C. Eyraud
Some comments on the history of thermogravimetry
Abstract In a review of the authors about the history of vacuum microbalance techniques (including a chronology in table form), also published in Thermochimica Acta, (ref. 1) it uas pointed out, that also some corrections are to be made on the history of therinogravimetry. The first findings of balances are dated to about 3000 B.C. A gravimetric hygrometer is mentioned by Nicolaus Cusanus in 1450. In the 19th century chemical reactions at variable temperatures uere investigated using balances. The very beginning of the thermogravinietry is antedated to the work of Talabot who in 1833 at Lyon equipped a laboratory with thermobalances for quality control of Chinese silk.
Some comments on the history of vacuum microbalance techniques
Abstract Based on the reviews of Behrndt, Iwata, Duval, Jenemann and Gast, we present a chronology of vacuum microbalance techniques in table form. The earliest discoveries of weights and balances are dated to about 3000 B.C. In the 19th century, balances were operated in vacuum for meteorological purposes. Thermogravimetry began with Talabot who, in 1833 in Lyon, equipped a laboratory with thermobalances for quality control of Chinese silk. At the beginning of the 20th century, microbalances were placed in high-vacuum apparatus.