O. Dillmann
Monte Carlo Study of Critical Point Shifts in Thin Films
We report preliminary results of Monte Carlo simulations of critical point shifts in thin slit-like capillaries. By making use of the isomorphism with an Ising model subject to bulk and surface fields and employing a multi-cluster update algorithm with ghost-spin term we obtain the coexistence curve and the behavior at the critical point for various film thicknesses D.
MC Study of the p-state Mean-Field Potts Glass
The p-state mean-field Potts glass with ±J-couplings is studied by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, both for p = 3 and p = 6 states. At the exactly known glass transition temperature Tc, the moments q( k ) of the spin glass order parameter satisfy for p = 3 a simple scaling behavior, q( k ) \({q^{\left( k \right)}}\alpha {N^{ - k/3}}{\tilde f_k}\left\{ {{N^{1/3}}\left( {1 - T/{T_c}} \right)} \right\},k = 1,2,3,...\). The specific-heat maxima exhibit a similar behavior, c V max α const — N -l/3, while the approach of the maxima positions T max to T c as N → ∞ is non-monotonic. For p = 6 the results are compatible with the expected result of a quite peculiar first-order phase transition. The spe…