Giuseppe Romano

Predicting LVOT Obstruction in Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement for Failed Surgical Annuloplasty

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Corrigendum to Patterns of ascending aortic dilatation and predictors of surgical replacement of the aorta: A comparison of bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valve patients over eight years of follow-up “J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2019 Oct;135:31–39. PMID: 31348923” (Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (2019) 135 (31–39), (S0022282819300495), (10.1016/j.yjmcc.2019.07.010))

The authors regret that the author name of Romano and Raffa are incorrect. The corrected author's name are Romano G and Raffa GM. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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Riconoscimento e tutela delle fattispecie contrattuali atipiche: interferenze tra logiche argomentative e modelli processuali

La ricerca affronta il tema della tutela delle fattispecie contrattuali atipiche, tenendo distinto il tema dell’atipicità processuale da quello dell’atipicità contrattuale in senso stretto. Ci si sofferma, in particolare, sulle relazioni tra processi logico-argomentativi (ragionamento paradigmatico: assimilazione, analogia; ragionamento sillogistico-deduttivo) e connessi modelli processuali (azione tipica, azione ad exemplum di tipo specifico, azione ad exemplum di tipo generico). Più precisamente, si sottopongono ad analisi i seguenti modelli solutivi. Soluzioni sostanzialmente e formalmente assimilative. Azioni ad exemplum di tipo specifico con assimilazione sostanziale, ma non formale, c…

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Biomechanical Determinants of Right Ventricular Failure in Pulmonary Hypertension.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease characterized by progressive adverse remodeling of the distal pulmonary arteries, resulting in elevated pulmonary vascular resistance and load pressure on the right ventricle (RV), ultimately leading to RV failure. Invasive hemodynamic testing is the gold standard for diagnosing PH and guiding patient therapy. We hypothesized that lumped-parameter and biventricular finite-element (FE) modeling may lead to noninvasive predictions of both PH-related hemodynamic and biomechanical parameters that induce PH. We created patient-specific biventricular FE models that characterize the biomechanical response of the heart and coupled them with a lumped-paramete…

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Note a margine di Ulp. 26 ad ed. D. 12, 4, 3, 3-4 (A proposito di una nota interpretazione di Filippo Gallo)

Sommario: Esecuzione della prestazione e meccanismi costitutivi dei rapporti contrattuali extraedittali. — Critica al punto di vista tradizionale che vede nella ‘Vorleistung’ un elemento essenziale nella formazione della fattispecie contrattuale atipica: i punti di vista di Cannata, Burdese e Gallo. — Ulp. 26 ad ed. D., considerazioni preliminari sulla genuinità del § 3, in relazione anche al diverso impianto valutativo sul piano della connessione sinallagmatica presente in Cels. 3 D.12.4.16. — Rilievi critici rispetto alle interpretazioni del § 4 prospettate da Burdese e Gallo. — Attribuzione della soluzione adottata nel brano ad Ulpiano anziché a Proculo, anche in ragione di un …

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Note a margine di Paul. 5 quaest. D.

The paper deals with Paul. 5 quaest., a well-known text on subject of innominate contracts. The author comes to the conclusion that the current version of the text is largely interpolated. At least for § 5, the concession of the contractual action must be attributed to Justinian’s compilers. Great caution is required for § 4, although the use of the agere praescriptis verbis is to be excluded for relationships involving a factum, quod locari non possit: for such relationships, the use of the the actio de dolo or actio in factum must be assumed, as appropriate.

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Giuliano e i nova negotia: sulla tutela dei c.d. contratti innominati tra l’età traianea e l’età dei Severi

The study deals with Julian's thought on the protection of innominate contracts. In this regard, the idea is widespread that the jurist was opposed to an enlargement of the contractual sphere beyond the figures recognized at the edictal level. This conviction is based primarily on Ulp. 4 ad ed. D., well-known testimony in which Julian is reprimanded by Maurician and Ulpian for having granted an action in factum about a case of eviction, for which, according to both jurists his successors, he could have acted with the actio civilis incerti. The study disputes this idea and comes to the conclusion rather than to determine Julian’s solution of Ulp. 4 ad ed. it was a functional (or eco…

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Echocardiography to estimate high filling pressure in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction

Aims: Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular filling pressures is performed using a multi-parametric algorithm. Unselected sample of patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) patients may demonstrate an indeterminate status of diastolic indices making interpretation challenging. We sought to test improvement in the diagnostic accuracy of standard and strain echocardiography of the left ventricle and left atrium (LA) to estimate a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) > 15 mmHg in patients with HFrEF. Methods and results: Out of 82 consecutive patients, 78 patients were included in the final analysis and right heat catheterization, and echocardiogram…

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Celio Sabino e la venalis possessio di C.4.64.1 (Gord., a. 238)

The present work has as its subject a noted constitution by Gordiano from 238 a.d. in which is discussed the theme of guarantee from eviction in terms of trade operations similar to emptio venditio. In terms of ad exemplum ex empto actionis given to the possessio venalis buyer this paper agrees with dominant theory which excludes an actio ex empto identification. Doubts are expressed however on the amenability of the agere p.v., and the conjecture put forward by E. Sciandrello that there was a revision of Celio Sabino's doctrine by the imperial chancellery is also here contested. In reference to hypotheses of possessio non venalis trade, suspicions are expressed regarding the authenticity o…

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The Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on Clinical, Biochemical and Echocardiographic Parameters in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: The “Hemodynamic Recovery”

Background: Sacubitril/valsartan has been shown to be superior to enalapril in reducing the risks of death and hospitalization for heart failure (HF). However, knowledge of the impact on cardiac performance remains limited. We sought to evaluate the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on clinical, biochemical and echocardiographic parameters in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Methods: Sacubitril/valsartan was administered to 205 HFrEF patients. Results: Among 230 patients (mean age 59 &plusmn

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Le fattispecie contrattuali atipiche: logiche argomentative e modelli processuali

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Patterns of ascending aortic dilatation and predictors of surgical replacement of the aorta: A comparison of bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valve patients over eight years of follow-up

Abstract Background Predictors of thoracic aorta growth and early cardiac surgery in patients with bicuspid aortic valve are undefined. Our aim was to identify predictors of ascending aorta dilatation and cardiac surgery in patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Methods Forty-one patients with BAV were compared with 165 patients with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV). All patients had LV EF > 50%, normal LV dimensions, and similar degree of aortic root or ascending aorta dilatation at enrollment. Patients with more than mild aortic stenosis or regurgitation were excluded. A CT-scan was available on 76% of the population, and an echocardiogram was repeated every year for a median time of 4 ye…

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Brevi considerazioni su Paul. 32 ad ed. D. tra tradizione testuale e proposte emendative

This paper analyses a famous excerpt from the roman jurist Paulus on the barter (Paul. 32 ad ed. D. According to the scholars this passage lists (even if confusedly) the available procedural remedies against the defaulting party, given the institution of a valid contract: action in id quod interest, aimed at obtaining a specific performance, and the condictio quasi re non secuta, for the recovery of what has already been given. However, this reconstruction does not consider the connection (igitur) with the previous § 3, in which it is affirmed that barter is void when a party delivers a third party property. So the author suggests to abandon Mommsen’s reconstruction based on Bas.2…

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Usefulness of longitudinal systolic strain and delayed enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance in depicting risk of supraventricular arrythmias in patients with acute myocarditis and preserved left ventricular function

Background: Myocarditis have variable clinical presentation, evolution and prognosis. Aim of our study was to evaluate the value of speckle tracking echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in the short-term prediction of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVA) in patients with acute myocarditis. Methods: Seventy patients (mean age 31±14 years old) with acute myocarditis and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were enrolled. Longitudinal systolic strain (LS) of the left ventricle (LV), mechanical dispersion (MD) and CMR with quantitative measurement of delayed enhancement (DE) were performed in a subset of 43 patients. Logistic regression and ROC analysis were used t…

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Peripheral artery disease: potential role of ACE-inhibitor therapy

Giuseppe Coppola, Giuseppe Romano, Egle Corrado, Rosa Maria Grisanti, Salvatore NovoDepartment of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular and Nephro-Urological Diseases, Chair of Cardiovascular Disease, University of Palermo, Palermo, ItalyAbstract: Subjects with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower limbs are at high risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and the prevalence of coronary artery disease in such patients is elevated. Recent studies have shown that regular use of cardiovascular medications, such as therapeutic and preventive agents for PAD patients, seems to be promising in reducing long-term mortality and morbidity. The angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) system…

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Patients with bicuspid aortic valve are likely to receive an aortic valve prosthesis during prophylactic resection of their ascending aortic aneurysm.

This study aims to evaluate whether thepresence or discovery of a BAV under ATAA repair would impactthe decision-making of the surgical procedure choice.

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Paul. 32 ad ed. D. permuta ed evizione in un noto testo paolino

The present work deals with D., text in which Paul seems to grant an actio in factum pretoria (Gai 4.66) in favour of the contractor evicted within a relationship of barter, with a solution that not generally seemed consistent with the decision taken elsewhere by the same jurist (Paul. D. to allow a civil action for the hypothesis of non-execution. Many have therefore assumed that Paul was referring someone else's opinion (maybe by Salvio Giuliano) from him not shared, with a proposal though hardly sustainable. Part of the doctrine has so explained the different solution of D. with the hypothesis of a failure to improve the contractual situation due to the invalidi…

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Conventio e consensus (A proposito di Ulp. 4 ad edictum D. 2, 14, 1, 3).

SOMMARIO: 1. Conventio e consensus come termini egualmente espressivi della nozione di ‘volontà comune’ (‘Willensübereinstimmung’) — 2. Per una distinzione delle due nozioni. Esame delle varie tesi proposte in dottrina — 3. Continua: osservazioni critiche. — 4. Conventio come ‘accordo’ nel senso di ‘contenuto negoziale’. — 5. ‘Consenso’ e ‘accordo’ nella dogmatica moderna: per una possibile analogia. — 6. Consensus come volontà singola adesiva (‘Zustimmung’). — 7. Analisi di B.11.1.1: all’origine di un equivoco. 8. Possibili ricadute sull’interpretazione di Ulp. 4 ad ed. D. — 9. Per un uso (improprio) di conventio nel senso di consensus. ― 10. Ulp. 4 ad ed. D. osservazioni…

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Early Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan on Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction.

Background. Sacubitril/valsartan in heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) was shown to be superior to enalapril in reducing the risk of death and hospitalization for HF. Our aim was to evaluate the cardiopulmonary effects of sacubitril/valsartan in patients with HFrEF. Methods. We conducted an observational study. Ninety-nine ambulatory patients with HFrEF underwent serial cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPET) after initiation of sacubitril/valsartan in addition to recommended therapy. Results. At baseline, 37% of patients had New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III. After a median follow-up of 6.2 months (range 3&ndash

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Nota sulla tutela del contraente evitto nell'ambito dei c.d. contratti innominati. Il caso dell'actio auctoritatis.

SOMMARIO: 1. – D. da un’ipotesi di Pietro de Francisci ad oggi. 2. ¬¬– Auctoritas e actio auctoritatis: quadro di sintesi. 3. – Mancipatio e obligatio auctoritatis: tra ‘Zugriffsakt’,‘Barkauf’ e imaginaria venditio. 4. – Auctoritas e indicazione del prezzo nella mancipatio-imaginaria venditio. 5. – L’auctoritas nei rapporti di scambio: profili problematici. 6. – D. actio auctoritatis e sussidiarietà dell’actio de dolo. Spunti per una nuova riflessione. 7. – D.12.4.16 e auctoritas: un testo da rileggere?

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Sacubitril/Valsartan Improves Autonomic Function and Cardiopulmonary Parameters in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction

Background: Heart rate recovery (HRR) is a marker of vagal tone, which is a powerful predictor of mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease. Sacubitril/valsartan (S/V) is a treatment for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), which impressively impacts cardiovascular outcome. This study aims at evaluating the effects of S/V on HRR and its correlation with cardiopulmonary indexes in HFrEF patients. Methods: Patients with HFrEF admitted to outpatients&rsquo

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Modeling Right Ventricle Failure After Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device: A Biventricular Finite-Element and Lumped-Parameter Analysis

The risk of right ventricle (RV) failure remains a major contraindication for continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (CF-LVAD) implantation in patients with heart failure. It is therefore critical to identify the patients who will benefit from early intervention to avoid adverse outcomes. We sought to advance the computational modeling description of the mechanisms underlying RV failure in LVAD-supported patients. RV failure was studied by computational modeling of hemodynamic and cardiac mechanics using lumped-parameter and biventricular finite element (FE) analysis. Findings were validated by comparison of bi-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiographic strain assessment of the …

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