Kurt Schmid

A stepper motor-driven microelectrode positioner

The mechanical elements and the electronic control system from a stepper motor-driven microelectrode positioner is described. The unit embodies a high-precision small step angle hybrid motor. The compact, rugged and totally concentric design of the mechanic, by a spindle mechanism achieves the necessary precision by translating the stepwise rotations of the motor into steps of linear movement. The system takes advantage of commercially available low friction parts such as ball bearings, ball bushings and axles with hardened surfaces. The related electronic control unit is designed around the most recent integrated circuitry which is both sophisticated and economical. Though the described sy…

research product

Evidence for an involvement of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in synaptic excitation of phrenic motoneurons in the rabbit

Abstract The action of endogenous excitatory amino acids on phrenic motoneurons was studied in anesthetized, vagotomized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated rabbits. The NMDA receptor antagonists APV and ketamine, as well as the non-NMDA receptor antagonists GAMS and DNQX were administered by microinjection into the ventral horn of the spinal segments C3-C5. Injection of each antagonist resulted in a reversible reduction of the phrenic nerve activity. Results suggest an important function of endogenous excitatory amino acids in the excitation of phrenic motneurons. NMDA as well as non-NMDA receptors are involved. The functional role of both receptor types in bulbospinal neurotransmission…

research product

Medullary respiratory-related neurons with axonal connections to rostral pons and their function in termination of inspiration.

In urethane-anaesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated rabbits, medullary respiration-related neurons (RRU) were classified according to the phase relation of their burst discharge to phrenic nerve activity. Phase-bound inspiratory (I) or expiratory (E) neurons were discriminated from phase-spanning expiratory-inspiratory (EI) or inspiratory-expiratory (IE) units. Mechanisms of termination of inspiration by electrical stimulation of rostral pontine nuclei (Nc. parabrachialis medialis; Lc. coeruleus) were examined firstly to demonstrate whether RRU receive descending excitatory and inhibitory afferents as well as ascending efferents and secondly to analyse the time course of the ne…

research product

Concurrent fast and slow synchronized efferent phrenic activities in time and frequency domain.

Abstract In urethane-anesthetized or decerebrated vagotomized rabbits efferent multifiber activity of the phrenic nerve was investigated for synchronized activities both in time and frequency domains. When respiratory drive was steadily increased by either an elevation of end-tidal CO2 concentration or i.v. administration of 4-aminopyridine, medium-frequency oscillations (MFO) first increased, then decreased and finally became absent. The power of high-frequency oscillations (HFO) steadily rose with increasing respiratory drive. In contrast to HFO which revealed a unimodal spectral peak of mostly small bandwidth, the MFO spectrum in most cases consisted of a broad complex. This complex in s…

research product

Cycle-triggered averaging of respiration-related neuronal activity

Abstract A computer system is presented which provides off-line computation of cycle-triggered histograms (CTH) of respiration-related neuronal activity. Binwidths of the histograms are freely selectable by software from 10 ms to 100 ms. For special evaluation purposes. CTHs can be standardized in different ways concerning cycle duration as well as amplitude. Time incidence of maximum frequency, center of gravity and expiration-to-inspiration phase transition within the respiratory cycle are computed. The system employs special hardware interfaces to an 8-bit microcomputer which are briefly described. Data acquisition, data manipulation and output handling of the results are performed by ch…

research product

Influence of rubrospinal tract and the adjacent mesencephalic reticular formation on the activity of medullary respiratory neurons and the phrenic nerve discharge in the rabbit

Suprapontine brain sites acting on the central respiratory system have been demonstrated to give rise to inspiratory as well as expiratory facilitatory effects. In the present study the inspiratory inhibitory effect which has been reported in the cat to be elicited consistently by electrical stimulation of the rubrospinal tract and the adjacent mesencephalic reticular formation was examined in the urethane-anaesthetized rabbit. Stimulation of these sites with single electrical shocks of moderate intensity induced a short latency (onset after 3.0 ms) transient (duration: 29 ms) inhibition of the phrenic nerve activity (PHR). Short volleys of stimuli applied in mid- to late-inspiration led to…

research product

Evidence for a respiration-modulated cholinergic action on the activity of medullary respiration-related neurons in the rabbit. An iontophoretic study.

Effects of the iontophoretically administered cholinergic agonists acetylcholine, bethanechol and DMPP on the activity of medullary respiration-related neurons were examined in urethane-anaesthetized rabbits. Inhibitory effects prevailed over excitatory effects. Analysis of cholinergic effects by cycle-triggered averaging revealed three major types of neuronal responses: (i) constant alterations of spike-density throughout the whole period of activity ("constant effects"), (ii) effects increasing during the progression of the burst of discharge or effects restricted to a particular fraction of the burst ("phasic effects") and (iii) effects which were characterized by an excitation during on…

research product

A device for spike train sampling with built-in memory.

Abstract The described interface to a digital computer measures interspike interval durations with a resolution of 10 μs. A built-in first-in first-out (FIFO) memory relieves the host computer from frequent I/O intensive tasks. The internal FIFO buffer can store up to 512 data words (wordlength is 16 bit) and works on the dual-port principle. This way the acquisition of a neuronal spike train is completely independent of the computer's simultaneously ongoing data access. A simple handshake protocol between the interface and the computer prevents any overhead communication. The buffer architecture of the instrument releases the host computer from high speed I/O handling schemes like real-tim…

research product

Possible mechanism of pontine influence on output of medullary respiratory center in the rabbit

research product

GABA, receptor mediated fast synaptic inhibition in the rabbit brain-stem respiratory system

The involvement of GABA mediated neurotransmission in the central control of respiration was investigated by administration of the specific GABAA receptor agonist muscimol and the specific GABAA receptor antagonist biculline into the fourth cerebral ventricle of the rabbit. Cycle-triggered averaging of the phrenic nerve activity (PNA) was used to quantify drug-induced changes of the central respiratory pattern. Muscimol reduced the peak amplitude of PNA and increased the duration of the respiratory phases. High amounts of muscimol led to a long-lasting but reversible central apnea. Bicuculline very effectively blocked the effects of externally applied muscimol. Blockade of intrinsically act…

research product