Mikhail Gopko

Positive density-dependent growth supports costs sharing hypothesis and population density sensing in a manipulative parasite.

SUMMARYParasites manipulate their hosts’ phenotype to increase their own fitness. Like any evolutionary adaptation, parasitic manipulations should be costly. Though it is difficult to measure costs of the manipulation directly, they can be evaluated using an indirect approach. For instance, theory suggests that as the parasite infrapopulation grows, the investment of individual parasites in host manipulation decreases, because of cost sharing. Another assumption is that in environments where manipulation does not pay off for the parasite, it can decrease its investment in the manipulation to save resources. We experimentally infected rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss with the immature larva…

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Allee effect in a manipulative parasite within poikilothermic host under temperature change

AbstractTemperature and intraspecific competition are important factors influencing the growth of all organisms, including parasites. The temperature increase is suggested to stimulate the development of parasites within poikilothermic hosts. However, at high parasite densities, this effect could be diminished, due to stronger intraspecific competition. Our study, for the first time, addressed the joint effects of warming and parasite abundances on parasite growth in poikilothermic hosts. The growth of the common fish parasite larvae (trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum) within the rainbow trout at different infection intensities and temperatures (15°C and 18°C) was experimentally invest…

research product

Parasite transmission in aquatic ecosystems under climate change: joint effects of temperature, host behavior and elimination of parasite larvae by predators

AbstractA moderate raise in temperature was suggested to enhance the impact of parasites on aquatic ecosystems. Under higher temperatures, poikilothermic animals (e.g. fish), increase their activity, which can result in a more frequent encounter with parasites. However, temperature increase may also trigger processes counteracting an increased risk of parasitic infections. For instance, removal of free-living stages of parasites by filter-feeding organisms can increase with temperature and potentially mitigate disease risk in ecosystems under climate change.In our study, we aimed to find out whether an increased infection transmission under higher temperatures can be, at least, partly compe…

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Trematode cercariae as prey for zooplankton: effect on fitness traits of predators.

AbstractRemoval of parasite free-living stages by predators has previously been suggested an important factor controlling parasite transmission in aquatic habitats. Experimental studies of zooplankton predation on macroparasite larvae are, however, scarce. We tested whether trematode cercariae, which are often numerous in shallow waters, are suitable prey for syntopic zooplankters. Feeding rates and survival of freshwater cyclopoids (Megacyclops viridis, Macrocyclops distinctus), calanoids (Arctodiaptomus paulseni), cladocerans (Sida crystallina) and rotifers Asplanchna spp., fed with cercariae of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, a common fish trematode, were studied. In additional long-term e…

research product

Interactions between two parasites of brown trout (Salmo trutta): Consequences of preinfection

Preinfection by one parasitic species may facilitate or by contrast hamper the subsequent penetration and/or establishment of other parasites in a host. The biology of interacting species, timing of preinfection, and dosage of subsequent parasite exposure are likely important variables in this multiparasite dynamic infection process. The increased vulnerability to subsequent infection can be an important and often overlooked factor influencing parasite virulence. We investigated how the preinfection by freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera glochidia could influence the success of subsequent infection by the common trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum in brown trout Salmo tru…

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Contrasting temperature responses in seasonal timing of cercariae shedding by Rhipidocotyle trematodes

AbstractGlobal warming is likely to lengthen the seasonal duration of larval release by parasites. We exposed freshwater mussel hosts, Anodonta anatina, from 2 high-latitude populations to high, intermediate and low temperatures throughout the annual cercarial shedding period of the sympatric trematodes Rhipidocotyle fennica and R. campanula, sharing the same transmission pathway. At the individual host level, under warmer conditions, the timing of the cercarial release in both parasite species shifted towards seasonally earlier period while its duration did not change. At the host population level, evidence for the lengthening of larvae shedding period with warming was found for R. fennica…

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Freshwater mussels (Anodonta anatina) reduce transmission of a common fish trematode (eye fluke, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum)

SUMMARYRecent results suggest that bivalves can play an important role in restraining the spread of various aquatic infections. However, the ability of mussels to remove free-living stages of macroparasites and reduce their transmission is still understudied, especially for freshwater ecosystems. We investigated the influence of the common freshwater mussel (Anodonta anatina) on the transmission of a trematode (eye fluke, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum), which frequently infects fish in farms and natural habitats. In our experiments, mussels caused a significant decrease (P < 0·001) in the abundance of trematode free-living stages, from 6520 to 1770 cercariae L−1 on average (about 4-fold i…

research product

Parasite transmission in aquatic ecosystems under temperature change: effects of host activity and elimination of parasite larvae by filter‐feeders

A moderate raise in temperature was suggested to enhance the impact of parasites on aquatic ecosystems. Under higher temperatures, poikilothermic animals (e.g. fish) increase their activity, which can result in a more frequent encounter with parasites. However, temperature increase may also trigger processes counteracting an increased risk of parasitic infections. Thus, the removal of free‐living stages of parasites by filter‐feeding organisms can increase with temperature and potentially mitigate disease risk in ecosystems under climate change. We aimed to study whether an increased infection transmission under higher temperatures can be compensated by the increased removal of parasitic la…

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Cyclopoids feed selectively on free‐living stages of parasites

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