Harsha S. Gardiyawasam Pussewalage
An attribute based access control scheme for secure sharing of electronic health records
Electronic health records (EHRs) play a vital role in modern health industry, allowing the possibility of flexible sharing of health information in the quest of provisioning advanced and efficient healthcare services for the users. Although sharing of EHRs has significant benefits, given that such records contain lot of sensitive information, secure sharing of EHRs is of paramount importance. Thus, there is a need for the realization of sophisticated access control mechanisms for secure sharing of EHRs, which has attracted significant interest from the research community. The most prominent access control schemes for sharing of EHRs found in literature are role based and such solutions have…
An Efficient Multi-Show Unlinkable Attribute Based Credential Scheme for a Collaborative E-Health Environment
Modern electronic healthcare (e-health) systems constitute collaborative environments in which patients' private health data are shared across multiple domains. In such environments, patients' privacy can be violated through the linkability of different user access sessions over patient health data. Therefore, enforcing anonymous as well as multi-session unlinkable access for the users in e-health systems is of paramount importance. As a way of achieving this requirement, more emphasis has been given to anonymous attribute credentials, which allows a user to anonymously prove the ownership of a set of attributes to a verifier and thereby gain access to protected resources. Among the existin…
Privacy preserving mechanisms for enforcing security and privacy requirements in E-health solutions
In the last few decades, there have been significant efforts in integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into healthcare practices. This new paradigm commonly identified as electronic healthcare (e-health) allows provisioning of healthcare services at an affordable price to its consumers. However, there have been questions raised about the security of the sensitive information such as health records as well as the privacy of involving parties raising doubts on the minds of the general public. Thus, it is important to understand the potential security challenges in e-health systems and successfully resolve them by taking adequate measures to ensure fair utilization of suc…
An Anonymous Delegatable Attribute-based Credential Scheme for a Collaborative E-health Environment
We propose an efficient anonymous, attribute-based credential scheme capable of provisioning multi-level credential delegations. It is integrated with a mechanism to revoke the anonymity of credentials for resolving access disputes and making users accountable for their actions. The proposed scheme has a lower end-user computational complexity in comparison to existing credential schemes with delegatability and has a comparable level of performance with the credential standards of U-Prove and Idemix. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the proposed scheme can be applied to a collaborative e-health environment to provide its users with the necessary anonymous access with delegation capabilities.
A Patient-Centric Attribute Based Access Control Scheme for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records Using Cloud Computing
Personal health records (PHR) are an emerging health information exchange model, which facilitates PHR owners to efficiently share their private health data among a variety of users including healthcare professionals as well as family and friends. PHRs are usually outsourced and stored in third-party cloud platforms which relieves PHR owners from the burden of managing their PHR data while achieving better availability of health data. However, outsourcing private health data raises significant privacy concerns because there is a higher risk of leaking health information to unauthorized parties. To ensure PHR owners' control of their outsourced PHR data, attribute based encryption (ABE) mech…
Attribute based access control scheme with controlled access delegation for collaborative E-health environments
Abstract Modern electronic healthcare (e-health) settings constitute collaborative environments with complex access requirements. Thus, there is a need for sophisticated fine-grained access control mechanisms to cater these access demands and thereby experience the full potential of e-health systems. In order to realize a flexible access control scheme, integrating access delegation is of paramount importance. However, access delegation has to be enforced in a controlled manner so that it will not jeopardize the security of the system. In this paper, we addressed this issue through proposing an attribute based access control scheme integrated with controlled access delegation capabilities. …
Blockchain Based Delegatable Access Control Scheme for a Collaborative E-Health Environment
Modern electronic healthcare (e-health) settings constitute collaborative environments requiring sophisticated fine-grained access control mechanisms to cater their access demands. Access delegatability is quite crucial to realize fine-grained, flexible access control schemes compatible with such environments. In this paper, we addressed this issue through proposing an attribute based access control scheme integrated with controlled access delegation capabilities suitable for a multi-domain e-health environment. We have utilized the blockchain technology to manage attribute assignments, delegations as well as revocations. The scheme enables delegations in a controlled manner without jeopard…
A Distributed Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption Scheme for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records
Personal health records (PHR) are an emerging health information exchange model, which facilitates PHR owners to efficiently manage their health data. Typically, PHRs are outsourced and stored in third-party cloud platforms. Although, outsourcing private health data to third-party platforms is an appealing solution for PHR owners, it may lead to significant privacy concerns, because there is a higher risk of leaking private data to unauthorized parties. As a way of ensuring PHR owners' control of their outsourced PHR data, attribute based encryption (ABE) mechanisms have been considered due to the fact that such schemes facilitate a mechanism of sharing encrypted data among a set of intende…
Performance analysis of single cell solid oxide fuel cells
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are a class of fuel cells operating on high temperatures which have the potential to become one of the efficient and cost effective system for direct conversion of a wide variety of fuels to electricity. For proper operation of SOFCs, evaluation of cell stability and optimization of fuel utilization is of paramount importance. In this paper, we have performed experiments to obtain current-voltage (I–V) characteristics by using three different Hydrogen (H 2 ) flow rates(100 ml/min, 150 ml/min and 200 ml/min). Furthermore, we perform oxidation and reduction (redox) cycles to determine how many redox cycles a SOFC can withstand without cracking the cell which we …
Intrusion Detection with Interpretable Rules Generated Using the Tsetlin Machine
The rapid deployment in information and communication technologies and internet-based services have made anomaly based network intrusion detection ever so important for safeguarding systems from novel attack vectors. To this date, various machine learning mechanisms have been considered to build intrusion detection systems. However, achieving an acceptable level of classification accuracy while preserving the interpretability of the classification has always been a challenge. In this paper, we propose an efficient anomaly based intrusion detection mechanism based on the Tsetlin Machine (TM). We have evaluated the proposed mechanism over the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1999 (KDD’99) …