Arnolds ĶIkusts
Probabilities to Accept Languages by Quantum Finite Automata
We construct a hierarchy of regular languages such that the current language in the hierarchy can be accepted by 1-way quantum finite automata with a probability smaller than the corresponding probability for the preceding language in the hierarchy. These probabilities converge to 1/2.
Algebraic Results on Quantum Automata
We use tools from the algebraic theory of automata to investigate the class of languages recognized by two models of Quantum Finite Automata (QFA): Brodsky and Pippenger’s end-decisive model, and a new QFA model whose definition is motivated by implementations of quantum computers using nucleo-magnetic resonance (NMR). In particular, we are interested in the new model since nucleo-magnetic resonance was used to construct the most powerful physical quantum machine to date. We give a complete characterization of the languages recognized by the new model and by Boolean combinations of the Brodsky-Pippenger model. Our results show a striking similarity in the class of languages recognized by th…