Sylvi Monika Flateland
Helsepersonells erfaringer og tanker om bruk av frivillige i palliativ omsorg
Health care personnel’s experiences and thoughts on the use of volunteers in palliative care in a social perspectiveThe government of Norway is planning for the municipalities’ health care resources, including volunteering. The purpose of this study was to shed light on the experiences and thoughts of a group of health care personnel on the use of volunteers in palliative care in the community health care services, and to discuss the findings in a social perspective. Individual interviews were conducted with seven nurses and three nursing assistants. Using a qualitative content analysis three categories emerged: "The importance of organization, clarification and responsibility," "Qualificat…
To be a trained and supported volunteer in palliative care – a phenomenological study
Background: It has been found that including volunteers in palliative care is a positive contribution to seriously ill patients. It is, however, recommended that the volunteers are trained and supported. The aim of this study was to describe a group of trained and supported volunteers’ lived experiences as volunteers in palliative care within the community health care services. Methods: This study adopted a descriptive phenomenological approach featuring individual interviews with nine volunteers. The interviews were analysed using the descriptive phenomenological research method according to Giorgi. Results: Being a volunteer in palliative care was both a positive and meaningful experience…
Perceived health and risk of undernutrition: a comparison of different nutritional screening results in older patients
Artikkelen rapporterer en studie hvor hensikten var a sammenligne screeningsresultater ved bruk av ulike ernaeringsscreeninginstrumenter hos eldre pasienter i institusjon.
Pårørendes erfaringer med bruk av frivillige ved alvorlig sykdom i hjemmet
Next-of-kins’ experiences when using volunteers for palliative patients living at home The aim of this study was to illuminate next-of-kins’ experiences when using volunteers supplementing community health care services for palliative patients living at home. The study has a qualitative approach. Nine individual interviews were conducted with next of kin from a municipality in Southern Norway. Use of volunteers for palliative care in the home was a relief for next-of-kin, especially prominent for families who had limited social network. Planned volunteering resulted in the best results. Use of volunteer was also found helpful for families as they were given a "breathing space" and a certain…
Norwegian version of the Nutritional Form for the Elderly: sufficient psychometric properties for performing institutional screening of elderly patients.
The objective of this study was to test if the Norwegian version of the nutritional screening instrument entitled Nutritional Form for the Elderly (NUFFE-NO) demonstrates sufficient evidence of reliability and validity, including sensitivity and specificity, when applied to a select group of elderly hospital patients. The hypothesis was that NUFFE-NO has sufficient psychometric properties to be used as a screening instrument. The model used for the testing procedure was designed to test reliability (homogeneity and stability) and validity (criterion-related, concurrent validity, and construct validity) including sensitivity and specificity in a cross-sectional study. One-hundred fifty-eight…
Experiences of using the ISBAR tool after an intervention: A focus group study among critical care nurses and anaesthesiologists.
Objective The ISBAR tool is a structured approach to communication between healthcare professionals and refers to Identity, Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation. The objective of this study was to explore how critical care nurses and anaesthesiologists experience using the ISBAR tool in clinical practice. Design Three focus groups were conducted with a total of three anaesthesiologists and 14 critical care nurses from two hospitals in Norway after they had attended an intervention. Setting The intervention consisted of two days at a university, with a four-month interval between, attending resource lectures and simulation exercises focusing on the ISBAR tool. The focus grou…
Working as a nurse in community health services during Covid-19: a qualitative study.
Abstract Background During the Covid-19 pandemic, new roles, increased workload, lack of staffing and infection control equipment, unclear infection control guidelines and conflicting information have led to uncertainty and unpredictability for health workers. Although community home-care nurses have been exposed to a range of personal and professional stressors during the pandemic, few studies have focused on their experiences. The aim of this study was to explore how Norwegian home-care nurses experienced the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. This knowledge may contribute to preparations for meetings with patients in future pandemics, how management can support its employees and how to…
Exploring the experiences of being an ethnic minority student within undergraduate nurse education: a qualitative study
Abstract Background Students studying in a country where another language is spoken face multiple challenges including their ability to fully integrate with peers and academic pressures in trying to obtain an undergraduate nursing degree. The aim of the study was to explore the lived experiences of students, from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds, undertaking an undergraduate nursing degree. Methods The study adopted a qualitative design and eight individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were analysed using manifest content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results Students reported feelings of isolation and the lack of opportunities to integrate…