Abbate Mg
Assessment of interspecific variability in Helichrysum populations by AFLP
Distribution of flavonoids in Helichrysum populations
Analisi delle popolazioni siciliane di Helichrysum: propagazione in vitro e indagini fitochimiche
The Sicilian populations of Helichisum have got a germoplasm from which it is possible to select ornamental plants to be placed in a mediterranean and/or dry climate. The in vitro trials show an attitude for microprapagation and multiplication for commerciaI productions that can be used also for the re·introduction in the natural habitat. The highest multiplication rate belongs to three genotypes: H. hyblaeum (clone S6), H. nebrodense (Clone Cli) and H. rupestre var. rupestre (clone S2, S11). The height and the feature of the vitro plants are pecuIiar for each different clone. The clone S11 is suitable for the production of pot plants or bushes, the clone S2 and S6 for garden edge. The clon…