Hans Maschek
Prognostic Value of Immunohistochemical Expression of Beta-1 Integrin in Pancreatic Carcinoma
<i>Background: </i>Prognostically relevant factors based on the histological assessment of the resected pancreas are known. However, the knowledge of additional factors associated with the prognosis is helpful in planning the therapy for an individual patient. β<sub>1</sub> Integrin expression is known to have a prognostic influence in some malignant tumors. No data are, however, available on the prognostic value of β<sub>1</sub> integrins in pancreatic carcinoma. <i>Method: </i>We investigated paraffin-embedded specimens of 19 patients undergoing surgical treatment for periampullary carcinoma and of 42 patients for ductal pancreatic carcinoma…
Expression von CD44 und seiner Isoformen v4, v5, v6, v7, v10 – neue prognostische Parameter beim duktalen Pankreascarcinom?
Einleitung: Prognostisch relevante Faktoren sind beim Pankreascarcinom, basierend auf klinischen, laborchemischen und histopathomorphologischen Parametern bekannt. Aufgrund der grosen Variabilitat des biologischen Tumorverhaltens sind fur die Beurteilung der individuellen Prognose weitere Parameter notwendig. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Expression von CD44v6 und Tumorprogression bzw. Metastasierung konnte bei bestimmten Tumorentitaten nachgewiesen werden. Zum Pankreascarcinom liegen nur einzelne Untersuchungen vor. Methode: Immunhistochemisch wurden an archiviertem paraffineingebetteten Tumormaterial von 40 Patienten, bei welchen wegen eines duktalen Pankreascarcinoms eine partielle Duode…
Expression of CD44 variant proteins in adenocarcinoma of Barrett's esophagus and its relation to prognosis
BACKGROUND None of the commonly used staging criteria accurately determine the prognosis of a patient with adenocarcinoma of Barrett's esophagus. The authors therefore assessed the expression pattern and prognostic impact of CD44 standard and CD44 isoforms CD44v4, v5,v6,v7, and v10 in adenocarcinoma of Barrett's esophagus. METHODS Specimens from 41 patients with adenocarcinoma of Barrett's esophagus who underwent esophageal resection were embedded in paraffin and studied immunohistochemically to determine the expression of CD44 splice variants. Histomorphologic parameters and survival time were not known at the time of the investigation. RESULTS Correlations between favorable clinical or hi…