Akshay Sharma
Optimized design of wide-area PSS for damping of inter-area oscillations
In this paper a genetic algorithm based wide area power system stabilizer (PSS) in a multi machine power system for damping of low frequency inter-area oscillations has been presented. The wide area PSS is composed of two stages, the input of one stage is a local signal and the input of other is a global signal. Geometric measure of controllability and observability is used to select the most effective stabilizing signals and location of controller. Tie line active power flow deviation is found to be the most effective input signal. Time domain based objective function is minimized, in which the deviation in the oscillatory rotor speed of generator is involved so that the stability performa…
Minimizing uncertainties with improved power system stability using wide area fuzzy-2 logic based damping controller
In this paper, a centralized Wide Area Damping Controller (WADC) is synthesized based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic controller. The disturbance is symbolized as distributed in the network with application of momentarily disturbance to the generator in area 1 for few cycles. The response of tie-line active power flow from area-1 to area-2, rotor speed change, rotor mechanical angle deviation, positive sequence voltage are examined by considering the test system with conventional PSS (CPSS), fuzzy type-1 based controller and fuzzy type-2 based controller. The proposed controller performance is analyzed and compared with fuzzy type-1 based controller and CPSS. The simulation results are used …
Optimal signal selection of wide area damping controller considering time delay in multi-machine power system
This paper presents a validation of selection process for selecting the most effective stabilizing signal to improve damping of inter area oscillations in a multi-machine power system by different signal selection methods. This paper also deals with wide area damping controller scheme compensating time latency of feedback signal in order to damp low frequency inter area oscillations in large power system. Pade approximation to time delay is used with controller synthesis. Eigenvector based coherent machine identification method has been adapted in this research for coherent area identification in multi-machine power system. The selected control signal is tested on the 4 machine 11 bus syste…
Coherency identification and oscillation damping effects of PSS in interconnected power system: A comparative analysis approach
This paper analyzes four different test systems for defining coherent generators in the multi machine power systems based on the Eigen properties of the linearized model of the inter connected power system. The disruption is measured to be dispersed in the network by smearing small signal disturbance in each case. For finding the coherent areas and their tolerances in the inter-connected power system, no generator buses are allocated to each cluster of coherent generator using similar coherency recognition methods. The technique is assessed with four test schemes, and coherent generators and zones are acquired for diverse functioning points to render a more precise consortium approach, whic…