Orlando Panella

Collider signatures of sneutrino cold dark matter

Decays of sneutrinos are considered in the case that in the presence of lepton-number violation in the sneutrino sector the lighter tau-sneutrino is the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle and the Cold Dark Matter in the Universe. In such circumstances the signals from sparticle decays differ considerably from the ``standard'' case where the lightest neutralino is the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle and it is found that in a wide range of parameters compatible with the sneutrino Cold Dark Matter hypothesis signatures characteristic for such a scenario should be easily observable at for example a Next Linear Collider.

research product

Sneutrino-induced like sign dilepton signal with conservedRparity

Lepton number violation could be manifest in the sneutrino sector of supersymmetric extensions of the standard model with conserved R-parity. Then sneutrinos decay partly into the ``wrong sign charged lepton'' final state, if kinematically accessible. In sneutrino pair production or associated single sneutrino production, the signal then is a like sign dilepton final state. Under favourable circumstances, such a signal could be visible at the LHC or a next generation linear collider for a relative sneutrino mass-splitting of order ${\cal O}(0.001)$ and sneutrino width of order ${\cal O}$(1 GeV). On the other hand, the like sign dilepton event rate at the TEVATRON is probably too small to be…

research product

Double beta decay in left-right symmetric models

Left-right symmetric models provide a natural framework for neutrinoless double beta ($\znbb$) decay. In the analysis of $\znbb$ decay in left-right symmetric models, however, it is usually assumed that all neutrinos are light. On the other hand, heavy {\it right-handed} neutrinos appear quite naturally in left-right symmetric models and should therefore not be neglected. Assuming the existence of at least one right-handed heavy neutrino, absence of $\znbb$ decay of $^{76}$Ge currently provides the following limits on the mass and mixing angle of right-handed W-bosons: $m_{W_R}\ge 1.1 $ TeV and $\tan(\zeta) \le 4.7 \times 10^{-3}$ for a particular value of the effective right-handed neutrin…

research product