Alexandre Sauter
Attracteur de polarisation dans les fibres optiques
Nous etudions la dynamique non lineaire des etats de polarisation de deux ondes coherentes ou incoherentes se propageant dans une fibre optique. Nous presentons en particulier un effet original d'attraction de la polarisation.
Polarization mode dispersion and vectorial modulational instability in air silica microstructure fiber
The birefringence of an air-silica microstructure fiber has been studied by measurement of the fiber polarization mode dispersion (PMD) over the wavelength range 545-640 nm. The experimental results are shown to be in good agreement with vectorial numerical calculations, assuming an elliptical core with an eccentricity of 7%. We also report controlled experiments studying nonlinear vectorial modulation instability in the fiber, yielding 3.9-THz modulational instability sideband shifts that are in good agreement with theoretical predictions based on the calculated fiber dispersion and PMD characteristics.
Incoherent modulation instability in instantaneous nonlinear Kerr media
We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally in an optical fiber system that partially temporally incoherent light exhibits modulational instability during its propagation in an instantaneous response nonlinear medium. We show that the modulation frequency and gain are substantially increased with respect to the corresponding values of coherent modulational instability.
Experimental observation of incoherent modulation instability in standard optical fibers
In this work, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that a partially temporally incoherent light can exhibit modulational instability when propagating in an optical fiber with instantaneous nonlinear Kerr response.
Instabilité modulationnelle incohérente
Dans cet article, nous presentons une etude theorique et experimentale de l'instabilite de modulation d'une onde partiellement coherente. Les experiences ont ete realisees dans une fibre optique standard au voisinage de 1320 nm. En particulier, et en comparaison avec le cas coherent, nous observons que l'utilisation d'une onde incoherente conduit a une augmentation significative du gain et de la frequence de modulation.
Simultaneous achievement of polarization attraction and Raman amplification in optical fibers
We present a theoretical analysis and experimental demonstration of the combined effects of polarization attraction and Raman amplification in isotropic optical fibers. The polarization attraction is based on four-wave mixing interaction of counterpropagating waves.