Francesco Landolina
Accessing and selecting menu items by in-air touch
Is it possible to realize a non-visual, purely tactile version of an icon-based menu? Driven by such question, a hierarchical tactile dock was designed for an array of ultrasound emitters. The icons were conceived as spatio-temporal variable-speed sequences of tactile stimulation points, that are passively perceived as trajectories drawn on the palm of the hand. The recognition rate on four icons largely improved prior performance results obtained by active haptic exploration. As a result, a four-icons set can be used as the first level of a hierarchy of symbols that can be navigated by touch and gesture. The design process, based on controlled recognition experiments and exploration of dis…
Network Centralities and Node Ranking
An important problem in network analysis is understanding how much nodes are important in order to “propagate” the information across the input network. To this aim, many centrality measures have been proposed in the literature and our main goal here is that of providing an overview of the most important of them. In particular, we distinguish centrality measures based on walks computation from those based on shortest-paths computation. We also provide some examples in order to clarify how these measures can be calculated, with special attention to Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality and Betweennes Centrality.
Verso le Città Cognitive. Un esempio di classificatore fuzzy: il bot parcheggiatore
Le città cognitive (Portmann, Seising e Tabacchi, 2017) sono una possibile evoluzione delle smart cities (Portmann e Fingers, 2016). Nella progettazione di una città cognitiva si tiene conto, oltre che della rete di sensori ed attuatori che contribuiscono alla condivisione dei dati, anche del rapporto tra la città ed il cittadino; a questo fine sono utilizzate una serie di tecnologie proprie della Computational Intelligence (Kacprzyk e Pedrycz, 2015), quali Metaeuristiche, Algoritmi evolutivi e genetici e metodologie Soft Computing per includere nel dialogo non solo vaste moli di dati, ma la possibilità di analisi introspettive che utilizzino come interfaccia da e verso gli utenti i linguag…