Arnt Buvik
The effect of buyer specific-monitoring procedures on buyer control in dynamic supply chain links
Based on transaction cost analysis (TCA), resource dependency theory (RDT), and supply chain management literature, this study explores the effect of buyer-specific monitoring procedures on buyer control in industrial buyer-seller transactions, particularly in relation to how environmental uncertainty affects the buying firm's ability to exercise control over the supplier firm. The research design is based on primary data from a survey of 168 industrial buyer-seller relationships which map a broad set of dimensions of the economic transactions and structures in these business-to-business relationships. The empirical findings provide support for the hypotheses, and demonstrate that the effec…
Electronic commerce and governance forms: a transaction cost approach
A large amount of the electronic commerce (EC) literature is focused on the benefits of digitalising transactions, as well as technological and organisational issues related to implementing inter-firm information systems. Even though firms choose different electronic solutions for different purposes, there are still modest research contributions focusing on what kind of governance structures that emerge from business to business (B2B) electronic commerce and why these different governance forms emerge. This paper develops a framework for analysing how certain transaction characteristics such as order frequency, relation specific assets and uncertainty affect the alignment of electronic gove…
Contractual safeguarding of specific assets in cross-border and domestic buyer–supplier relationships
Safeguarding specific investments and mitigation of potential opportunistic behaviours are among the most prominent functions of formal contracting in buyer–seller relationships. Extending the extant literature, the present study investigates the relationship between specific investments and the extent of formal contracting in cross-border and domestic relationships. Based on a sample of 156 buyer–seller relationships, the analysis shows that there is a positive association between specific investments and the extent of formal contracting. However, the emphasis on formal contracting is stronger in cross-border relationships than in the domestic ones. Interestingly, the association between …