Radovan Wiszt
Redundancy and synergy in interactions among basic cardiovascular oscillations
The cardiovascular control system comprises a complex network of various control mechanisms operating on many time scales resulting in complex and mutually interconnected output signals (e.g. heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures). The analysis of these interconnections could noninvasively provide an information on the regulatory mechanisms involved in cardiovascular control and thus could be potentially applied to better characterize cardiovascular dysregulation in pathological conditions. Our study demonstrates that the strength of interactions among signals changes with the time scale and as a response to changed autonomic state (orthostasis compared to supine rest). Novel i…
Selection of blood pressure signal for baroreflex analysis
This study aims to evaluate the strength of the causal coupling among systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, MBP and DBP) with heart period (RR interval) (evaluating cardiac chronotropic baroreflex arm) and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) (evaluating vascular resistance baroreflex arm) in frequency domain using partial spectral decomposition method. We recorded beat-to-beat RR, SBP, MBP and DBP and PVR values in 39 volunteers during supine rest and head-up tilt. Our results showed that during supine rest the most dominant causal coupling was from DBP to RR in both low and high frequency bands and significantly decreased during orthostasis. The strength of spectral couplings …
Towards understanding the complexity of cardiovascular oscillations: Insights from information theory.
Abstract Cardiovascular complexity is a feature of healthy physiological regulation, which stems from the simultaneous activity of several cardiovascular reflexes and other non-reflex physiological mechanisms. It is manifested in the rich dynamics characterizing the spontaneous heart rate and blood pressure variability (HRV and BPV). The present study faces the challenge of disclosing the origin of short-term HRV and BPV from the statistical perspective offered by information theory. To dissect the physiological mechanisms giving rise to cardiovascular complexity in different conditions, measures of predictive information, information storage, information transfer and information modificati…
Information domain analysis of respiratory sinus arrhythmia mechanisms.
Ventilation related heart rate oscillations – respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) – originate in human from several mechanisms. Two most important of them – the central mechanism (direct communication between respiratory and cardiomotor centers), and the peripheral mechanism (ventilation-associated blood pressure changes transferred to heart rate via baroreflex) have been described in previous studies. The major aim of this study was to compare the importance of these mechanisms in the generation of RSA non-invasively during various states by quantifying the strength of the directed interactions between heart rate, systolic blood pressure and respiratory volume signals. Seventy-eight healthy…
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Mechanisms in Young Obese Subjects
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity and imbalance between its sympathetic and parasympathetic components are important factors contributing to the initiation and progression of many cardiovascular disorders related to obesity. The results on respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) magnitude changes as a parasympathetic index were not straightforward in previous studies on young obese subjects. Considering the potentially unbalanced ANS regulation with impaired parasympathetic control in obese patients, the aim of this study was to compare the relative contribution of baroreflex and non-baroreflex (central) mechanisms to the origin of RSA in obese vs. control subjects. To this end, we applied…
Vascular resistance arm of the baroreflex: methodology and comparison with the cardiac chronotropic arm.
Baroreflex response consists of cardiac chronotropic (effect on heart rate), cardiac inotropic (on contractility), venous (on venous return) and vascular (on vascular resistance) arms. Because of its measurement simplicity, cardiac chronotropic arm is most often analysed. The aim was to introduce a method to assess vascular baroreflex arm, and to characterize its changes during stress. We evaluated the effect of orthostasis and mental arithmetics (MA) in 39 (22 female, median age: 18.7 yrs.) and 36 (21 female, 19.2 yrs.) healthy volunteers, respectively. We recorded systolic and mean blood pressure (SBP and MBP) by volume-clamp method and R-R interval (RR) by ECG. Cardiac output (CO) was re…