M Domeyer
Indikationen zur konventionellen Adrenalektomie
INTRODUCTION: Conventional adrenalectomy still plays an important role, even in the era of minimally invasive endocrine surgery. It was the aim of our study to analyse the indications for conventional adrenalectomy in our own patients since the introduction of the minimally invasive technique in the year 1994 - laparoscopically and retroperitoneoscopically. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1994 and September 2006, a total of 412 adrenalectomies were performed in 380 patients. Out of these, 106 operations (25.7 %) were carried out conventionally in 98 patients, and 306 operations (74.3 %) endoscopically in 282 patients. RESULTS: Indications for conventional adrenalectomy were - as compa…
Chirurgische Therapie des Ösophaguskarzinoms: Eine prospektive 20-Jahres-Analyse
BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was the analysis of long-term developments in the surgical therapy for esophageal carcinoma at our hospital over a period of 20 years with a differentiated view on the two predominant histological tumour types. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September 1985 and September 2005, esophageal resections were performed in 470 patients at our clinic on account of a malignant tumour of the esophagus. The abdomino-thoracic resection with abdominal and extended mediastinal lymph node dissection as well as intrathoracic anastomosis was the standard treatment in the case of squamous cell carcinoma, whereas in adenocarcinoma a transhiatal resection with abdominal and dorsa…