María Jesús Zafra
Assisted Cough, Abdominal Compression, and Severe Kyphoscoliosis
[Respiratory muscle aids during an episode of aspiration in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy].
We report the case of a Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient with good bulbar function but severely decreased forced vital capacity (9%) and spontaneous peak cough flow (PCF) (2.35 L/s). The patient needed continuous noninvasive ventilation (NIV) consisting of a volumetric ventilator with a nighttime nasal mask and a daytime mouthpiece. He also required application of manually assisted coughing techniques by insufflation with a resuscitation bag and chest thrust (manually assisted PCF after maximum insufflation capacity of 4.33 L/s). An episode of serious food aspiration was resolved by his main caregiver through NIV and manually assisted coughing. Bronchoscopy under sedation using NIV with …
Secretion Management Must Be Considered When Reporting Success or Failure of Noninvasive Ventilation
Ayudas a los músculos respiratorios durante un episodio de aspiración en un enfermo con distrofia muscular de Duchenne
Presentamos el caso de un enfermo afectado de distrofia muscular de Duchenne con buena funcion bulbar, pero con disminucion importante de la capacidad vital forzada (9%) y del pico de flujo de tos espontaneo (2,35 l/s) que le obligaba a mantener ventilacion no invasiva (VNI) continua (ventilador volumetrico, mascarilla nasal nocturna y pieza bucal en vigilia) y a utilizar ayudas manuales para la tos mediante insuflaciones con ambu y compresion toracica espiratoria (pico de flujo de tos asistida tras maxima capacidad de insuflacion de 4,33 l/s). El paciente presento una aspiracion importante de material digestivo que se resolvio gracias a la asociacion de las ayudas manuales para la tos prop…