Russo M.

La funzione di Resilienza nella Cura

research product

Le rappresentazioni dell'abuso: una ricerca con gli operatori del progetto "Campo Infanzia Serena"

research product

Electrochemical sensor for phosphate ions based on laser scriber reduced graphene oxide

This preliminary work shows a new and innovative way to produce laser scribed reduced graphene oxide (LSGO) electrodes using different porous substrates (ranging from paper to plastic and fabric). The obtained electrodes were also tested as electrochemical sensors towards the detection of phosphate ions in water. To obtain the electrodes, a water suspension of GO was filtered on top of substrate (such as Whatman® filter paper) and a complete sensor was obtained from its reduction using a CO2 laser. The electrode is composed of working and counter electrodes made of LSGO and a reference electrode of a Ag/AgCl obtained by using a commercial AgCl conductive paste. Phosphate ions were detected …

research product

Conflitti Tecnomediati. Una ricerca sull'allarme cyberwar in Internet;

research product

The transformation of agricultural systems into agro-forestry systems as a mechanism of adaptation to climate and economic changes: some Sicilian case studies

Many traditional agricultural systems show different limits both in ecological and economic terms. These limits are exacerbated by the increasingly extreme climatic conditions which in the southern regions are manifested essentially in a concentration of rainfall and in increasingly intense dry periods. As part of the LIFE (Desert Adapt) project, some companies involved in the project are modifying their cultivation systems without changing the land use destination. This appears possible by introducing elements of diversification which make the system more resilient as a whole but which guarantees safer economic resources. In particular, in the case of a "classic" agricultural company Calta…

research product

Resilienza e Processo di Cura

research product

Prendersi cura del malato di alzheimer: rappresentazioni e vissuti degli operatori;

research product

Increasing tree survival to facilitate the conversion of conventional systems to agroforestry systems using plant growing aids and plant-plant facilitation under climate change

Several global commitments have established a compromise to greatly increase the presence of trees in agricultural lands, fostering therefore the adoption of agroforestry systems and the destination of some areas for reforestation. Such tasks are challenging, particularly under the current climate change scenarios, and several studies have demonstrated a high risk of seedling mortality under harsh and extremely variable environmental conditions, calling for solutions that must increase the success and reduce the costs of growing a tree. In this study, inside the project LIFE Desert Adapt, we tested the effects of different types of growing aids such as shelters, mulching and innovative meth…

research product

I disegni del disagio psichico. L'esperienza di arteterapia di un soggetto psicotico

research product

Arteterapia in psicosi attraverso il disegno

research product

Il ruolo del fico d’india nei processi di recupero spontaneo della vegetazione arborea in aree a rischio di desertificazione della Sicilia

In aree sensibili al rischio di desertificazione, individuare modalità appropriate per favorire il recupero delle dinamiche evolutive naturali, e la ricostituzione di ecosistemi e cenosi forestali in equilibrio con le condizioni macroclimatiche, è di estrema importanza. A seguito dell’intenso sfruttamento antropico dei secoli passati, infatti, vaste aree interne e marginali del Mediterraneo si presentano ormai del tutto prive di copertura forestale, sono fortemente suscettibili all’innesco di diffusi processi erosivi e sono interessate da dinamiche vegetazionali regressive. Per valutare il possibile ruolo ecologico giocato dal fico d’india (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) nel promuovere di…

research product

Il Trapianto di midollo osseo tra morte e rinascita dell'identità: un contributo di ricerca;

research product