J. Reinhold
Search for Effects Beyond the Born Approximation in Polarization Transfer Observables ine→pElastic Scattering
Intensive theoretical and experimental efforts over the past decade have aimed at explaining the discrepancy between data for the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio, $$G_{E}/G_{M}$$, obtained separately from cross section and polarization transfer measurements. One possible explanation for this difference is a two-photon-exchange (TPEX) contribution. In an effort to search for effects beyond the one-photon-exchange or Born approximation, we report measurements of polarization transfer observables in the elastic $$H(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})$$ reaction for three different beam energies at a fixed squared momentum transfer $Q^2 = 2.5$ GeV$^2$, spanning a wide range of the virtual photon p…
High Resolution Spectroscopy ofBΛ12by Electroproduction
An experiment measuring electroproduction of hypernuclei has been performed in Hall A at Jefferson Lab on a $^{12}$C target. In order to increase counting rates and provide unambiguous kaon identification two superconducting septum magnets and a Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector (RICH) were added to the Hall A standard equipment. An unprecedented energy resolution of less than 700 keV FWHM has been achieved. Thus, the observed \lam{12}{B} spectrum shows for the first time identifiable strength in the core-excited region between the ground-state {\it s}-wave $\Lambda$ peak and the 11 MeV {\it p}-wave $\Lambda$ peak.
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy at JLab Hall C
Abstract Since the 1st generation experiment, E89-009, which was successfully carried out as a pilot experiment of (e,e'K+) hypernuclear spectroscopy at JLab Hall C in 2000, precision hypernuclear spectroscopy by the (e,e'K+) reactions made considerable progress. It has evolved to the 2nd generation experiment, E01-011, in which a newly constructed high resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) was installed and the “Tilt method” was adopted in order to suppress large electromagnetic background and to run with high luminosity. Preliminary high-resolution spectra of 7 Λ He and 28 Λ Al together with that of 12 Λ B that achieved resolution better than 500 keV(FWHM) were obtained. The third generation…
Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich hypernucleusHeΛ7from electron scattering
The missing mass spectroscopy of the HeΛ7 hypernucleus was performed using the Li7(e, e ′K+)HeΛ7 reaction at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall C. The Λ- binding energy of the ground-state (1/2+) was determined with a smaller error than that of the previous measurement, being BΛ=5.55±0.10stat.±0.11sys.MeV. The experiment also provided new insight into charge symmetry breaking in p-shell hypernuclear systems. Finally, a peak at BΛ=3.65±0.20stat. ±0.11sys.MeV was observed and assigned as a mixture of 3/2+ and 5/2+ states, confirming the "gluelike" behavior of Λ, which makes an unstable state in He6 stable against neutron emission.
High Resolution Λ Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Electron Beams
T. Gogami1 ∗, P. Achenbach2, A. Ahmidouch3, I. Albayrak4, D. Androic5, A. Asaturyan6, R. Asaturyan6, O. Ates4, P. Baturin7, R. Badui7, W. Boeglin7, J. Bono7, E. Brash8, P. Carter8, C. Chen4, A. Chiba1, E. Christy4, S. Danagoulian3, R. De Leo10, D. Doi1, M. Elaasar11, R. Ent9, Y. Fujii1, M. Fujita1, M. Furic5, M. Gabrielyan7, L. Gan12, F. Garibaldi13, D. Gaskell9, A. Gasparian3, O. Hashimoto1, T. Horn9, B. Hu14, Ed. V. Hungerford21, M. Jones9, H. Kanda1, M. Kaneta1, S. Kato19, M. Kawai1, D. Kawama1, H. Khanal7, M. Kohl4, A. Liyanage4, W. Luo14, K. Maeda1, A. Margaryan6, P. Markowitz7, T. Maruta1, A. Matsumura1, V. Maxwell7, A. Mkrtchyan6, H. Mkrtchyan6, S. Nagao1, S. N. Nakamura1, A. Narayan…