W. Jay Dowling

Influence of expressive versus mechanical musical performance on short-term memory for musical excerpts

Recognition memory for details of musical phrases (discrimination between targets and similar lures) improves for up to 15 s following the presentation of a target, during continuous listening to the ongoing piece. This is attributable to binding of stimulus features during that time interval. The ongoing-listening paradigm is an ecologically valid approach for investigating short-term memory, but previous studies made use of relatively mechanical MIDI-produced stimuli. The present study assessed whether expressive performances would modulate the previously reported finding. Given that expressive performances introduced slight differences between initially presented targets and their target…

research product

Experimental design and analysis for psychology

International audience; A complete course in experimental design and analysis for those students looking to build a working understanding of data collection and analysis in a research context.The authors' lively, entertaining writing style helps to engage and motivate students while they study these often challenging concepts and skills.A focus on examples and exercises throughout the text encourages the development of a proper understanding through hands-on learning.The development and use of definitional formulas throughout provides for increased understanding of statistical procedures and enables the serious student to continue to expand statistical knowledge.Inclusion of Monte Carlo sim…

research product

50 ans de psychologie de la musique

International audience; Il y a cinquante ans paraissait La perception de la musique, ouvrage majeur par lequel Robert Francès instituait une forme novatrice d’approche du fait musical. Son style, sa cohérence scientifique, joints à une assise culturelle et à des intuitions exceptionnelles, lui confèrent une place d’autorité inégalée. Cette oeuvre vaut toujours à Robert Francès un important capital de sympathie et de respect souvent résumé par le titre de « père de la psychologie de la musique française ». L’héritage de La perception de la musiquese doit d’être pensé, débattu et analysé, surtout lorsque cinquante années de recul nous le permettent. C’est là tout le projet de ce recueil. Il r…

research product