David Richard

Three-body correlations and conditional forces in suspensions of active hard disks

Self-propelled Brownian particles show rich out-of-equilibrium physics, for instance, the motility-induced phase separation (MIPS). While decades of studying the structure of liquids have established a deep understanding of passive systems, not much is known about correlations in active suspensions. In this work we derive an approximate analytic theory for three-body correlations and forces in systems of active Brownian disks starting from the many-body Smoluchowski equation. We use our theory to predict the conditional forces that act on a tagged particle and their dependence on the propulsion speed of self-propelled disks. We identify preferred directions of these forces in relation to th…

research product

The role of shear in crystallization kinetics: From suppression to enhancement

In many technical applications, but also in natural processes like ice nucleation in clouds, crystallization proceeds in the presence of stresses and flows, hence the importance to understand the crystallization mechanism in simple situations. We employ molecular dynamics simulations to study the crystallization kinetics of a nearly hard sphere liquid that is weakly sheared. We demonstrate that shear flow both enhances and suppresses the crystallization kinetics of hard spheres. The effect of shear depends on the quiescent mechanism: suppression in the activated regime and enhancement in the diffusion-limited regime for small strain rates. At higher strain rates crystallization again become…

research product

Nucleation pathway and kinetics of phase-separating active Brownian particles

Suspensions of purely repulsive but self-propelled Brownian particles might undergo phase separation, a phenomenon that strongly resembles the phase separation of passive particles with attractions. Here we employ computer simulations to study the nucleation kinetics and the microscopic pathway active Brownian disks take in two dimensions when quenched from the homogeneous suspension to propulsion speeds beyond the binodal. We find the same qualitative behavior for the nucleation rate as a function of density as for a passive suspension undergoing liquid-vapor separation, suggesting that the scenario of an effective free energy also extends to the kinetics of phase separation. We study the …

research product

Coupling between criticality and gelation in "sticky" spheres: a structural analysis.

We combine experiments and simulations to study the link between criticality and gelation in sticky spheres. We employ confocal microscopy to image colloid-polymer mixtures and Monte Carlo simulations of the square-well (SW) potential as a reference model. To this end, we map our experimental samples onto the SW model. We find an excellent structural agreement between experiments and simulations, both for locally favored structures at the single particle level and large-scale fluctuations at criticality. We follow in detail the rapid structural change in the critical fluid when approaching the gas-liquid binodal and highlight the role of critical density fluctuations for this structural cro…

research product

Crystallization of hard spheres revisited. I. Extracting kinetics and free energy landscape from forward flux sampling

We investigate the kinetics and the free energy landscape of the crystallization of hard spheres from a supersaturated metastable liquid though direct simulations and forward flux sampling. In this first paper, we describe and test two different ways to reconstruct the free energy barriers from the sampled steady state probability distribution of cluster sizes without sampling the equilibrium distribution. The first method is based on mean first passage times, and the second method is based on splitting probabilities. We verify both methods for a single particle moving in a double-well potential. For the nucleation of hard spheres, these methods allow us to probe a wide range of supersatura…

research product

Entropic Interactions between Two Knots on a Semiflexible Polymer.

Two knots on a string can either be separated or intertwined, and may even pass through each other. At the microscopic scale, such transitions may occur spontaneously, driven by thermal fluctuations, and can be associated with a topological free energy barrier. In this manuscript, we study the respective location of a trefoil ( 3 1 ) and a figure-eight ( 4 1 ) knot on a semiflexible polymer, which is parameterized to model dsDNA in physiological conditions. Two cases are considered: first, end monomers are grafted to two confining walls of varying distance. Free energy profiles and transition barriers are then compared to a subset of free chains, which contain exactly one 3 1 and one 4 1 kn…

research product

Crystallization of hard spheres revisited. II. Thermodynamic modeling, nucleation work, and the surface of tension

Combining three numerical methods (forward flux sampling, seeding of droplets, and finite-size droplets), we probe the crystallization of hard spheres over the full range from close to coexistence to the spinodal regime. We show that all three methods allow us to sample different regimes and agree perfectly in the ranges where they overlap. By combining the nucleation work calculated from forward flux sampling of small droplets and the nucleation theorem, we show how to compute the nucleation work spanning three orders of magnitude. Using a variation of the nucleation theorem, we show how to extract the pressure difference between the solid droplet and ambient liquid. Moreover, combining th…

research product

Classical nucleation theory for the crystallization kinetics in sheared liquids

While statistical mechanics provides a comprehensive framework for the understanding of equilibrium phase behavior, predicting the kinetics of phase transformations remains a challenge. Classical nucleation theory (CNT) provides a thermodynamic framework to relate the nucleation rate to thermodynamic quantities such as pressure difference and interfacial tension through the nucleation work necessary to spawn critical nuclei. However, it remains unclear whether such an approach can be extended to the crystallization of driven melts that are subjected to mechanical stresses and flows. Here, we demonstrate numerically for hard spheres that the impact of simple shear on the crystallization rate…

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