. Recently, so-called impact numbers have been proposed, which express the population impact of exposures in form of specific person or case numbers. To describe estimation uncertainty, it is necessary to calculate confidence intervals for these new effect measures. In this paper, we present methods to calculate confidence intervals for the new impact numbers in the situation of cohort studies. Methods Beside the exposure impact number (EIN), which is equivalent to the well-known number needed …
Estimating adjusted NNT measures in logistic regression analysis
The number needed to treat (NNT) is a popular measure to describe the absolute effect of a new treatment compared with a standard treatment or placebo in clinical trials with binary outcome. For use of NNT measures in epidemiology to compare exposed and unexposed subjects, the terms 'number needed to be exposed' (NNE) and 'exposure impact number' (EIN) have been proposed. Additionally, in the framework of logistic regression a method was derived to perform point and interval estimation of NNT measures with adjustment for confounding by using the adjusted odds ratio (OR approach). In this paper, a new method is proposed which is based upon the average risk difference over the observed confou…