A. Jarmola
<title>Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D states of Cs in an external electric field</title>
We discuss experimental and theoretical studies of coherent excitation of magnetic sublevels in n D states of cesium that cross in an external electric field. Crossings of mF magnetic sublevels of hyperfine F levels with ΔmF = ±2 lead to resonances in the linearly polarized laser induced fluorescence, while crossings with ΔmF = ±1 lead to resonances in the circularly polarized laser induced fluorescence. These resonances can be exploited to observe alignment to orientation conversion. From the level crossing signals it is possible to measure atomic properties, such as the tensor polarizability α2 and the hyperfine constant A . Alignment to orientation conversion involves the deformation of …
Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances atD1excitation ofRb85andRb87in an extremely thin cell
Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances have been measured in an extremely thin cell (ETC) for the ${D}_{1}$ transition of rubidium in an atomic vapor of natural isotopic composition. All hyperfine transitions of both isotopes have been studied for a wide range of laser power densities, laser detunings, and ETC wall separations. Dark resonances in the laser induced fluorescence (LIF) were observed as expected when the ground-state total angular momentum ${F}_{g}$ was greater than or equal to the excited-state total angular momentum ${F}_{e}$. Unlike the case of ordinary cells, the width and contrast of dark resonances formed in the ETC dramatically depended on the detuning of the laser from th…
Optically Detected Magnetic Resonances of Nitrogen-Vacancy Ensembles in 13C Enriched Diamond
We present an experimental and theoretical study of the optically detected magnetic resonance signals for ensembles of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in 13C isotopically enriched single-crystal diamond. We observe four broad transition peaks with superimposed sharp features at zero magnetic field and study their dependence on applied magnetic field. A theoretical model that reproduces all qualitative features of these spectra is developed. Understanding the magnetic-resonance spectra of NV centers in isotopically enriched diamond is important for emerging applications in nuclear magnetic resonance.
Optical non-contact electric field mapping by LIF in Cs vapor
We present experimental and theoretical studies of the possibility of using cesium vapor as a tracer gas for optical non-contact electric field mapping. Optical images of electric field distributions have been obtained.
Hyperfine structure of the 3d34s4p6G multiplet of atomic vanadium
The spectrum of atomic vanadium was recorded using high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy with optical bandpass filters in the wavelength range from 360 to 500 nm. Vanadium atoms are produced and excited in a hollow-cathode discharge. The main focus lies on the determination of the magnetic dipole hyperfine constants A of the lowest multiplet of odd parity, the 6G of the configuration 3d34s4p, the hyperfine structure (HFS) of which was unknown to date. The HFS of the lines, connecting this multiplet with the multiplets 3d34s5s 6F, 3d34s4d 6H and 3d34s4d 6G, was observed and analysed. New results are presented for all six levels belonging to 3d34s4p 6G as well as for seven high-lying…
Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and10D5∕2states ofCs133and validation of relativistic many-body calculations of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants
We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants of D{sub J} states in {sup 133}Cs for J=3/2 and 5/2. Experimental values for the hyperfine constant A are obtained from level-crossing signals of the (7,9,10)D{sub 5} at {sub {approx}}{sub sol{approx}} at {sub 2} states of {sup 133}Cs and precise calculations of the tensor polarizabilities {alpha}{sub 2}. The results of relativistic many-body calculations for scalar and tensor polarizabilities of the (5-10)D{sub 3} at {sub {approx}}{sub sol{approx}} at {sub 2} and (5-10)D{sub 5} at {sub {approx}}{sub sol{approx}} at {sub 2} states are presented and compared with measured values from the …
F-resolved magneto-optical resonances in theD1excitation of cesium: Experiment and theory
Bright and dark nonlinear magneto-optical resonances associated with the ground state Hanle effect have been studied experimentally and theoretically for ${D}_{1}$ excitation of atomic cesium. This system offers the advantage that the separation between the different hyperfine levels exceeds the Doppler width, and hence transitions between individual levels can be studied separately. At the same time, the system retains the advantages offered by ordinary glass cells, including simplicity and subnatural width Hanle resonances. Experimental measurements for various laser power densities and transit relaxation times are compared with a model based on the optical Bloch equations, which averages…
Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D_5/2 states of 133Cs and validation of relativistic many-body calculations of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants
We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants of D_J states in 133Cs for J=3/2 and J=5/2. New experimental values for the hyperfine constant A are obtained from level-crossing signals of the (7,9,10)D_5/2 states of 133Cs and precise calculations of the tensor polarizabilities alpha_2. The results of relativistic many-body calculations for scalar and tensor polarizabilities of the (5-10)D_3/2 and (5-10)D_5/2 states are presented and compared with measured values from the literature. Calculated values of the hyperfine constants A for these states are also presented and checked for consistency with experimental values.
Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances atD1excitation ofR85bandR87bfor partially resolved hyperfineFlevels
Experimental signals of nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at ${D}_{1}$ excitation of natural rubidium in a vapor cell have been obtained and described with experimental accuracy by a detailed theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations. The ${D}_{1}$ transition of rubidium is a challenging system to analyze theoretically because it contains transitions that are only partially resolved under Doppler broadening. The theoretical model took into account all nearby transitions, the coherence properties of the exciting laser radiation, and the mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field and also included averaging over the Doppler profile. The experimental signals wer…
Hyperfine structure study of atomic niobium with enhanced sensitivity of Fourier transform spectroscopy
In an experimental setup with a high-resolution Fourier transform (FT) spectrometer and a hollow-cathode discharge, bandpass interference filters are used to enhance the sensitivity. This extension leads to an improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum of atomic niobium by a factor of up to 10 compared to FT spectra measured previously without filters (see Kroger et al 2010 Astron. Astrophys. 516 A70). Several additional spectral lines with low intensity have been observed. Additionally, in some intense lines, blends become visible due to the better signal-to-noise ratio. The hyperfine structure of 51 lines recorded in the wavelength range from 415 to 670 nm is analysed or re-…
Electric field induced hyperfine level-crossings in (nD)Cs at two-step laser excitation: experiment and theory
The pure electric field level-crossing of m_F Zeeman sublevels of hyperfine F levels at two-step laser excitation was described theoretically and studied experimentally for the nD_3/2 states in Cs with n = 7,9, and 10, by applying a diode laser in the first 6S_1/2 to 6P_3/2 step and a diode or dye laser for the second 6P_3/2 to nD_3/2 step. Level-crossing resonance signals were observed in the nD_3/2 to 6P_1/2 fluorescence. A theoretical model was developed to describe quantitatively the resonance signals by correlation analysis of the optical Bloch equations in the case when an atom simultaneously interacts with two laser fields in the presence of an external dc electric field. The simulat…
LIF intensity distribution as a deperturbation tool: application to the fully-mixed A1Σ+–b3Π complex of NaRb
Abstract The intensity distribution in the NaRb A 1 Σ + ( v A ′ = 16 , J ′ = 30 ; v A ′ = 18 , J ′ = 66 ) ∼ b 3 Π → X 1 Σ + ( v X ′ ′ = 2 ÷ 44 , J ′ ′ = J ′ ± 1 ) fluorescence series induced by diode laser excitation from the ground state have been measured and directly applied to restore adiabatic potential energy curve for the A-state of the fully-mixed A 1 Σ + – b 3 Π complex. Relative intensities in the long non-diagonal A → X progressions have been proved to be much less influenced by strong spin–orbit interaction than the corresponding term values of the fully coupled A 1 Σ + – b 3 Π complex.
Hyperfine structure measurements of neutral niobium with Fourier transform spectroscopy
Aims. We report on experimental studies of hyperfine structure splitting of neutral niobium.Methods. We used high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy to record a spectrum of niobium produced with a hollow cathode discharge lamp in the range of wavenumbers from 10 000 cm-1 to 30 000 cm-1 .Results. The magnetic dipole hyperfine structure constants A were determined for the 109 levels of odd parity by analyzing the profiles of 224 spectral lines. The A values of 57 of these level are reported for the first time.
Cascade coherence transfer and magneto-optical resonances at 455 nm excitation of Cesium
We present and experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear magneto-optical resonances observed in the fluorescence to the ground state from the 7P_{3/2} state of cesium, which was populated directly by laser radiation at 455 nm, and from the 6P_{1/2} and 6P_{3/2} states, which were populated via cascade transitions that started from the 7P_{3/2} state and passed through various intermediate states. The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) was observed as the magnetic field was scanned through zero. Signals were recorded for the two orthogonal, linearly polarized components of the LIF. We compared the measured signals with the results of calculations from a model that was based on the optica…