R. Pallavicini
Lithium in the intermediate age cluster NGC 3680: Following Li evolution along the C-M diagram
We present an analysis of high resolution spectroscopic observations (R 30 000, S=N =6 0 150) of 24 members of the intermediate age (1.5 Gyr) open cluster NGC 3680, covering all regions of the cluster colour-magnitude (C{M) diagram where cluster members are known to exist. These observations represent in many aspects challenges to our understanding of stellar interior and mixing. Four main sequence G stars have, within the errors, the same Li abundance, 0.3 dex lower than similar stars in the1 Gyr younger Hyades but comparable with those observed in the coeval cluster IC 4651. The cluster shows a clear Li-dip located around the turn-o; two stars on the upper part of the turn-o are out of th…
Coronal properties of active G-type stars in different evolutionary phases
We report on the analysis of XMM-Newton observations of three G-type stars in very different evolutionary phases: the "weak-line" T Tauri star HD 283572, the Zero Age Main Sequence star EK Dra and the Hertzsprung-gap giant star 31 Corn. The X-ray luminosities of the three stars are all in the range 10(30) - 10(31) erg/s. We compare the Emission Measure Distributions of these bright sources, derived from high-resolution X-ray spectra, as well as the pattern of elemental abundances vs. First Ionization Potential (FIP). The results of our analysis suggest that the coronae of these stars are very similar in terms of dominant coronal magnetic structures, in spite of differences in their evolutio…
BeppoSAX observation of a large long-duration X-ray flare from UX Arietis
We present two X-ray observations of the RS CVn binary system UX Arietis performed with BeppoSAX in August 1997 and August 1998. A large flare lasting for about 1 day was detected during the rst observation, while the star was quiescent during the second one. Hard X-ray emission up to50 keV was detected in the PDS instrument during the rise and at the peak of the flare. Time-resolved spectroscopy of the flare with the LECS and MECS detectors shows that temperatures as high as 100 MK were reached at the flare peak; such high temperatures are responsible for the high-energy tail seen in the PDS. We conrm that the coronal abundance of UX Ari is strongly subsolar (Z=Z' 0:2 0:3); no signicant va…