Maniscalco M.
Supercritical water gasification of waste oils as a source of syngas
A huge amount of waste oil is produced worldwide. Also substantial amount of virgin oils is available that are interesting candidates for upgrading into syngas. Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) can be considered as an aqueous phase reforming process to produce syngas from oils. In this work, a variety of waste and virgin oils were gasified in a continuous down-flow autoclave reactor at supercritical conditions. Experiments were carried out at 430 °C and 660 °C, 25 MPa, with a residence time in the range 103-170 s, in order to investigate gasification and carbon efficiency, hydrogen yield and composition of the produced gas. All the analysed feedstocks were suspended in water at vario…
Incenerimento di rifiuti ospedalieri con processo pirolitico statico: un caso di studio
ABSTRACT: The Health Care Agency 6 (ASL 6) of Regione Sicilia, Italy, owns and operates a “pyrolytic static oven” for the infectious waste produced by all health care services of the District. Operation records kept by ASL were used by the authors to establish the mass and energy balances. Among the results it was found that the plant requires primary energy as oil or gas at the rate of up to two-thirds of the energy yielded by the input waste. The energy obtained (about 1,2 thermal MW) is recovered uniquely as heat: a plain technical choice that actually exposes the operator to seasonal drops in customers’ demand. It appears worth recommending to upgrade the plant, at least fitting it with…