Mireille Blanchard-desce
Large Quadratic Hyperpolarizabilities with Donor–Acceptor Polyenes Exhibiting Optimum Bond Length Alternation: Correlation Between Structure and Hyperpolarizability
Donor-acceptor polyenes of various lengths, and that combine aro- matic electron-donating moieties with powerful heterocyclic electron-withdraw- ing terminal groups, have been synthe- sized and characterized as efficient non- linear optical (NLO) chromophores. Their linear and nonlinear optical proper- ties have been investigated, and variations in these properties have been related to ground-state polarization (dipole p) and structure. In particular, unprecedented quadratic hyperpolarizabilities (p) have been achieved (up to p(0) =I500 x 10-30esu) by reduction of the bond- length alternation (BLA) in the polyenic chain. In each series of homologous com-
Elongated push–pull diphenylpolyenes for nonlinear optics: molecular engineering of quadratic and cubic optical nonlinearities via tuning of intramolecular charge transfer
Abstract Push–pull polyenes are of particular interest for nonlinear optics (NLO) as well as model compounds for long-distance intramolecular charge transfer (ICT). In order to tune the ICT phenomenon and control the linear and nonlinear optical properties, we have synthesized and investigated several series of soluble push–pull diphenylpolyenes of increasing length and having various donor (D) and acceptor (A) end groups. Their linear and NLO properties have been studied by performing electro-optical absorption measurements (EOAM) and third-harmonic generation (THG) experiments in solution. Each push–pull molecule exhibits an intense ICT absorption band in the visible characterized by an i…
Intramolecular charge transfer in elongated donor-acceptor conjugated polyenes
Abstract Intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) has been investigated by electro-optical absorption measurements for two series of donor-acceptor polyenes of increasing length. Each molecule undergoes an increase in dipole moment upon photoexcitation. The experimental results indicate that lengthening the polyenic chain linking the donor and acceptor end groups results in a bathochromic shift of the ICT absorption band and induces marked increases of both excited state and transition dipoles, whereas the ground-state dipole is relatively unaffected. As a result, marked photoinduced changes in the dipole moment (up to 33 D) were obtained with the longest molecules (up to 27 A) leading to highl…
Intramolecular charge transfer and enhanced quadratic optical non-linearities in push pull polyenes
Abstract Push-pull polyenes, which have an electron-donating group (D) and an electron-withdrawing group (A) grafted on opposite ends of a conjugated polyenic chain, are of particular interest as model compounds for long-distance intramolecular charge transfer (ICT), as well as potent non-linear optical chromophores. Several series of push-pull polyenes of increasing length, combining aromatic donor moieties and various acceptor groups, have been prepared and studied. Their linear and non-linear optical properties have been investigated by performing electro-optical absorption measurements (FOAM) and electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation (EFISH) experiments in solution. Each mol…