Federica Martino

Autoefficacia e resilienza del docente universitario

In the field of university teaching, many research highlights that the role of the university teacher acquires a different connotation than the traditional model, assuming today the function of guide, accompanist, facilitator and mentor (Kim, Khera & German, 2014; Sultan, 2018). The research aims to provide theoretical references on the quality of teaching in universities and teacher training, to improve it, in a research report agile stimulating interpretation of results, useful within a TLC (Teaching and Learning Center). Taking about the recent results of the reference literature, we want to verify if the effectiveness of innovative teaching interventions (Flipped and Service Learnin…

research product

Nessuno resta indietro: La Bellezza del Service Learning

La chiusura delle scuole che ha provocato un incremento significativo della povertà educativa ha sollecitato l’opportunità di pro-gettare interventi integrati di service learning per favorire il recupero e il potenziamento dei minori in difficoltà. 869 studenti del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, sono stati coinvolti nella progettazione e nella realizzazione di percorsi didattici mirati, rivolti agli alunni “fragili” di 33 scuole palermitane. Complessiva-mente sono state erogate 60.000 ore in DAD di attività di recupero e di potenziamento dell’apprendimento di alunni della scuola primaria di Palermo. Le attività didatti…

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Nessuno Resta Indietro: giovani e responsabilità

Il presente contributo intende proporre un modello per lo sviluppo della maturità professionale necessaria a garantire scelte consapevoli, mature e responsabili. La Strategia dell’UE per la gioventù 2019-2027, che si fonda sui tre pilastri Mobilitare-Collegare Responsabilizzare, ha costituito il quadro di riferimento per la collaborazione tra università e scuola ponendo al centro la promozione della partecipazione attiva dei giovani. La ricerca nasce dal desiderio di accrescere la formazione alla responsabilità che coinvolge insieme docenti e studenti. Da questo punto di vista valutazioni rispetto all’efficacia e all’efficienza del percorso sono state finalizzate alla verifica di quanto ess…

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Il tirocinio dei futuri insegnanti al tempo del Covid-19

La sospensione delle attività universitarie in presenza ha portato gli atenei a dover ripensare le modalità di svolgimento dei tirocini, nel rispetto della cornice normativa della regione di appartenenza. Nonostante il tirocinio sia un’attività complessa da tradurre in modalità a distanza, proprio per la sua natura pratica e contestualizzata, le università hanno cercato di dare una risposta tempestiva che risolvesse i problemi concreti sorti per la conclusione del tirocinio entro la scadenza prevista dalla norma, a fronte del cambiamento di scenario legato all’emergenza sanitaria. Tra Marzo e Aprile 2021 è stato somministrato a 2511 futuri insegnanti un questionario on line che affrontava i…

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Riflessione critica nella pratica del Service-Learning: generare consapevolezza per la cura di sé

The present contribution aims to analyse the experience of 150 students enrolled in the first year of the Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences (a.y. 2022-23), at the University of Palermo. The students who partecipated in the Service-Learning Project PR[A.S.S.I.] "Apprendere Serve, Servire Insegna", valorised the monitoring tool of narrative training: the logbook. The research focuses specifically on this form of experiential learning based on self-recognition, care, and the valorisation of experience as the ordering criterion of personal flourishing. It aims to identify good practices in front of social engagement, to analyse the development of experiences and to promote a self-care…

research product

Ricerca-formazione nel Service e-Learning: significare l’esperienza attraverso la scrittura riflessiva e immaginativa in rete

This paper analyses a Service e-Learning course carried out at the University of Palermo, in the academic year 2022/23, with 260 students enrolled in the first year of the Bachelor of Science in Primary Education (LM-85bis), in order to describe and understand how this pedagogical research-training approach can determine professional development by supporting critical reflection and self-assessment processes. Specifically, the investigation aims to explore on the one hand, the perspective of reflective and imaginative writing as a useful critical-reflexive device aimed at supporting emancipative learning processes, and, on the other, the idea that the learner is perpetually under constructi…

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Life Skills e formazione iniziale dei docenti

challenges of everyday life. Learning to live involves acquiring many skills, for which in some cases there is a natural predisposition, but which always require a "guided" exercise in real life contexts so that the person acquires the skills necessary to "live properly". The research was conducted with a group of 153 students from the Master of Science in Primary Education, who participated in a two-year training project during the academic years 2020-21 and 2021-22. This article describes whether and to what extent the students believe they have developed the four chosen life skills and which of the training methodologies adopted by the lecturers were most effective.

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Promoting Leadership Skills in Teachers with Coaching

Today, the acquisition of additional skills by the teacher is a central fac tor in addressing contemporary changes in educational practices. Parallel to this, teaching profession requires an identity and practical teaching skills to improve the ability to help the younger generation in their self-realization. As a result, the teacher is no longer just a disseminator of knowledge, but a professional committed to consolidating his/her profile through paths of training and cultural growth, participation in experiences that intertwine teaching activity, with multi disciplinary design, educational research and ongoing training. Taking a closer look at how coaching can support teachers’ developme…

research product

Innovating Initial Teacher Education: faculty members’ engagement in eTwinning

The personal characteristics of teachers can be catalysts for their own and others’ learning, as much as their knowledge and competences. It explains why «the first and foremost resources teachers use are themselves» (Caena, 2014, p. 2). The selection, preparation and guidance of teachers throughout initial teacher education and the following stages of their careers are therefore crucial. This study involved faculty members teaching in Primary Education Degree Course at University of Palermo during the academic year 2021- 2022 and it aims at introducing and promoting eTwinning networking platform in higher education. It also aims at increasing the involvement of university teachers, PhD stu…

research product

Service Learning: una ricerca all’Università

La letteratura scientifica, principalmente statunitense, considera il Service Learning (SL) una pratica educativa ad alto impatto (High Impact Practice o HIP) (Brownell, Swaner, 2010; Kuh, 2008), un approccio educativo per migliorare l’apprendimento degli studenti (Chupp, Joseph, 2010). Le recenti direttive ministeriali (MIUR, 2016) hanno aperto una strada per favorire la pratica e la riflessione all’interno delle Università italiane, facendo leva sul potenziale di sviluppo in termini di competenze metodologiche, professionali e sociali. In questa visione, il Service Learning rappresenta il punto di intersezione tra teoria e pratica, tra ricerca e sperimentazione, tra apprendimento come sv…

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Formazione Service e-Learning: esperienza media-educativa

The use of technology is an interesting device, which constitutes a useful self-training approach, related to an experience, from which to extract significant materials and traces of their personal learning. In Italy, Service Learning (SL) projects that use digital media in the university environment are still rare and therefore there are not many data and research results related to the introduction of SL in the training of future teachers. On the contrary, at the international level we find a vast scientific literature on SL and its applications, also in the academic field. Service e-Learning (Se-L) can in fact represent an essential approach for university education, which allows student…

research product


Nowadays, Service Learning (SL) is considered as a form of experiential education. This perspective is based on the recognition and enhancement of experience as an ordering criterion of teaching and learning methods. In these terms, learning offers students the opportunity to experience a deeper understanding of personal competences. Thus, the central element of the SL is the link between personal and interpersonal development with cognitive development and the curricular path. Investing in authentic conditions of subjectivity and consequently promoting the production of significant knowledge towards research parameters encompass the possibility of collaborating and interacting with a plura…

research product

Attività di orientamento all’Università: l’impatto delle buone pratiche

The research was carried out as part of a vast project to combat failure in university studies, the provision of guidance and mentoring for students entering the university for the first time, with a view to improving the services offered. First, it was meant to verify the content validity of a self-assessment questionnaire of one's own study habits (ASU 2021) built and validated more than twenty years ago. The questionnaire invites the student to answer not about what he feels he should do, but about what he actually does. Depending on the study difficulties highlighted by the test, laboratory meetings were arranged to plan orientation activities for students of the last two years of secon…

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Adolescenti e stile “Young Adult”

Molto spesso dimentichiamo quello che significa essere adolescenti. Molto spesso dimentichiamo quello che è uno degli aspetti più importanti della letteratura: arrivare a toccare le corde dell’animo e del cuore dei lettori, in un modo che allo stesso tempo intrattiene e gli permette di sentirsi compresi e meno soli, di sentirsi umani. L'adolescenza è la terra dei contrasti, delle grandi emozioni vissute e la letteratura può svolgere una funzione utile aiutando gli adolescenti a sentirsi meno soli. Leggere richiede coraggio, perché accogliere qualcosa, riconoscerla, significa mettersi in gioco personalmente. Il libro offre all’adolescente una visione di sé, non solo “qui ed ora”, ma dona una…

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Communities per lo sviluppo delle 4Cs dei futuri insegnanti

Il P21’s Framework for 21st Century Learning ha sviluppato una visione unificata e collettiva per l’apprendimento conosciuto come il Quadro di riferimento per l’apprendimento del XXI secolo per aiutare gli insegnanti ad integrare le 4Cs nella loro pratica didattica quotidiana. Educare alle 4Cs è una delle sfide del XXI secolo e delle Online Learning Communities. Nel nostro caso l’iniziativa eTwinining for Future Teachers può essere uno dei mezzi per il loro sviluppo sia nei docenti che negli studenti. Alla presente ricerca hanno preso parte 29 futuri docenti di scuola primaria e del- l’infanzia con età compresa tra i 20 ed i 26 anni di quattro Nazioni Europee: Italia, Francia, Germania e…

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