Oreste Pallotta
Risarcimento del danno e trasferimento del sovrapprezzo [Commento all'art. 10 del d.lgs. n. 3/2017]
The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the so called "passing-on of overcharges" and the right to full compensation, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter
Eccezione di trasferimento [Commento all'art. 11 del d.lgs. n. 3/2017]
The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the so called "passing-on defence" in the scope of civil actions for antitrust damages, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter
La Corte di giustizia rinviene una fattispecie che si assumeva perduta: l'abuso di struttura
The article provides an analysis on the relationship between Article 102 TEUF (and its scope) and EU Regulation No 139/04 on mergers
Rinvio pregiudiziale e tutela cautelare
The present piece critically provides an analysis of the possibility for claimants to achieve an interim judicial protection during the procedure aimed at obtain a preliminary ruling by the Europea Court of Justice
Risarcimento del danno e trasferimento del sovrapprezzo
The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the role of the indirect purchasers within the scope of civil actions for antitrust damages, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter