Pedro Ortiz

Improving the stability bound for the PPH nonlinear subdivision scheme for data coming from strictly convex functions

Abstract Subdivision schemes are widely used in the generation of curves and surfaces, and therefore they are applied in a variety of interesting applications from geological reconstructions of unaccessible regions to cartoon film productions or car and ship manufacturing. In most cases dealing with a convexity preserving subdivision scheme is needed to accurately reproduce the required surfaces. Stability respect to the initial input data is also crucial in applications. The so called PPH nonlinear subdivision scheme is proven to be both convexity preserving and stable. The tighter the stability bound the better controlled is the final output error. In this article a more accurate stabilit…

research product

New Perspectives in Rheoencephalography

One of the most important advances in biomedical engineering has been the ability to inspect inside the body without opening it. In this sense, rheoencephalography (REG) is an electromedical technique used to assess the cerebral blood flow (CBF) by noninvasive electrical impedance methods, using electrodes attached to the scalp surface. This technique was first proposed by Polzer and Schuhfried (1950), and emerged as an extrapolation of impedance plethysmography applied to the head. An electric current flowing through a biological tissue causes a potential difference between any pair of electrodes that can be measured. This potential difference depends on the amplitude of the injected curre…

research product

Fasciola hepatica phenotypic characterization in Andean human endemic areas: Valley versus altiplanic patterns analysed in liver flukes from sheep from Cajamarca and Mantaro, Peru

Fascioliasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Of both species, F. hepatica is the only one described in the Americas, mainly transmitted by lymnaeid snail vectors of the Galba/. Fossaria group. Human fascioliasis endemic areas are mainly located in high altitude areas of Andean countries. Given the necessity to characterize F. hepatica populations involved, the phenotypic features of fasciolid adults infecting sheep present in human fascioliasis endemic areas were analysed in the Cajamarca Valley and Mantaro Valley (valley transmission patterns) and the northern Bolivian Altiplano (altiplanic transmission pattern). A computer image analysis…

research product

Water-soluble polyesters from long chain alkylesters of citric acid and poly(ethylene glycol)

Abstract Long chain aliphatic alcohols have been used as model compounds to develop a preparative method for a water-soluble material, which could be a carrier for triacontanol, a highly hydrophobic plant growth regulator. New polyesters from long chain aliphatic (C = 12, 18 and 22) mono-1-alkyl citrates and poly(ethylene glycol) were synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The polyester containing the triacontyl moiety was obtained from mono-1-triacontyl citrate, which was synthesized from the corresponding alcohol extracted from the Agave fourcroydes . The molecular weight M ¯ n of the polyesters depends on experimental conditions during synthesis such as reaction time, atmosph…

research product

Molecular characterisation of Galba truncatula, Lymnaea neotropica and L. schirazensis from Cajamarca, Peru and their potential role in transmission of human and animal fascioliasis

Abstract Background Human and animal fascioliasis is emerging in many world regions, among which Andean countries constitute the largest regional hot spot and Peru the country presenting more human endemic areas. A survey was undertaken on the lymnaeid snails inhabiting the hyperendemic area of Cajamarca, where human prevalences are the highest known among the areas presenting a "valley transmission pattern", to establish which species are present, genetically characterise their populations by comparison with other human endemic areas, and discuss which ones have transmission capacity and their potential implications with human and animal infection. Methods Therefore, ribosomal DNA ITS-2 an…

research product

Hyperendemic human fascioliasis in Andean valleys: an altitudinal transect analysis in children of Cajamarca province, Peru.

Abstract A coprological survey including 476 2–18 year old school children from six rural localities between 2627 and 3061 m altitude was performed in Cajamarca province, Peru. Prevalences of fascioliasis ranging from 6.7 to 47.7% (mean 24.4%) proved to be the highest so far recorded in that human hyperendemic area. Higher prevalences in females and in the 2–5 year old group were not significant. Intensities ranged from 24 to 864 eggs per gram (arithmetic mean: 113; geometric mean: 68), the majority shedding less than 100, and without significant differences according to gender or age group. Fasciola hepatica was the most common helminth within a spectrum of 11–12 protozoan and 9–11 helmint…

research product

Spread of the fascioliasis endemic area assessed by seasonal follow-up of rDNA ITS-2 sequenced lymnaeid populations in Cajamarca, Peru

Fascioliasis is a worldwide emerging snail-borne zoonotic trematodiasis with a great spreading capacity linked to animal and human movements, climate change, and anthropogenic modifications of freshwater environments. South America is the continent with more human endemic areas caused by Fasciola hepatica, mainly in high altitude areas of Andean regions. The Peruvian Cajamarca area presents the highest human prevalences reported, only lower than those in the Bolivian Altiplano. Sequencing of the complete rDNA ITS-2 allowed for the specific and haplotype classification of lymnaeid snails collected in seasonal field surveys along a transect including 2007–3473 m altitudes. The species Galba t…

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