Kaisa Figueiredo
Assessing the influence of confounding biological factors when estimating bioaccumulation of PCBs with passive samplers in aquatic ecosystems
Passive samplers are promising surrogates for organisms, mimicking bioaccumulation. However, several biological characteristics disturb the passive partitioning process in organisms by accelerating or restraining bioaccumulation, resulting in species-specific body residues of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). In addition to site-specific characteristics and HOC concentrations, age, sex, diet, biotransformation capability and habitat-specific characteristics may affect body residues. Two passive sampler types, polyethylene (PE) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) were deployed in a PCB-contaminated freshwater lake water and sediment, respectively, to assess their bioaccumulation predictio…
Population structure, life cycle, and trophic niche of the glacial relict amphipod, Gammaracanthus lacustris, in a large boreal lake
Ecology of the glacial relict macrocrustacean Gammaracanthus lacustris, a rare inhabitant of deep Fennoscandian lakes, is poorly understood. We studied the life cycle and trophic position of this cold‐stenothermic amphipod in Lake Paasivesi, eastern Finland. The study is based on intensive sampling and analyses of fatty acid composition as well as stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios. Both day and night, the G. lacustris population occurred at depths below 25 m at temperatures 40 mm and live up to 4 years. The oldest and the largest individuals and females seemed to favour the deepest zones. In October, almost 100% of females with length at least 25 mm (i.e. females presu…
Makroäyriäisten (Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis, Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa) vuorokausivaellukset Saimaan Paasivedellä; Diel vertical migrations of the macroscopic crustaceans Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis and Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa in Lake Paasivesi, Saimaa
We examined the diel vertical migrations of the macroscopic pelagic relict crustaceans Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis and Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa in the deep Lake Paasivesi basin of the Saimaa lake complex. The samples were collected in October 2006 and 2007 using a Hydro-Bios Multi Plankton Sampler onboard the research vessel R/V Muikku. The study provides information about the day-and-night and year-to-year changes in the vertical distribution of these crustaceans. Regarding G. lacustris we explored if body size (length), sex or maturity have bearing on the individuals' depth preference or possible diel migrations. We noticed that G. lacustris females occur…
Population structure, life cycle, and trophic niche of the glacial relict amphipod, Gammaracanthus lacustris , in a large boreal lake
Trophic transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a boreal lake ecosystem: Testing of bioaccumulation models
Understanding the fate of persistent organic chemicals in the environment is fundamental information for the successful protection of ecosystems and humans. A common dilemma in risk assessment is that monitoring data reveals contaminant concentrations in wildlife, while the source concentrations, route of uptake and acceptable source concentrations remain unsolved. To overcome this problem, different models have been developed in order to obtain more precise risk estimates for the food webs. However, there is still an urgent need for studies combining modelled and measured data in order to verify the functionality of the models. Studies utilising field-collected data covering entire food we…