Marthe M. Fosse Fensli
Helsepersonells erfaringer og tanker om bruk av frivillige i palliativ omsorg
Health care personnel’s experiences and thoughts on the use of volunteers in palliative care in a social perspectiveThe government of Norway is planning for the municipalities’ health care resources, including volunteering. The purpose of this study was to shed light on the experiences and thoughts of a group of health care personnel on the use of volunteers in palliative care in the community health care services, and to discuss the findings in a social perspective. Individual interviews were conducted with seven nurses and three nursing assistants. Using a qualitative content analysis three categories emerged: "The importance of organization, clarification and responsibility," "Qualificat…
To be a trained and supported volunteer in palliative care – a phenomenological study
Background: It has been found that including volunteers in palliative care is a positive contribution to seriously ill patients. It is, however, recommended that the volunteers are trained and supported. The aim of this study was to describe a group of trained and supported volunteers’ lived experiences as volunteers in palliative care within the community health care services. Methods: This study adopted a descriptive phenomenological approach featuring individual interviews with nine volunteers. The interviews were analysed using the descriptive phenomenological research method according to Giorgi. Results: Being a volunteer in palliative care was both a positive and meaningful experience…
Pårørendes erfaringer med bruk av frivillige ved alvorlig sykdom i hjemmet
Next-of-kins’ experiences when using volunteers for palliative patients living at home The aim of this study was to illuminate next-of-kins’ experiences when using volunteers supplementing community health care services for palliative patients living at home. The study has a qualitative approach. Nine individual interviews were conducted with next of kin from a municipality in Southern Norway. Use of volunteers for palliative care in the home was a relief for next-of-kin, especially prominent for families who had limited social network. Planned volunteering resulted in the best results. Use of volunteer was also found helpful for families as they were given a "breathing space" and a certain…