Taina Poranen-clark
Intellectual ability in young adulthood as an antecedent of physical functioning in older age.
Objectives: low cognitive ability is associated with subsequent functional disability. Whether this association extends across adult life has been little studied. The aim of this study was to examine the association between intellectual ability in young adulthood and physical functioning during a 10-year follow-up in older age.Methods: three hundred and sixty persons of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (HBCS) male members, born between 1934 and 1944 and residing in Finland in 1971, took part in The Finnish Defence Forces Basic Intellectual Ability Test during the first 2 weeks of their military service training between 1952 and 1972. Their physical functioning was assessed twice using the Sh…
Life-space mobility, defined as the spatial extent of movement in daily life, is strongly dependent on functional ability. However, active striving to reach one’s goals might inspire older people to move in a larger life-space regardless of their physical abilities. We aimed to study whether tenacious goal pursuit differs according to walking difficulties and whether it is associated with life-space mobility in old age.
Goal pursuit may affect older people’s outdoor mobility, a correlate of quality of life. This study investigated associations of flexible and tenacious goal pursuit with perceived autonomy in participation outdoors and life-space mobility. Participants were community-dwelling older people aged 79–93 years (n=185). Tenacious goal pursuit (TGP) and flexible goal adjustment (FGA) were self-reported with separate scales (ranges 5–25). Perceived autonomy in participation was assessed with the Impact on Participation and Autonomy ‘outdoors’-subscale (range 0–20), and life-space mobility with the Life-Space Assessment (range 0–120). Two-step cluster analysis was used to create data-driven goal pur…
Association of childhood adversities and home atmosphere with functioning in old age: the Helsinki birth cohort study
Objectivechildhood adversities have been linked with adverse health outcomes, but less is known about the long-term consequences of childhood home atmosphere. We investigated whether childhood adversities and home atmosphere were associated with physical and mental functioning in older age.Methodsin the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study 2003, participants born in the year 1934–44 had data available on nine childhood home atmosphere items, e.g. whether it was supportive and warm (sum score ranged between 0 and 36, higher score indicating better atmosphere), and nine childhood adversities, e.g. unemployment and divorce (sum score 0–9, coded into no; one; and two or more adversities) assessed in 200…
Varhainen motorinen kehitys on yhteydessä kognitiiviseen suorituskykyyn varhaisessa vanhuudessa
Kyky liikkua itsenäisesti minne haluaa, milloin haluaa ja miten haluaa, on tärkeää niin varhaisessa lapsuudessa kuin myöhemmin vanhuudessa. Varhaisempi kävelemään oppiminen on yhteydessä parempaan kognitiiviseen suorituskykyyn vanhuudessa. Vireät aivot vanhuudessa pitävät puolestaan yllä laajempaa elinpiiriä. nonPeerReviewed
Mobility is important for maintaining independence and active participation in old age. Life-space mobility assessment incorporates the extent of mobility in terms of the distance from home, the frequency of mobility and the need of assistance for mobility. Executive function (EF) is one of the most important higher-order cognitive abilities that control and guide goal-directed actions. The aim of the study was to examine the association between EF and life-space mobility.
Executive function and life-space mobility in old age
Life-space assessment incorporates all movements in terms of the distance from home, the frequency of movement and the need of assistance for movement. Executive function (EF) is an important higher order cognitive ability that controls and guides people’s goal-directed actions. We examined the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between EF and life-space mobility, and investigated if perceived walking difficulties, lower extremity performance, and transportation difficulties explain the association. Methods 157 community-dwelling persons aged 76–91 years participated in the study at the baseline, and 103 of them in 2-year follow-up study. Based on the distribution on the Trail Ma…
Association of tenacious goal pursuit and flexible goal adjustment with out-of-home mobility among community-dwelling older people
Background As people age, functional losses may limit the potential to get outside the home and participate in desired activities and community life. Coping with age-related losses has been reported to be important for psychological well-being. Hitherto is not known whether active use of coping strategies also helps maintain out-of-home mobility. Aims We investigated how two coping strategies, tenacious goal pursuit (TGP; persistency in reaching one’s goals) and flexible goal adjustment (FGA; adjusting one’s goals to changed circumstances), are associated with life-space mobility and perceived autonomy in participation outdoors among community-dwelling older people. Methods Participants (n …
Kognitiivisen tason yhteys alaraajojen toimintakykyyn iäkkäillä henkilöillä
Kognitiivinen ja fyysinen toimintakyky ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä iäkkään henkilön toimintakyvyn kannalta. Muistisairaudet heikentävät merkitsevästi iäkkäiden henkilöiden kykyä selviytyä itsenäisesti päivittäisistä toiminnoista. Toiminnanohjaus ja tarkkaavaisuus ovat keskeisessä roolissa iäkkäiden henkilöiden alaraajojen toimintakykyä vaativissa motorisissa toiminnoissa. Tämän pro gradu-tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää kognitiivisen tason yhteyttä alaraajojen toimintakykyyn. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Life-Space Mobility in Old Age- tutkimushankkeen vuoden 2012 haastattelu ja tutkimusaineistoa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 848 Muuramen ja Jyväkylän alueella kotona itsenäisesti asuvaa 75- 90 -vu…
The combined effect of lower extremity function and cognitive performance on perceived walking ability among older people : a 2-year follow-up study
Background We studied the combined effects of cognitive performance and lower extremity function on self-reported walking modifications and walking difficulty and on self-reported walking difficulty incidence over a 2-year follow-up. Methods A total of 848 community-dwelling older people aged 75-90 years participated at baseline, 816 at the 1-year follow-up, and 761 at the 2-year follow-up. Baseline lower extremity function was measured with the Short Physical Performance Battery (<10 vs. ≥10) and cognitive performance with the Mini-Mental State Examination (<24 vs. ≥24). Difficulty in walking 2 km was self-reported and categorized into no difficulties, no difficulties but walking modificat…
The temporal association between executive function and life-space mobility in old age
Background Life-space mobility, an indicator of community mobility, describes person’s movements in terms of the distance from home, the frequency of movement, and the need of assistance for movement. Executive function (EF) is a higher-order cognitive function that supervises motor control and plays a key role in a person’s ability to function independently. Cognitive impairment often co-occurs with restricted life-space mobility; however, the direction of the longitudinal associations between EF and life-space mobility is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal associations between EF and life-space mobility among community-dwelling older people. Methods One hundred…